Pick 5 A Day And Watch Your Relationship Blossom!

As we enter into a relationship, we may wonder how we ever lived life without our mate. We’re focused on each other, and that makes us close.
However, the longer we’re into a relationship, our focus tends to turn to jobs, bills, or children and less on each other. Unfortunately, this causes many unions to turn cold and some eventually die.
Have you ever wondered how people stay married for 30, 40, or more years? Do you want your relationship to last a lifetime? The key is to stay focused on your mate.
Here are some ways for you to show your partner your love. Choose at least five every day and watch your marriage blossom into a wonderful relationship!
TEXT HIM A LOVE MESSAGE -Send him a romantic text message on his cell. Make sure it’s sweet but spicy.
DO ONE OF HIS CHORES FOR HIM -Pick a chore that he dreads, such as mowing the lawn, and do it for him. Watch him as he sighs with relief.
START A HOBBY TOGETHER -Sharing a hobby together such as horse back riding, completing a home improvement project, or selling on eBay can help keep you close.
PLAY A GAME TOGETHER- Have fun doing things together such as playing board games, riding bumper boats, or playing miniature golf. Just remember, if he should get the best of you, don’t tackle him unless you’re laughing!
SHOW APPRECIATION - When your lover works hard, or does something for you, let him know you appreciate him.
MAKE YOUR HOME HIS REFUGE - Let your home be a haven were your partner can retreat from the stresses of life. Do your best to make it a pleasant environment.
LAUGH AT HIS ANTICS – Don’t let the little things that your boyfriend/husband does get on your nerves. If you think about it, some of these things may have been what attracted you to him! He just wouldn’t be the same if he didn’t do these things.
PRAY FOR HIM – Ask God to give him that extra boost to make everything OK. Let your your sweetheart hear you pray too. This will let him know that when you can’t make it right, you’ll ask someone who can.
CHECK BEFORE THROWING THINGS AWAY - If your lover has some things that seem useless to you, don’t trash them until you’ve made sure he doesn’t need them.
CHECK BEFORE REARRANGING - Ask your sweetheart if it’s OK before you move or straighten things on his desk or work area. If he has things where it’s easy to find, it might make it chaotic if it’s moved.
TAKE A WALK OR A HIKE TOGETHER - Let nature set the mood for romance! Talk, listen, and hold hands.
DON’T EXPECT HIM TO READ YOUR MIND - If there is something you want your husband to know about you, tell him. Don’t expect him to just know what you’re thinking or what you need.
LAUGH TOGETHER - Forget your adults for awhile, and just act silly together. Also, if something should go awry, try to find some humor in it somewhere. This will also reduce the stress of the situation.
RESIST THE URGE TO SNOOP - Don’t sneak around and check up on your husband/boyfriend, if you want to know something, ask him to his face.
GIVE HIM A ROMANTIC CARD – Don’t wait for a special occasion to give him a card. Find the most romantic card you can find and leave it in his car. Don’t forget to add your own personal message! Maybe you’ll even make him nervous, wondering if he forgot an anniversary!
PACK HIS FAVORITE TREAT - Buy his favorite candy bar or other treat, and pack it in his lunch with a love note.
TAKE A BUBBLE BATH TOGETHER- This is self-explanatory.
E-MAIL HIM AN INVITATION FOR ROMANCE - Invite him on a rendezvous with you! Build his anticipation, then tell him to RSVP!
TAKE HIM TO TEST DRIVE HIS DREAM CAR - Drive him to a car lot some Saturday, and let him test drive the car of his dreams – even though you probably won’t buy it.
LET HIM BUY THAT TOY - Permit him to buy that toy he’s been wanting so badly. Better yet, put some of your own things off, save the money and buy it for him yourself!
TALK ABOUT THE FUTURE - The future isn’t as far away as it seems sometimes. Talk about where you’d like to be when you’re married 50 years, and work on making those dreams happen.
GIVE HIM THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT - Don’t jump to conclusions if your husband has said or done something questionable. Give him the chance to explain before you pass judgement.
LET HIM BE THE MAN OF THE HOUSE - Although this is growing increasingly unpopular, it does still work. Just because your partner is in charge of the household doesn’t mean that you can’t share your opinions, it just means he’s captain of the team.
SAY, “I’M SORRY” - Although you may not want to admit it, there will be times when you’re in the wrong. Maybe you’ve said something hurtful or done something insensitive. Never have too much pride to tell him you’re sorry.
KEEP YOUR PROMISES - If you told your husband/ boyfriend you’d do something, make sure that you follow through.

RUB HIS FEET - Steer him to the recliner and pull off his shoes. Rub his feet for at least 20 minutes. It has been told that this may even improve his health!
MAKE YOUR BEDROOM A LOVERS' PARADISE - Turn your ordinary bedroom into any lover’s dream without a lot of expense. Remove clutter and anything that doesn’t belong, and replace it with scented candles and fresh flowers. Hang pretty curtains and find some comfy bedding. Place mirrors to reflect candlelight, and misting fountains for a romantic effect.
WRITE A NOTE ON THE STEAMED-UP BATHROOM MIRROR - While your loved one is showering, sneak in and write, “I love you” on the steamed-up bathroom mirror. This will steam him up as well, especially if you seal it with your lip prints!
PUT LOVE IN HIS SUDS - I’m talking about a bar of soap! Scratch “I love you” into his soap so he’ll find it the next time he showers. (You may not want to seal this note with your lip prints, though).
GIVE HIM A MASSAGE - Go buy some sweet smelling oils and turn your bedroom into a spa! Give your husband a full body massage and work out those aching muscles.
PLAY ROMANTIC MUSIC - Keep a good deal of romantic music on hand in your bedroom to help set the mood for romance.