Not that we pray for a third world war but our curiosity just got us thinking what countries can boast of the best forces. So, if you happen to be a citizen or live in any of these countries, rest assured that you are well covered as your soldiers are up to the task of protecting you from external aggressions.
1. Of course we always knew it would be the good Ole Uncle Sam. The United States Navy SEALs (air and land) are the deadliest forces in the world. No matter how adorable the seals at the last circus show you saw were, you definitely won't be taking your kids to see these other SEALs in action They are well equipped and renowned for their ability to deal with even the toughest offensives. They are best trained to deal with counter-terrorism, hostage rescue and warfare. Famous Ops include the Bin laden killing and the swift execution of the three Somalian pirates who held a captain hostage.
2. We'll call them trained killers for want of another name. They are Russia's Alpha Group, trained in counter-terrorism. The group is made up of bad-ass, tough looking guys whose smile will make you piss in your pants. It was formed in 1974 and has survived the fall of the Iron Curtain to exist up till today. In 2004, during a Beslan school hostage rescue crisis, they rescued 1200 hostages from Chechen separatists and took down 31 of the bad guys too. Trust us you don't want these puppies barking up your tree.
You've always imagined that there are only dangerous animals in the wild, well, we present the Kaibiles.
The Kaibiles of Guatemala are fearless and full of guts. They know no fear and their expertise in jungle combats and adverse insurgency ops will chill your blood. Their motto being ''“If I advance, follow me. If I stop, urge me on. If I retreat, kill me'', makes it a huge turn-off for spineless individuals. They are very effective and could be utterly ruthless when the need arises. Eight kaibiles were killed and five wounded in an ambush in Congo as part of a UN peacekeeping force. The dead soldiers were part of a botched operation to capture the deputy commander of Uganda's Lord's Resistance Army.
4. Busy combating counter-terrorism and hostage rescue are the talented special forces of Israel-Sayer et Matkal. Experts in small arms, terrorism and counter terrorism, martial arts and especially intelligence. They are deadly, ruthless and effective. They have proved their worth in the past by rescuing hostages from an hijacked plane.
5. What comedy is to Rowan Atkinson, warfare, sabotage, intelligence gathering, close quarter battle and espionage is to the British SAS. While you play your video games chasing small time thieves down dark alleys, these guys catch the real bad guys. You can find them in mountains, jungles and deserts where they make their home. In 1980, during the hostage crisis of the Iranian embassy in London, the SAS were called on and they took out 5 out of the 6 terrorists and saved 19 hostages.
Friday, August 17, 2012
STLY-PLUS releases new singles...Alive
Nigeria's favourite R&B group is back with an energetic and exciting new single...Alive. The song is definitely one to keep you on your feet while laced with the unmistakable Styl-Plus Sound...Feel the beat of your Heart!
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Dating moves that can land you in jail
We all know how hard it is to come up with dating ideas that will win your sweetheart's heart or at least ensure you a pleasant evening at the club. While you're still searching the web for some crazy lovey-dovey moves, we brushed up on our knowledge of criminal law to keep you safe from the cops on your next love escapade. Here are some romantic ideas that will land you a date with an inmate, rather than a hot night with your lover!
1. For all you shy lovers out there, next time you're ogling your potential date from the nearest bushes or the tree in their garden, be it in hail or sun, and simultaneously drooling over their latest pictures you secretively took with your hi-tech super-zoom camera, remember the word "stalking". In case you didn't know, stalking still exists in other places besides Facebook and is in fact a criminal offense punishable in most of the countries by imprisonment for up to 5 years!
2. You'd still rather leave a big teddy-bear "from a secret admirer" or sneak into their dorm room to sniff on the hottie's perfume or roll over in his/her bed while they're out? Unfortunately, cops won't appreciate the beauty of the rose petals forming a heart on your crush's bed when they charge you with breaking and entering: which is an even more serious crime, regardless of place and time.
3. Dating back from the knight's era, there's been a general notion that a real man has to defend his fair lady against all the odds and jerks. Isn't this the main reason why guys work out so hard at the gym? One punch - and you're a hero, with all the ladies lying at your feet together with the defeated rivals. Reality check: next time you aim that hero punch, remember that beating someone up (even if it doesn't result in death, which can be very likely) is still a crime. No matter how distressed your damsel was, how malicious was the villain and how chivalrous you were trying to act, your new prison friends won't sob at your romantic gestures, but rather work out and practice their kicking skills on you (there are no gyms in most of the prisons).
4. If you're a girl, you're probably not flexing your muscles in front of your rival, but looking for some more cunning (but not less criminal) ways to get that stupid bimbo your boyfriend's staring at out of the picture. Hollywood movies teach us that there's not better way to win over a competition but spiking their drink with something nasty. Even if you're not trying to poison the second hottest chick in the club with something procured from a drugstore (or from a dealer John lurking at the door), it's still a crime, that can land you in prison for up to 10 years. We bet, 10 years without makeup and with the same clothes every day aren't worth any guy, who's not cool enough to settle down with one girl.
5. Supposedly, you got a date for tonight after all, without breaking any laws or at least without attracting the attention of patrolling police cars on the lookout for criminals. We've got a surprise for you: spicing it up in the sex compartment can get you a uniform jumpsuit from your state anyway. Even if you're not in a Muslim state, passionately getting it on the beach (sex in public places is punishable by death in such states as the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Thailand), you can still get in trouble! Under the law, tying your partner up to the bed and having it "a bit rough" or surprising your partner with your new sexual moves while they're asleep, was still considered a rape last time we checked. "No way!", you'll pout. Well, tell this to a Norwegian woman, who got 9 months in prison for performing oral sex on an unwilling, sleeping man.
Hope, we didn't scare you into a loveless, lonely evening. Go out, stay safe and have fun!
1. For all you shy lovers out there, next time you're ogling your potential date from the nearest bushes or the tree in their garden, be it in hail or sun, and simultaneously drooling over their latest pictures you secretively took with your hi-tech super-zoom camera, remember the word "stalking". In case you didn't know, stalking still exists in other places besides Facebook and is in fact a criminal offense punishable in most of the countries by imprisonment for up to 5 years!
2. You'd still rather leave a big teddy-bear "from a secret admirer" or sneak into their dorm room to sniff on the hottie's perfume or roll over in his/her bed while they're out? Unfortunately, cops won't appreciate the beauty of the rose petals forming a heart on your crush's bed when they charge you with breaking and entering: which is an even more serious crime, regardless of place and time.

