Saturday, November 17, 2012
Check out this sexy Babe with six packs, Guys would you date?
Echoes from past lives of being sexy and presentable have always given the ladies extra points for taking the shape of figure 8, but never would anyone from those donkey years ever imagine the figure would be modified like this.
Ladies of this present generation have a way of modifying things, and to a great extent beliefs that has lingered from time immemorial.
One begins to really wonder how our grannies would react to this particular figure of a sexy lady with solid and conspicuous packs.
Would you ever go out with a lady with such a shape?
Israel launches scores of airstrikes into Gaza
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) — Israel bombarded the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip with nearly 200 airstrikes early Saturday, the military said, widening a blistering assault on militant rocket operations to include the prime minister's headquarters, a police compound and a vast network of smuggling tunnels.
The new attacks followed an unprecedented rocket strike aimed at the contested holy city of Jerusalem that raised the stakes in Israel's violent confrontation with Palestinian militants and dramatically extended the battlefield.
Israeli aircraft also kept pounding their original targets, the militants' weapons storage facilities and underground rocket launching sites. They also went after rocket squads more aggressively. The military has called up thousands of reservists and massed troops, tanks and other armored vehicles along the border with Gaza, signaling a ground invasion could be imminent.
The new attacks followed an unprecedented rocket strike aimed at the contested holy city of Jerusalem that raised the stakes in Israel's violent confrontation with Palestinian militants and dramatically extended the battlefield.
Israeli aircraft also kept pounding their original targets, the militants' weapons storage facilities and underground rocket launching sites. They also went after rocket squads more aggressively. The military has called up thousands of reservists and massed troops, tanks and other armored vehicles along the border with Gaza, signaling a ground invasion could be imminent.
The Companies Where Everyone Wants to Work
For the fourth year in a row, business students from around the world rated Google as the company they would most like to work for. The World’s Most Attractive Employers 2012 report, produced by employer branding firm Universum, asked tens of thousands of business students from the 12 largest economies in the world to identify where they would like most to be hired out of school from a list companies based around the world.
Friday, November 16, 2012
5 Steps To Get A Flat Tummy In 7 Days
You’ve been missing your routine at the gym very often thanks to your busy schedule (or plain laziness) and suddenly you realize that in one week you have to attend a wedding…
5 signs he is the right one for you
Wish as we might-and despite what romantic comedies would have you believe-there is no magic answer to finding the perfect mate. Discovering if someone is the right one for you usually takes some time.
Dear Ladies, Size Does Matter in Bed.
Women reach orgasm more easily when their lover’s manhood exceeds 5.8 inches, study shows. Call it the battle of the bulge - it turns out size does matter in bed. Scottish psychologists studied the sexual appetites of 323 women and found that most reach orgasm more easily when their lover’s manhood exceeds the average size of 5.8 inches. “This might be due to greater ability of a longer penis to stimulate the entire length of the vagina and the cervix,” researcher Stuart Brody, a psychologist at the University of West Scotland, told the website Live Science. Brody said the research showed that women who had sex with well-endowed partners had the most vaginal orgasms. He added, “Male anxiety about penis size may not reflect internalized, culturally arbitrary masculine stereotypes but an accurate appreciation that size matters to many women.”
If you have a man with small 'something', well...take heart.
Accapella Music to smooth your weekend...By Shaka
Shakka was born from Dominican parents, cocooned in the multicultural busy bustle of Grove (Notting Hill), and marinated in Dub Reggar, Hip-Hop, Motown and Garage. Shakespeare looked at music as the food of love, so it’s safe to say Shakka has been cooking since his time with pacifiers.
His father, a guitarist and producer of the Reggae band “The Foreigners Crew”, made sure he was immersed into music as a child. So he played keys and ended up singing a few songs for the band.
After studying Music Production and Theory, Classical Piano, Percussion and Vocals at CYM (Centre for Young Musicians), working closely with fellow rapper Incisive, he released his first EP entitled Foolishness Vol.1, and The Shakka Crown Affair, his widely received Concept Mixtape taking influence from The Thomas Crown Affair, where he experiments with Hip-Hop, Jazz, Indie Rock, and Electronic music.
Alongside his latest Shakkapella video-series, where he covers popular songs recreating the music in a beat-box fashion, he is promoting his Mixtape and other songs at shows across the UK (Loughborough, Lincoln, and Brighton to name a few).
Sit back and enjoy....
Top Republicans say Romney didn't offer specifics
LAS VEGAS (AP) — Top Republicans meeting for the first time since Election Day say the party failed to unseat President Barack Obama because nominee Mitt Romney did not respond to criticism strongly enough or outline a specific agenda with a broad appeal.
Kenyan leopard takes prey up a tree – See (spectacular) Photos
Incredible pictures show a leopard having a snack while up a tree in south-western Kenya.
New York-based photographer Cindy Corcorann had to patiently wait nearly two hours before the female leopard revealed herself and led her safari group to the secret lunch spot.
So I know you are wondering how this leopard got up the Tree with the Prey, well wonder no more, cause we the photos for you click here below
Family too poor to buy toys gives six-month-old girl a SNAKE to play with (PHOTOS)
Her family cannot afford to buy her toys – so this this six-month-old plays with snakes instead.
Sidhi Siddharth Sinune crawls behind the python and shrieks in delight as it weaves through her tiny legs.
While her parents are away working in the fields in a rural Indian village in Maharashtra, the baby girl pats the reptile and even playfully bites its tail.
Sidhi Siddharth Sinune crawls behind the python and shrieks in delight as it weaves through her tiny legs.
While her parents are away working in the fields in a rural Indian village in Maharashtra, the baby girl pats the reptile and even playfully bites its tail.
16-Year-Old Girl Steps Into A Pit Where Snakes Live While Searching For Network
Sixteen-year-old Vera Oliphant was walking in a rural area outside of San Diego searching for a cellphone signal to call her mom.
But she ended up needing to call out for help after being attacked by a group of rattlesnakes.
But she ended up needing to call out for help after being attacked by a group of rattlesnakes.
Texas Girl Paralyzed by Drunk Driver Leaves Jury in Tears
The life of Xitclalli "Chilli" Vasquez, 9, took a tragic turn in the summer of 2011 when a drunk driver's car collided head-on with the car the Fort Worth, Texas, girl was riding in, leaving her paralyzed from the chest down.
Last week, on the day of convicted drunk driver Jeremy Solis's sentencing at Tarrant County Court, Vasquez had a chance to read him a letter she had written, a letter that brought Solis, the jury, and everyone present in the court room to tears, witnesses said.
The four-page handwritten letter presented to the jury was titled "From One of Your Victom." It explained how Vasquez was going to the mall with her sister "to get my hair cut and my nails done." That was all she could recall of the fateful day of the crash. "I don't remember the first several days. I could not talk, so I had to use my thumb to answer yes or no. While I was in UCLA I had very bad moments. They take xrays of me every day. Feed me through by gbutton. I had tubes through my mouth and nose."
"There were times that I would cry and cry…in therapy they showed me how to lift myself and dress myself. But right now it's still very hard. My mom does a lot for me but I try myself. There are days that I cry cause I can't do what I used to. Well, I could keep going but my hand is getting tired. I would like you to meet me and my family…there are days that are bad because I have a hard time getting around. "
"Look at what I said and the words I said and tell me how I look and feel. How do you feel today? Do you remember July 9th?"
Vasquez, who is the third of five siblings, turned 8 three days after her July 9, 2011 accident. She is a fourth grader who has a talent for mathematics, and wants to be a doctor some day. Her dream is to walk again.
"I hope Jeremy would respond to my letter," Chilli told ABC News. "It will make me happy if he says he is sorry," she said. Chilli said she planned to send him more letters while he was serving his sentence and hoped he would respond.
The prosecutor for Solis's case, Allenna Bangs, said that Solis was sentenced to 10 years in prison and would be eligible for parole in five years. "There were no restitution charges. It was not a trial, rather it was a plea case and he pleaded [guilty]," said Bangs. Solis pleaded guilty to two counts of intoxication assault.
Bangs said that at the time of the accident Solis's blood alcohol level was 0.23. "This is nearly three times the legal limit. He is 21 years old with no criminal history," she said.
Amid Vasquez's ordeals with rehab and therapy, her family said that she was a miracle child. "It is very difficult when your child suddenly has a handicap. But no matter how bad it is, we feel blessed to have Chilli with us and fortunate that she made it alive," Arabella Vasquez, Vasquez's mother, told ABC News. "She is a survivor. Many people die because of drunk driving accidents but Chilli made it alive and we all have faith she will walk again someday," she said.
Super Material Can Stop Speeding Bullet
Researchers at a Rice University lab are researching technology that that could potentially stop a 9-millimeter bullet and seal the entryway behind it - an advance that may have huge implications for ballistic protection for soldiers, as well as other uses.
During tests, the researchers were able to shoot tiny glass beads at the material,
2014 cars: A very early preview
It's never too early to see what's under the hood for the world's car makers. Because of the peculiarities of the industry, some 2014 models have already been shown at auto shows like Paris and Frankfurt, or pictures have been released in advance of other shows like Los Angeles (in November) and Detroit (January).
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Jesus and Mary told me to kill him” – Woman who stabbed husband to death
A woman who allegedly stabbed her husband said she did it after, “Jesus and Mary told me to kill him because he is Satan’s spawn!” according to a police report.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Haiti Set to Join African Union
The black race is gradually coming together. Where other world groupings are primarily motivated by strategic, security, political and economic interests, Africans wherever they are can count also on their common history of being black.