4. If you're a girl, you're probably not flexing your muscles in front of your rival, but looking for some more cunning (but not less criminal) ways to get that stupid bimbo your boyfriend's staring at out of the picture. Hollywood movies teach us that there's not better way to win over a competition but spiking their drink with something nasty. Even if you're not trying to poison the second hottest chick in the club with something procured from a drugstore (or from a dealer John lurking at the door), it's still a crime, that can land you in prison for up to 10 years. We bet, 10 years without makeup and with the same clothes every day aren't worth any guy, who's not cool enough to settle down with one girl.
5. Supposedly, you got a date for tonight after all, without breaking any laws or at least without attracting the attention of patrolling police cars on the lookout for criminals. We've got a surprise for you: spicing it up in the sex compartment can get you a uniform jumpsuit from your state anyway. Even if you're not in a Muslim state, passionately getting it on the beach (sex in public places is punishable by death in such states as the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Thailand), you can still get in trouble! Under the law, tying your partner up to the bed and having it "a bit rough" or surprising your partner with your new sexual moves while they're asleep, was still considered a rape last time we checked. "No way!", you'll pout. Well, tell this to a Norwegian woman, who got 9 months in prison for performing oral sex on an unwilling, sleeping man.
Hope, we didn't scare you into a loveless, lonely evening. Go out, stay safe and have fun!
Weird World: The man who orgasmed to train derailments and other bizarre stuff
Our world is full of mysteries which might never be solved. Although science and religion try to explain a lot of mysterious events in the history of the world, there are a couple of such mysteries that are bizarre and remain unraveled.