Haiti currently has the status of Member Observer with the African Union and submitted to that organization, a formal request for the status of full Associate Member of the Union of Heads of State and Government of Africa, a status that will be effective starting from January 2013.
In January 2011, the Libyan leader Muammar Kaddafi who was killed by NATO in October of the same year asked the following question to delegates who were attending an international conference for the African Diaspora from around the world that he had convened in Tripoli.
“Why shouldn’t people of black descent leaving outside the African mother continent be allowed to have a referendum to decide if they wanted to be part of Africa or not.”
As we know there are many countries out of Africa, particularly in the Caribbean’s Islands, where black people constitute the majority. Even Brazil itself is getting closer to such category.
The admission of Haiti to the African Union is a significant milestone of bringing together the black family of Africans as a people.
May this reunion of Haiti with the mother continent be a strong motivation for other nations with black majorities to see in such strong relationship a source for future prosperity of respective populations either in Africa or concerned countries?
People from the South – where most Blacks are – , have in the past strongly counted on their cooperation with the North for their development. Though the latter is still dominant, there are clear signs that the tides are shifting. The more the former will find in themselves the resources to uplift their populations the better.
Haiti currently has the status of Member Observer with the African Union and submitted to that organization, a formal request for the status of full Associate Member of the Union of Heads of State and Government of Africa, a status that will be effective starting from January 2013.
In January 2011, the Libyan leader Muammar Kaddafi who was killed by NATO in October of the same year asked the following question to delegates who were attending an international conference for the African Diaspora from around the world that he had convened in Tripoli.
“Why shouldn’t people of black descent leaving outside the African mother continent be allowed to have a referendum to decide if they wanted to be part of Africa or not.”
As we know there are many countries out of Africa, particularly in the Caribbean’s Islands, where black people constitute the majority. Even Brazil itself is getting closer to such category.
The admission of Haiti to the African Union is a significant milestone of bringing together the black family of Africans as a people.
May this reunion of Haiti with the mother continent be a strong motivation for other nations with black majorities to see in such strong relationship a source for future prosperity of respective populations either in Africa or concerned countries?
People from the South – where most Blacks are – , have in the past strongly counted on their cooperation with the North for their development. Though the latter is still dominant, there are clear signs that the tides are shifting. The more the former will find in themselves the resources to uplift their populations the better.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
True meaning of men's words revealed!
Means: “I’m going to drink myself dangerously stupid, and Stand by a stream with a stick in my hand, while the fish swim by in complete safety.”
Means: “There is no rational thought pattern connected with it, And you have no chance at all of making it logical”.
Means: “Why isn’t it already on the table?”
Means: Absolutely nothing. It’s a conditioned response.
Means: “I have no idea how it works.”
Means: “I was wondering if that redhead over there is wearing a bra.”
Means: “I can’t hear the game over the vacuum cleaner.”
Means: “Are you still talking?”
Means: “I remember the theme song to ‘F Troop’, the address of The first girl I ever kissed, and the vehicle identification numbers of Every car I’ve ever owned, but I forgot your birthday.”
Means: “The girl selling them on the corner was a real babe.”
Means: “I have actually severed a limb, but will bleed to death Before I admit that I’m hurt.”
Means: “And I sure hope I think of some pretty soon.”
Means: “It didn’t fall into my outstretched hands, so I’m completely clueless.”
Means: “What did you catch me at?”
Means: “I haven’t the foggiest clue what you just said, and am Hoping desperately that I can fake it well enough so that you don’t Spend the next 3 days yelling at me.”
Means: “I am used to the way you yell at me, and realize it could be worse.”
Means: “Please don’t try on one more outfit, I’m starving.”
Means: “No one will ever see us alive again.”
Means: “I make the messes, she cleans them up.”
20 States Petition to Secede From US After Obama Re-election
Via News One
Some people are really having a difficult time facing the reality of a Black president; so difficult in fact, citizens from 20 states and counting have filed petitions at We The People on to be granted permission to leave the union. The states include: Louisiana, Texas, Kentucky, Michigan, Colorado, New Jersey, Montana, Missouri, North Dakota, Indiana, Tennessee, Mississippi, South Carolina, North Carolina, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, New York, Arkansas and Oregon.
According to the terms of participation for “We The People,” as of October 3, 2011, petitions that meet the listed criteria become searchable on once and if they reach 150 signatures within 30 days. If that is accomplished, for President Obama to actively consider a petition, it must reach 25,000 signatures within the remainder of the same 30 day period. The White House reserves the right to change the time limit and number of signatures required. While there are several of the president’s policies that one could object too, at heart he is a moderate Democrat no more, no less.
Couple that with the fact that no other president since Lincoln has spawned calls of secession, it’s clear that the perceived “otherness” of President Obama is the reason for this sudden need to leave the United States simply because the person in the White House is black
America's Human Rights Records?
Far and away, America's human rights record is the world's worst. No other nation approaches its unprincipled history. Earlier crimes against humanity were largely internal
millennium ones elevated atrocities and other human rights abuses to an unprecedented level. It keeps rising. America is guilty of virtually every crime imaginable and then some.Former dovish US diplomat, advisor, and father of Soviet containment George Kennan explained what reflects America's post-WWII foreign and domestic policy. His February 1948 "Memo PPS23" said:"(W)e have 50% of the world's wealth but only 6.3% of its population. (It makes us) the object of envy and resentment. Our real task in the coming period is to devise a pattern of relationships (to let us) maintain this position of disparity without positive detriment to our national society.""To do so we will have to dispense with all sentimentality and daydreaming; and our
and regional. Twentieth century ones went global. New

attention will have to be concentrated everywhere on our immediate national objectives.We need not deceive ourselves that we can afford today the luxury of altruism and world benefaction....""We should dispense with the aspiration to 'be liked' or to be regarded as the repository of a high-minded international altruism.""We should (stop talking about) unreal objectives such as human rights, the raising of the living standards, and democratization.""The day is not far off when we are going to have to deal in straight power concepts. The less we are hampered by idealistic slogans (ideas and practices), the better."Ravaging one nation after another followed. America today wages multiple direct and proxy wars. US military bases infest the world. CIA elements operate everywhere. US special forces perform various military related services globally.
Wherever they show up, they're killers, not protectors.Domestically, America is more battleground than homeland. FBI, CIA, NSA, FEMA,Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Border Patrol, and other federal agencies work jointly with state and local authorities against the interests of most US residents.
Anyone can be arrested, charged, prosecuted, and imprisoned for any reason or none at all. By presidential diktat, any US citizen at home or abroad can be murdered. Others can be arrested and detained indefinitely uncharged in military prisons. Innocence is no defense. State terrorism is policy at home and abroad. That's how police states operate. Freedom, human rights, and other democratic values are non-starters. Supporting what's right is hazardous. Challenging Washington's right to dominate globally risks persecution or death. America is unfit and unsafe to live in. For the past 13 years, China's State Council Information Office published comprehensive reports on US human rights. Its most recent is titled "The Human Rights Record of the United States in 2011." It said America's State Department publishes annual human rights reports for over 190 countries. It turns a blind eye to its own appalling record. China explains what Washington and supportive media suppress. Its latest May 2012 report reveals America's "true human rights situation….and urges the United States to confront its own actions." Six topics are covered:
(1) life, property and personal security;
(2) civil and political rights;
(3) economic, social and cultural rights;
(4) racial discrimination;
(5) women's and children's rights; and
(6) human rights violations abroad.
China's report reveals "a small yet illustrative fraction of the United States' dismal record on its own human rights situation." America's "tarnished human rights record has left it in no state - whether on a moral, political or legal basis - to act as the world's human rights justice, to place itself above other countries and release the Country Reports on Human Rights Practices year after year (that) accuse and blame other countries." At the same time, it absolves itself through silence, duplicity, and/or bald-faced lies. According to the State Department: "The protection of fundamental human rights was a foundation stone in the establishment of the United States over 200 years ago." "Since then, a central goal of U.S. foreign policy has been the promotion of respect for human rights, as embodied in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights." "The United States understands that the existence of human rights helps secure the peace, deter aggression, promote the rule of law, combat crime and corruption, strengthen democracies, and prevent humanitarian crises." China's report advised Washington to clean up its own act at home, stop interfering in the internal affairs of other countries, and "cease using double standards on human rights" to advance its own imperial agenda.
Beijing accused Washington of "severe" human and civil rights violations. At the same time, it claims Americans live in the "land of the free." Why then were around 1,000 peaceful Occupy Wall Street protesters arrested in the early weeks of their campaign? Police brutality was brutal and unconscionable. It continues to reflect despotism, not democracy. America furthers "international disorder." It tramples on the rights of global citizens and its own. It operates the world's largest domestic gulag. It's also one of the most repressive. Press freedom is a figure of speech. Dominant media sources produce propaganda and other forms of managed news and information. Truth is a scarce commodity. Constitutional freedoms are denied. Money power runs America. Predatory capitalism benefits at the expense of most others. Congress is infested with millionaires. Complicit with corporate crooks, they harm ordinary people and wage war on humanity. America's 1% benefits at the expense of most others. Social America is eroding en-route to disappearing altogether. Resisters face harsh crackdowns. Poverty is at record levels. So is homelessness, hunger, and overall deprivation. Racism is institutionalized. Basic needs go unmet. Praying to the wrong God is called terrorism.