We start with Szilveszter Matuska. Everything about this dude screams weirdo! His specialty was derailing trains, jerking off to that and blaming the whole act on God. Weird, isn't it? He was quoted as saying he loved watching people die and nothing gave him as big an orgasm as that. He landed in jail after committing some heinous train derailing crime but he wouldn't stay there as he escaped. One of his infamous quotes, ''I like to see people die, I like to hear them scream''. Although this guy is dead and rotten, we couldn't help but shudder at how nutty he must have been. He must have had ice water flowing in his veins for all we care.

Our next guy will completely blow your mind. His name is Hai Ngoc and dude hasn't slept for over three decades. We honestly don't know how possible that is but here we are. He suffered a fever in 1973 and since then, sleep took flight from his body. He says ''I don't know whether the insomnia has impacted my health or not. But I'm still healthy and can farm normally like others''. He used three months of sleepless nights to dig two large ponds to raise fish (he should have asked us about some great ideas for an all-nighter!).
Sanju Bhagat is a medical wonder. His swollen stomach looked something like a tumor but mysteriously, he happened to be carrying his twin brother in his tummy. Living in the city of Nagpur, India, Bhagat's swollen tummy became a source of worry to him and well wishers that they had to take him a doctor. While operating on Bhagat, the doctor saw something he had never encountered. As he cut deeper into Bhagat's stomach, gallons of fluid spilled out — and then something extraordinary happened: first, one limb came out, then another limb came out. Then some part of genitalia, then some part of hair, some limbs, jaws, limbs, hair. After removing the mutilated body of Bhagat's twin from his stomach, the doctor discovered he had one of the rarest medical conditions: fetus in fetu. We'll leave you to check what that means as this still sends shivers down our spine.
Well, we are tempted to believe this guy invented homelessness. He's no other than Mehran Karimi Nasseri, also known as Sir, Alfred Mehran (yes with a comma after the Sir). We actually believe he's earned the title or how else can you describe someone who's been living at the airport since 1988. After seeking for asylum in many European countries and getting turned down, Sir, made his home at the departure lounge of Terminal One in Charles de Gaulle Airport and he's been there since August 8, 1988. He does not seem to speak with anyone normally. With his cart and bags, he almost looks like a traveler, so people either do not notice him or ignore him as if he were a homeless person.
This last case is as pitiful as mysterious. We sympathize with Aussie teenager, Ashleigh Morris who suffers from a rare skin disorder called ''Aquagenic Urticria''. In other words, she's allergic to water. Can't swim, can't have normal showers and can't afford any skin contact with water at all. Painful welts develop on her skin any time she sweats or pours water on her skin. Though she is allergic to water, she must wash herself and takes showers for minutes at a time since it is such a painful experience. She stays indoors for hours after each shower just to allow the rash to subside before going out in public.

We start with Szilveszter Matuska. Everything about this dude screams weirdo! His specialty was derailing trains, jerking off to that and blaming the whole act on God. Weird, isn't it? He was quoted as saying he loved watching people die and nothing gave him as big an orgasm as that. He landed in jail after committing some heinous train derailing crime but he wouldn't stay there as he escaped. One of his infamous quotes, ''I like to see people die, I like to hear them scream''. Although this guy is dead and rotten, we couldn't help but shudder at how nutty he must have been. He must have had ice water flowing in his veins for all we care.

Our next guy will completely blow your mind. His name is Hai Ngoc and dude hasn't slept for over three decades. We honestly don't know how possible that is but here we are. He suffered a fever in 1973 and since then, sleep took flight from his body. He says ''I don't know whether the insomnia has impacted my health or not. But I'm still healthy and can farm normally like others''. He used three months of sleepless nights to dig two large ponds to raise fish (he should have asked us about some great ideas for an all-nighter!).