Numerous other human rights abuses reveal a nation unfit to live in. America's human rights record is appalling. Political prisoners fill its gulag. Dissent is criminalized. Police state laws target resisters. Torture is official policy. So is permanent war on the world. Peace, stability and security are four-letter words. Elections are farcical. Duopoly power controls them. Ordinary people have no say. State Department charges against other nations are mostly uncorroborated. China uses data from the US Justice Department (DOJ), FBI, other US agencies, state ones, think tanks, as well as domestic and international media. They reveal a far different America than Washington or scoundrel media reflect. Dark truths are exposed to the light of day. They're in plain sight for anyone to see. On October 19, RIA Novosti headlined "US Takes Flak Over Human Rights Record," saying: Russia's Foreign Ministry denounced America's human rights record. It cited "maltreatment of children, breach of privacy, police brutality, secret jails and freedom of expression issues." Russia's lower house State Duma got the report. On October 22, it'll hold hearings onhuman rights. A "Duma source privy to the document" told RIA Novosti that "hundreds of thousands of children in the United States are mistreated…."In 2010 alone, around 1,600 deaths resulted. Special attention was given to how adopted Russian children are treated. Citing US NGOs, Russia's Foreign Ministry said "about one police officer in 100 has been involved in criminal abuses, including sexual harassment, indecent behavior or molest." America has the largest domestic gulag. Numerous secret prisons operate abroad. Internal spying is out-of-control. Privacy is routinely violated. Last December, another Russian report criticized America's human rights record. On December 28, Russia Today ( headlined "US violating human rights at home and abroad: Russian report," saying: Russia's Foreign Ministry discussed numerous US domestic and foreign human rights abuses. On the pretext of fighting terrorism alone, fundamental rights are denied. "The situation in the United States….is far from the ideals proclaimed in Washington," the report said. "The incumbent administration continues to apply most of the methods of controlling society and interfering in the private lives of the American people that were adopted….under George Bush on the pretext of combating terror." Russia also condemned "the ex territorial application of US legislation (that) seriously harms Russian-US relations." "It leads to violations of the basic rights and freedoms of Russians, including arbitrary arrests and abductions from third countries, cruel treatment, criminal prosecution on the basis of evidence given by false agents and doubtful evidence."
Washington-led NATO was accused of appalling human rights abuses. Civilian casualties it's responsible for "provide a portrait of" military recklessness and lawlessness. Crimes of war and against humanity define its operations. Eyewitnesses provide damning evidence. Democracy at home is hypocrisy, not real. It exists in name only. Fundamental freedoms are absent or endangered. Speaking truth to power is hazardous. The state of America at home and abroad is appalling. Indisputable evidence reveals a record reflecting tyranny. Conditions aren't improving. They're worsening en route to institutionalizing total police state control. It's fast approaching. No one is safe anymore for good reason. Humanity is at risk. America's agenda reflects unchallenged dominance no matter the cost. Truth is the most dangerous disinfectant. Suppressing it is policy. Propaganda wars precede hot ones. Human rights and civil liberties are denied for
our own good. Patriotism means going along or else. Humanity may not survive unless policies this out-of-control are stopped. Awareness enough to do it is sorely lacking. Hopefully something will change before it's too late.
And we were still smarting from the secessionist threats of Texas!
How to recognize a liar!
Being a human lie detector is not a difficult thing. You simply need to understand the tale-tell signs and tactics that are inherent of every liar. Here are five basic signs that are common to most liars:
*They Relax & Become Happier When You Change The Subject*
A topic in which the person is deceptive on will cause them to be tense and have anxiety. If you think that they are being deceptive, then you should switch topics on them to something different and watch how they react to the change. If they suddenly appear to be more happy and relaxed, then this can be a sign that they were trying to be deceptive before you switched topics on them.
*They Stall for More Time*
Someone who is sure of themselves or honest will usually have an honest answer for an honest question and it will come to them with little thinking involved. Not true with the liar. When a liar is caught off guard, they require time to formulate a response that sounds legitimate. Therefore, they might employ a stall tactic to buy more time. One commonly used way a liar buys more time is by employing rhetorical questions such as:
“Can you repeat the question?”
“What do you think?”
“Could you be more specific?”
They repeat the same question back to you
Recognize these kinds of questions as delay tactics, used to buy more time to create a believable lie.
*They Use Absolutes*
Absolutes should be a red flag to you when a person is trying to be deceptive because absolutes are most often lies in and of themselves. Absolutes are words like, “always,” “never,” “every time,” “everyone.” Listen carefully for absolutes because they are used in two main functions: when the person is trying to persuade you to do something, or when they are getting defensive about something they did. It’s a known fact of life that there are no absolutes. Even the cleanest person has gotten their hands dirty at one point. No one is perfect and we learn from our mistakes–that is why absolutes are often associated with deceptive behavior–because they are untrue to begin with.
*They Don’t Defend Their Honor*
When a person is faced with a false accusation, the normal tendency is to become outraged and react aggressively towards that accusation because it’s an attack on their reputation and their honor–both of which an individual has a psychological need to defend. “How dare you say that to me,” would be a typical honest response to a false accusation. The liar, however, will not protest the accusation, but rather be focusing more on what to tell you in an effort not to sound as guilty. They might use stall tactics such as blurting out a “NO….” and then pausing to follow it up with some type of rational explanation.
*They use “Just Kidding”*
While most of us use the phrase, “Just Kidding,” as a common part of our conversation to playfully jest at another person, there is a psychological aspect to this phrase. “Just kidding” is a minimizer phrase, meaning that it downplays the harshness of what was said before it. Even if we are innocently joking, there is at least some partial truth in what we just said, otherwise we wouldn’t have said it in the first place. We then slap on the minimizing phrase, “Just Kidding,” as a way to show the other person that it was “all in good fun.” It might be all in good fun, but remember that when someone says this phrase, they probably believe it–at least a little.
*They Relax & Become Happier When You Change The Subject*
A topic in which the person is deceptive on will cause them to be tense and have anxiety. If you think that they are being deceptive, then you should switch topics on them to something different and watch how they react to the change. If they suddenly appear to be more happy and relaxed, then this can be a sign that they were trying to be deceptive before you switched topics on them.
*They Stall for More Time*
Someone who is sure of themselves or honest will usually have an honest answer for an honest question and it will come to them with little thinking involved. Not true with the liar. When a liar is caught off guard, they require time to formulate a response that sounds legitimate. Therefore, they might employ a stall tactic to buy more time. One commonly used way a liar buys more time is by employing rhetorical questions such as:
“Can you repeat the question?”
“What do you think?”
“Could you be more specific?”
They repeat the same question back to you
Recognize these kinds of questions as delay tactics, used to buy more time to create a believable lie.
*They Use Absolutes*
Absolutes should be a red flag to you when a person is trying to be deceptive because absolutes are most often lies in and of themselves. Absolutes are words like, “always,” “never,” “every time,” “everyone.” Listen carefully for absolutes because they are used in two main functions: when the person is trying to persuade you to do something, or when they are getting defensive about something they did. It’s a known fact of life that there are no absolutes. Even the cleanest person has gotten their hands dirty at one point. No one is perfect and we learn from our mistakes–that is why absolutes are often associated with deceptive behavior–because they are untrue to begin with.
*They Don’t Defend Their Honor*
When a person is faced with a false accusation, the normal tendency is to become outraged and react aggressively towards that accusation because it’s an attack on their reputation and their honor–both of which an individual has a psychological need to defend. “How dare you say that to me,” would be a typical honest response to a false accusation. The liar, however, will not protest the accusation, but rather be focusing more on what to tell you in an effort not to sound as guilty. They might use stall tactics such as blurting out a “NO….” and then pausing to follow it up with some type of rational explanation.
*They use “Just Kidding”*
While most of us use the phrase, “Just Kidding,” as a common part of our conversation to playfully jest at another person, there is a psychological aspect to this phrase. “Just kidding” is a minimizer phrase, meaning that it downplays the harshness of what was said before it. Even if we are innocently joking, there is at least some partial truth in what we just said, otherwise we wouldn’t have said it in the first place. We then slap on the minimizing phrase, “Just Kidding,” as a way to show the other person that it was “all in good fun.” It might be all in good fun, but remember that when someone says this phrase, they probably believe it–at least a little.
Monday, November 12, 2012
The Man - Ray Charles
Ray Robinson Charles remains one of the finest musicians that ever lived. Little wonder Billy Joel said, ''this may sound sacrilegious, but I think Ray Charles was more important than Elvis Presley''. Which Elvis Presley? Elvis the king Presley, yeah. Ray Charles - the fine, blind music artist from Florida, USA.
As I watched one of the greatest musicians of all time in a movie which chronicled his life, I couldn't help but marvel at what bundle of talent Ray Charles was. He was 73 but then I figure he was too young to die. With his rich, sonorous, voice, he carried listeners to the heights of musical pleasure.
Success for Ray Charles came with all its peculiarities though. At some point, he had to cope with drug/substance abuse and also broke not a few hearts along the rungs of the ladder of success. Good thing was Ray Charles was able to retrace his steps and stay away from heroin for the rest of his life after he checked into rehab and saw his mother and dead brother in a dream reminding him of his promise not to let anything cripple him. Ray who was already feeling overwhelming guilt for the death of his brother in a bath-tub while they were young made a vow never to touch drugs anymore, a promise he stuck to until his death. His proudest moment came when the authorities of Georgia welcomed him back with an award after he had previously been banned from performing in the state of Georgia when he refused to perform before a segregated audience.