Well, we are tempted to believe this guy invented homelessness. He's no other than Mehran Karimi Nasseri, also known as Sir, Alfred Mehran (yes with a comma after the Sir). We actually believe he's earned the title or how else can you describe someone who's been living at the airport since 1988. After seeking for asylum in many European countries and getting turned down, Sir, made his home at the departure lounge of Terminal One in Charles de Gaulle Airport and he's been there since August 8, 1988. He does not seem to speak with anyone normally. With his cart and bags, he almost looks like a traveler, so people either do not notice him or ignore him as if he were a homeless person.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Innocent gestures that could get you killed abroad
Usually we travel from one country to another and don't even know how close we get to being offensive with these innocent gestures. Before you take that next trip, we advise you read this piece so you don't become another ''idiot abroad''. You might want to watch how you tap your fingers or roll your eyes when next you travel to these countries.
In Greece, merely holding your hand out will attract a few hostile stares, and if you're not very lucky, a complete beat up. This seemingly harmless gesture is known as the ''moutza'' and it dates back to the time of the Byzantine Empire when they paraded criminals on horseback through the streets. They often had their faces blackened with either charcoal or a worse substance. If you're looking to piss a Greek person off, you can do the double moutza which features both hands splayed above your head. You should also be ready to either sprint like one of the Olympic athletes or bear the consequences. It's actually your call.
We all throw the thumbs up gesture around carelessly, but it's hideously offensive in some countries to put your thumbs up and it could land you in serious trouble. In a large part of Latin America, West Africa, Greece, Russia and the South of Italy, the thumbs up gesture is synonymous with the middle finger...''sit on it and pivot''...hahahah.
Also, you might want to be mindful of how fast you use the thumbs up gesture in the Middle East. You're literally asking for truck loads of trouble as this is the biggest insult out there.
Yes, Bollywood is pretty and we love all these dance steps and stuffs, but when you travel to India or Pakistan, the ''cutis'' is a No Bueno. In Western cultures, it interprets to the thumbs up sign but in these two countries, holding your thumb up and pushing the nail on your thumb against your front teeth, basically means ''screw you''. We haven't heard of so many Indian boxers but you never can say if you try the ''cutis'' gesture in India.
Should you ever find yourself in Belgium, France, Northern Italy or Tunisia, you might want to think twice before you flick your chin with your hand. In France, this gesture is known as la barbe or the beard. It could fetch you some amount of la whooping as it's literally short of flashing your own privates. In these countries, it means get lost and in Italy it stands for "no".

A good way to get deported from Russia (or Ukraine) is by giving an even number of flowers. You might have the same even number of flowers given at your own funeral because even number of flowers are only given at funerals in these countries. Such gift is seen as inviting death. You should also never give a clock present to a Chinese person as the word ''clock'' is almost identical to death. And for the love of your loved ones, don't ever give anyone a white flower in Bangladesh or they will presumably be obliged to buy a spade and bury themselves while muttering at you reproachfully.
Finally, a very efficient way to land in jail in most Arab countries especially Saudi Arabia is to do the five fathers gesture which gently translates: your mother is a whore. It is known to be the rudest hand gesture in the Arab world. This sign accuses the subject's mother of having so many suitors that paternity is impossible to determine. To execute, point your left index finger at your right hand, while pursing all fingers of the right hand together. The insult is extreme and almost certain to provoke violence.
We love you and want you to enjoy your travels but also hope you won't be daring to try out these gestures as they are very likely to land you in lots of trouble in places where they are regarded to be offensive.
The blogger does not accept any responsibility for violence, rioting or deportation that may result from attempts to mimic these gestures
In Greece, merely holding your hand out will attract a few hostile stares, and if you're not very lucky, a complete beat up. This seemingly harmless gesture is known as the ''moutza'' and it dates back to the time of the Byzantine Empire when they paraded criminals on horseback through the streets. They often had their faces blackened with either charcoal or a worse substance. If you're looking to piss a Greek person off, you can do the double moutza which features both hands splayed above your head. You should also be ready to either sprint like one of the Olympic athletes or bear the consequences. It's actually your call.
We all throw the thumbs up gesture around carelessly, but it's hideously offensive in some countries to put your thumbs up and it could land you in serious trouble. In a large part of Latin America, West Africa, Greece, Russia and the South of Italy, the thumbs up gesture is synonymous with the middle finger...''sit on it and pivot''...hahahah.
Also, you might want to be mindful of how fast you use the thumbs up gesture in the Middle East. You're literally asking for truck loads of trouble as this is the biggest insult out there.

Should you ever find yourself in Belgium, France, Northern Italy or Tunisia, you might want to think twice before you flick your chin with your hand. In France, this gesture is known as la barbe or the beard. It could fetch you some amount of la whooping as it's literally short of flashing your own privates. In these countries, it means get lost and in Italy it stands for "no".

A good way to get deported from Russia (or Ukraine) is by giving an even number of flowers. You might have the same even number of flowers given at your own funeral because even number of flowers are only given at funerals in these countries. Such gift is seen as inviting death. You should also never give a clock present to a Chinese person as the word ''clock'' is almost identical to death. And for the love of your loved ones, don't ever give anyone a white flower in Bangladesh or they will presumably be obliged to buy a spade and bury themselves while muttering at you reproachfully.

We love you and want you to enjoy your travels but also hope you won't be daring to try out these gestures as they are very likely to land you in lots of trouble in places where they are regarded to be offensive.
The blogger does not accept any responsibility for violence, rioting or deportation that may result from attempts to mimic these gestures
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Saudi's proposed only women city

Does it sound alluring? First thing that came to mind was, ''really, a city without men?'' We don't know, but why do we feel something is missing here? Sure, we've all at one time or the other imagined our planet without the opposite sex. Let's think of a world without women. Perhaps, Brad Pitt would be without Angelina Jolie, all men would be gay, we'd have to find some way to make new people as conception and pregnancy would be totally impossible, the tampon and plastic surgery industries would go out of business and our roads would be a lot safer....hahahaha! Maybe texting would also go down to a large extent and gadgets would cost twice as less as they do now. On the other hand though, most men will die of food poisoning and our houses will look like shanties.
Now, let's imagine what the all woman world would look like especially in regards to the proposed Saudi all woman city. We most certainly think such world would be devoid of laughter and humor. Guys are responsible for most of the humor in the world. Check out Rowan Atkinson, Chris Rock, David Lachapelle, to name a few. Wouldn't it be a little boring? We just think the world is pretty much fine with the variety that both genders bring. In the absence of men, will these women feel less need to look good and attractive? (Not that it matters in Saudi Arabia anyways). It just doesn't jell.
Yes, we understand it's Saudi Arabia and there's sharia and all that; but an all woman city!! We don't know for sure the reasons behind this proposal; probably to reduce the disparity between the male-female employment and create more job openings for women to enable them to have a more important role in the country's development, but still, a prospect of an all woman city leaves us all excited and wondering.
The blogger isn't against Islam or any other religion nor against the people and laws of Saudi Arabia. Issues are discussed based mainly on interaction and public opinion.
Angelina Jolie,
Brad Pitt,
Chris Rock,
Saudi Arabia,
Top 9 saddest countries in the world
These are countries that have made it to the bottom rung of the happiness ladder. Many factors such as life expectancy, GDP, local purchasing power and basic amenities were considered. The conditions in these countries aren't exactly inspiring and one can only hope things get better for the people living there.
9. Lying ninth place to the last is Sudan. With serious political upheaval that has led to what seems like an unending civil war, life in Sudan could be compared to hell on earth. There is vast unemployment, a terrible case of lawlessness, wide-spread poverty, and hunger. It could be said that happiness in Sudan has fled as it almost strikes us as the devil's backyard.
8. On the eighth position is Yemen. This far east country is an epitome of civil unrest and religious extremism. There are few or non-existent liberties. Education for girls is almost zero and there is only a third report of any form of employment. Yemen isn't hell but it must have a branch of hell in it.
7. Pakistan occupies the seventh place. With an ineffective and a very unstable government, surviving in Pakistan has all the odds stacked against it. There is a very high level of insecurity and the locals are known to be very intolerant of outsiders. We think although the devil doesn't live in this country, there must be some ''HELLBURGER'' outlet somewhere in the country.
6.Let's all give it up for Ethiopia. Although we don't see why Ethiopia should occupy this unenviable position, several goings-on in the country point to why this is so. Literacy is just 30%, undernourishment is 40% and the unemployment rate is 20%. With little resources to go around, there is a grim, sombre atmosphere. You might want to watch your mien and the way you laugh/smile when you travel to Ad-dis-ababa, the locals might mistake you for a loony for laughing.
5. How about a round of applause for Zimbabwe. We love this country but can't understand what in hell is going on. There is absurd, rotten kleptocracy and absolute lack of civil rights. Political violence is commonplace while the literacy level is abysmal. The life expectancy in Zimbabwe is absurd and there is total disillusionment and despair in town. The inflation rate is another source of concern. We still don't think the devil lives here but he sure doesn't live far from it.