We all know music is dead. Music artists with heavenly voices have graced the face of the earth, sadly many of them have gone and taken their voices with them leaving us with crap musicians. Ray is certainly one of them. If only artists like Ray Charles lived forever. He's one man I'd have loved to hear sing to me but then that's a long-gone dream I have to cross off my list. My favorite songs of Ray include Georgia On My Mind, Hit the Road Jack and I Got a Woman.
As I watched one of the greatest musicians of all time in a movie which chronicled his life, I couldn't help but marvel at what bundle of talent Ray Charles was. He was 73 but then I figure he was too young to die. With his rich, sonorous, voice, he carried listeners to the heights of musical pleasure.
Success for Ray Charles came with all its peculiarities though. At some point, he had to cope with drug/substance abuse and also broke not a few hearts along the rungs of the ladder of success. Good thing was Ray Charles was able to retrace his steps and stay away from heroin for the rest of his life after he checked into rehab and saw his mother and dead brother in a dream reminding him of his promise not to let anything cripple him. Ray who was already feeling overwhelming guilt for the death of his brother in a bath-tub while they were young made a vow never to touch drugs anymore, a promise he stuck to until his death. His proudest moment came when the authorities of Georgia welcomed him back with an award after he had previously been banned from performing in the state of Georgia when he refused to perform before a segregated audience.
We all know music is dead. Music artists with heavenly voices have graced the face of the earth, sadly many of them have gone and taken their voices with them leaving us with crap musicians. Ray is certainly one of them. If only artists like Ray Charles lived forever. He's one man I'd have loved to hear sing to me but then that's a long-gone dream I have to cross off my list. My favorite songs of Ray include Georgia On My Mind, Hit the Road Jack and I Got a Woman.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
15 things white people should know about black people - Lol!
By Urban Miss, Lerato Tshabalala
Every now and again I try to use this column for the greater good of mankind. Like Superman, Batman and Catwoman (okay maybe she’s not such a good example), I take my civil duties quite seriously.
I’ve often noticed how we continuously misunderstand each other as a nation. Black people in particular, often feel as though they have to explain themselves to their fellow white brothers and
Every now and again I try to use this column for the greater good of mankind. Like Superman, Batman and Catwoman (okay maybe she’s not such a good example), I take my civil duties quite seriously.
I’ve often noticed how we continuously misunderstand each other as a nation. Black people in particular, often feel as though they have to explain themselves to their fellow white brothers and
The Rules of Long-Term Relationships
- Thinking positively about your partner. Having positive thoughts about your partner means that you focus on the good, not the bad, in your partner’s personal qualities and character. Ruminating about the things that bother you can only lead you to magnify the small foibles which will make your partner even more irritating to you than you would otherwise feel. People in good
Sir Elton John and His Husband Expecting Second Child
Sir Elton John has a second baby on the way. Elton, 65, and David Furnish, 50, are thought to be using the surrogate who gave birth to son Zachary — now 23 months old.
Elton was “over the moon” last night. A surrogate for the Rocket Man singer and hubby David is due to give birth next year, The Sun can exclusively reveal.
Last night a source close to the pair said: “Elton and David love this lady like a sister and they feel indebted to her for life.
“Naturally she has been well rewarded. But her identity will never be revealed.”
The mum — believed to have been recruited via the Center for Surrogate Parenting in Encino, California — is said to be already “several months” pregnant.
Zachary will have turned two by the time his sibling arrives. He was born on Christmas Day 2010.
The source confirmed Sir Elton and his partner had been making preparations for child No2.
Staff working for the superstar have been sworn to secrecy. But The Sun understands a hunt is on for an extra nanny, who will be based at his mansion in Windsor, Berks.
Just months ago Elton told how he and Furnish were keen for their son — full name Zachary Jackson Levon Furnish-John — to have a brother or sister.
He said: “At what stage we don’t know. But we definitely will. I don’t want him to be an only child.”
Yesterday excited Elton kept his nappy news to himself as he landed in Australia for a sell-out tour.
Furnish — 50 last month — will tonight be at a glittering bash at London’s iconic Battersea Power station.
He and Hollywood’s Kevin Spacey are co-hosting the annual Winter Ball — which raises money for the Elton John Aids Foundation. Furnish will then jet out to join his husband.
Last night Elton’s agent refused to comment.
Source: UK SUN
Elton was “over the moon” last night. A surrogate for the Rocket Man singer and hubby David is due to give birth next year, The Sun can exclusively reveal.
Last night a source close to the pair said: “Elton and David love this lady like a sister and they feel indebted to her for life.
“Naturally she has been well rewarded. But her identity will never be revealed.”
The mum — believed to have been recruited via the Center for Surrogate Parenting in Encino, California — is said to be already “several months” pregnant.
Zachary will have turned two by the time his sibling arrives. He was born on Christmas Day 2010.
The source confirmed Sir Elton and his partner had been making preparations for child No2.
Staff working for the superstar have been sworn to secrecy. But The Sun understands a hunt is on for an extra nanny, who will be based at his mansion in Windsor, Berks.