4. Central African Republic. There is a looming, complete absence of hope in this hell-hole. More than 10% of children die in their first year. There is no foundation for future growth, only a few percentage have access to adequate sanitation facilities and many cannot afford food and shelter. The CAR could as well be another gate-way to hell. Does God hate the CAR so much? It's so disturbing how life is in this country. We are tempted to say poverty and depression were invented in the Central African Republic.
3. Well, if the CAR is bad, then life in Chad is definitely worse. Home to the famous lake Chad, life should have ordinarily been not so bad in this small African nation but for drought and famine. The Chad lake has dried up and has taken the livelihood of most of the locals with it. The economy of this country has been destroyed and with the huge number of refugees streaming in from neighboring Dar-fur, no respite seems to be in sight.
2. Before our winner is the Democratic Republic of Congo. Years of civil war and genocide have torn this country apart. There are abundant cases of rape and statistics show that 48 women are raped every hour in the Congo, which makes it 1,152 women per day. The country can only boast of being richer than Zimbabwe which lies on the rock bottom of the GDP table. The irony of it all is that the DR C has one of the largest and richest mineral deposits in Africa but because of the exploitation of the people and God knows what, the Congolese people are suffering so badly.
1. And the winner is Somalia. We almost couldn't call this place a country. No laws exist. Nothing works and there's absolutely no hope for a better future. Do people still live in Somalia? Somalia has gained international reputation recently as being the largest hub of pirate attacks on passing international vessels. The average life expectancy is 49 or perhaps less. There has been several attempts to build legitimate governments but these governments keep crumbling like a deck of cards, making way for economic instability and war.
With this list, there's only question that comes to mind: What's wrong Africa?
9. Lying ninth place to the last is Sudan. With serious political upheaval that has led to what seems like an unending civil war, life in Sudan could be compared to hell on earth. There is vast unemployment, a terrible case of lawlessness, wide-spread poverty, and hunger. It could be said that happiness in Sudan has fled as it almost strikes us as the devil's backyard.
7. Pakistan occupies the seventh place. With an ineffective and a very unstable government, surviving in Pakistan has all the odds stacked against it. There is a very high level of insecurity and the locals are known to be very intolerant of outsiders. We think although the devil doesn't live in this country, there must be some ''HELLBURGER'' outlet somewhere in the country.
6.Let's all give it up for Ethiopia. Although we don't see why Ethiopia should occupy this unenviable position, several goings-on in the country point to why this is so. Literacy is just 30%, undernourishment is 40% and the unemployment rate is 20%. With little resources to go around, there is a grim, sombre atmosphere. You might want to watch your mien and the way you laugh/smile when you travel to Ad-dis-ababa, the locals might mistake you for a loony for laughing.
5. How about a round of applause for Zimbabwe. We love this country but can't understand what in hell is going on. There is absurd, rotten kleptocracy and absolute lack of civil rights. Political violence is commonplace while the literacy level is abysmal. The life expectancy in Zimbabwe is absurd and there is total disillusionment and despair in town. The inflation rate is another source of concern. We still don't think the devil lives here but he sure doesn't live far from it.
4. Central African Republic. There is a looming, complete absence of hope in this hell-hole. More than 10% of children die in their first year. There is no foundation for future growth, only a few percentage have access to adequate sanitation facilities and many cannot afford food and shelter. The CAR could as well be another gate-way to hell. Does God hate the CAR so much? It's so disturbing how life is in this country. We are tempted to say poverty and depression were invented in the Central African Republic.
3. Well, if the CAR is bad, then life in Chad is definitely worse. Home to the famous lake Chad, life should have ordinarily been not so bad in this small African nation but for drought and famine. The Chad lake has dried up and has taken the livelihood of most of the locals with it. The economy of this country has been destroyed and with the huge number of refugees streaming in from neighboring Dar-fur, no respite seems to be in sight.
2. Before our winner is the Democratic Republic of Congo. Years of civil war and genocide have torn this country apart. There are abundant cases of rape and statistics show that 48 women are raped every hour in the Congo, which makes it 1,152 women per day. The country can only boast of being richer than Zimbabwe which lies on the rock bottom of the GDP table. The irony of it all is that the DR C has one of the largest and richest mineral deposits in Africa but because of the exploitation of the people and God knows what, the Congolese people are suffering so badly.
1. And the winner is Somalia. We almost couldn't call this place a country. No laws exist. Nothing works and there's absolutely no hope for a better future. Do people still live in Somalia? Somalia has gained international reputation recently as being the largest hub of pirate attacks on passing international vessels. The average life expectancy is 49 or perhaps less. There has been several attempts to build legitimate governments but these governments keep crumbling like a deck of cards, making way for economic instability and war.
With this list, there's only question that comes to mind: What's wrong Africa?
Monday, August 13, 2012
5 scariest places in the world
5. Aokigahara Forest in Japan

Besides bodies and homemade nooses, the area is littered with signs displaying such uplifting messages like "Life is a precious thing! Please reconsider!" or "Think of your family!” Ghost encounters of the wandering dead are said to be often encountered more than just frequently as well as many ghost photos. Recently, people found out that lots of the dead people in Aokigahara had cash and jewelry on them and thus began the scavenging of the dead people of this terrifying forest. As if a dark forest full of hanged corpses wasn’t enough!
4. Stull Cemetery
This place could as well be one of the gate-ways to hell. Stull is in the city of Kansas, the U.S. In the early 20th century, there were two weird happenings in this tiny town. A man after burning a farm field, found the charred corpse of his son. The second incident occurred when a man went missing and was later found hanged from a tree.
The Stull cemetery is so haunted that people believe it goes into the realm of the diabolical. The devil is believed to hold court there with his worshippers. The place is supposed to be so unholy, in fact, that some claim Pope John Paul II refused to allow his plane to fly over eastern Kansas, on his way to an appearance in Colorado.
3. Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp, Oswiecim, Poland

Today, there is an overwhelming sense of foreboding and melancholy in what used to be Auschwitz-Birkenau; visitors have been known to break down in tears for no apparent reason and many have to abandon their tour groups without ever completing the tour. Visitors are struck not only by the horrific memory of the place, but also by the effect it has on the present day: birds still refuse to sing in the trees surrounding the death camps and there is little evidence of a thriving natural environment anywhere nearby. The silence, as they saw, is deafening, even after all these years. One visitor report that someone or something tugged on her clothes and she heard a voice whispering to her but could not make out anything but one or two words." Please and leave"! It could as well be the most haunted place on Earth.
2. Poveglia Island

1. Coliseum, Rome, Italy
In the pits beneath the Coliseum, gladiators waited to fight, prisoners waited to die, and average Romans placed bets on the outcomes of myriad competitions. Such a fabric of life can’t help but wrap itself around the pillars and posts that make up the foundation of this ancient charnel house, and it is no surprise that many reports of ghostly activity have been associated with the Coliseum over the years.Tour guides and visitors alike have reported cold spots, being touched or pushed, hearing indiscernible words whispered into their ears; security guards with the unenviable task of securing the ancient edifice have reported hearing the sounds of swords clashing, of weeping in the more remote areas, and, oddly enough most disconcerting, the sound of ghostly animal noises such as the roars of lions and elephants. Ghostly citizens have been seen among the seats of the Coliseum, and the sight of a Roman soldier standing guard, silhouetted against the night sky, is a common one.
concentration camp,
poveglia island,
Going black and not going back
This is one interesting yet controversial topic today.
Literally, it means once a woman who is of a different skin color than black
has sexual relations with a black man or series of black men, it becomes overly
impossible for her to date a man of a different skin color. There are
variations to this saying: Once you go black, we don't want you back, Once you
go Asian, you can't go Caucasian and once you go White, everything seems right.
Are you laughing too? It's widely believed that black guys have bigger sex
tools and more hungry libidos than the white folks. Some would say they show a kind
of loving different from what the white
guys have, but all this might be baloney. You should really look before you

Sorry to piss in your cornflakes but your skin color really
has nothing to do with who dates you. If girls date you because you're black or
white, then you're dating the wrong girls. The first thing to be considered is
if he/she is dateable rather than his/her exoticness or libido. It's totally
fine if it's just a fling but still, ''once you go black, you can't go back''
isn't exactly very accurate. There are many factors to consider.
Just date it right guys. Going black and not going back is a
fetish like some guys not being able to date any girl but Latino girls and some
stuck on dating cougars. At the risk of sounding rigid, I'd be the first person
to say interracial dating is one of the best things that has happened to the
dating world, but if that black guy doesn't treat you well or the white dude
takes you for a ride, move on! Don't get caught up in the ''not being able to
go back stuff''.
Finally, date the person and not the skin color!
skin color,
The art of sagging
I looked on as he
walked ahead of me. His boxer shorts were showing and it was a really pitiable
sight. Dirty underwear and even messier pants. He walked with a terrible
swagger that made him look as if he's been stabbed at the side and was trying
to stay hard on his feet. Most noticeable, were his boxer shorts as his pants
were almost off to his knees.
No one really knows how SAGGING started. Rumor has it that
it started among prisoners in the United States. Prisoners in the jails of the
U.S. had their belts taken off of them in order to prevent them from using it
to commit suicide. Another story says it was a way to show availability among
gay prisoners. Whatever it was, it should have stayed right there in prison.
Youths and even a few adults have adopted sagging as a modern fashion trend.
Call me whatever you want, but I am absolutely anti-sagging. I believe
underwear is like humility: essential but indecent if it shows. So, I walked up
to this sagging dude and started talking. I asked him why his pants were almost
down to his knees, and he told me he doesn't even care. He said I was lucky
because yesterday, he even had them lower. I wanted to ask him a lot of
questions: especially his age as I was ready to look past his misgivings if he
told me he was 17. You know what they say about being 17 and not being able to
look past Friday evenings. Maybe he was just another exuberant youth; but I so
much doubted that.
The fact remains sagging your pants makes you look
absolutely irresponsible. No one is interested in seeing your underpants. Keep
the sorry things inside and to yourself.
Pull up your pants and earn that respect you crave so much, people!
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