Just months ago Elton told how he and Furnish were keen for their son — full name Zachary Jackson Levon Furnish-John — to have a brother or sister.
He said: “At what stage we don’t know. But we definitely will. I don’t want him to be an only child.”
Yesterday excited Elton kept his nappy news to himself as he landed in Australia for a sell-out tour.
Furnish — 50 last month — will tonight be at a glittering bash at London’s iconic Battersea Power station.
He and Hollywood’s Kevin Spacey are co-hosting the annual Winter Ball — which raises money for the Elton John Aids Foundation. Furnish will then jet out to join his husband.
Last night Elton’s agent refused to comment.
Source: UK SUN
Mario Balotelli covers his £160,000 Bentley Continental in army camouflage (LOOK)
Italian striker Mario Balotelli has had his £160,000 Bentley Continental GT wrapped in vinyl army camouflage for that special effect.
The 22-year-old car attracted attention recently parked at the Carrington complex, plenty of backroom staff and even some players approached it for a closer look.
Balotelli, who crashed his car in the Deansgate area of Manchester earlier this year, acted like his car was just like any other normal expensive motor.
Even surrounded by the many exotic sports cars owned by his team mates, Mario’s Bentley still easily caught the eye.
The 22-year-old car attracted attention recently parked at the Carrington complex, plenty of backroom staff and even some players approached it for a closer look.
Balotelli, who crashed his car in the Deansgate area of Manchester earlier this year, acted like his car was just like any other normal expensive motor.
Even surrounded by the many exotic sports cars owned by his team mates, Mario’s Bentley still easily caught the eye.
see more after the cut
How to Be an Alpha Male
If there's one pet peeve I have right now, it's the current way being an "alpha male" is talked about in most pick up and dating circles. I've gotten to the point personally where I cringe every time I hear some guy talking about "being alpha."
How To Attract A Girl Who Already Has A Boyfriend
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you met a beautiful girl and got along with her incredibly well, just to find out she already had a boyfriend? Well, let’s face it: attractive girls are usually already taken.
Mistakes Most People Make When Choosing A Life Partner
When questions are asked about how people choose their life partners, it becomes quite obvious that most people of today’s modern don’t really know what they need. We most of the time confuse ourselves with need and want. It is therefore not surprising to find more divorce cases rising far above marriage cases. Want, as in relationship is more or less looking at the physical; wanting an attractive man or woman, someone who has money to run the house and the family, someone who can actually support you in future, can really give you good sex and the likes. In today’s issue, we will dive into all these factors to see whether it is necessary to choose a life partner based on some them.
10 Nigerian multi-millionaires you have never heard of
In the month of November, FORBES will publish its annual official ranking of the 40 richest people in Africa. A lot of research has gone into the making of this list and this year, we’ve uncovered several hidden holders of wealth across the continent.
Many of them are names you’ve probably never heard. In the coming days, this author will list at random, ten relatively unknown high net-worth individuals from various African countries, pulled from our extensive wealth database.
Many of them are names you’ve probably never heard. In the coming days, this author will list at random, ten relatively unknown high net-worth individuals from various African countries, pulled from our extensive wealth database.
Meet The World's Youngest Male-to-Female Transsexual
At 16, this girl became the youngest in the world to have a life-changing operation… can you guess what it was? Jackie Green, 19, was born a boy named Jack After seven attempts to kill herself and two years on suicide watch her parents let her become a girl On her 16th birthday she became the youngest person in the world to have a gender reassignment surgery Many little girls dream of growing up to be someone like Jackie Green.
Girl Drugged And Raped By Man She Met On Facebook
She claims she met the man on Facebook and both arranged for a friendly date after one month of lovey dovey inbox messages.
Photo: Obama's Grand Mother Celebrates Obama`s Victory In Kenya
Celebration Mood Activated in Kenya asObama's Grand Mother and Relative kick into a festive Mood. Truth be told, that victory is a repetition of the world victory.
11 ways to feel sexier than ever
The sexier you feel, the better the sex is. It’s a fact.
That said, contrary to popular belief, splurging on super fancy lingerie isn’t the only way to make him notice your sexiness. There are lots of ways to unleash a sexier, more confident you – many of which don’t require you to spend a time.
You better go grab a pen and paper – you’re going to want to take notes, promise!
Get a Brazilian Wax
Looking for an instant way to feel sexy and excited? We’ve got you covered! Ignore your fears and make yourself an appointment for a Brazilian wax. There’s something sexy about smoothing things out down south — just ask him.
That said, contrary to popular belief, splurging on super fancy lingerie isn’t the only way to make him notice your sexiness. There are lots of ways to unleash a sexier, more confident you – many of which don’t require you to spend a time.
You better go grab a pen and paper – you’re going to want to take notes, promise!
Get a Brazilian Wax
Looking for an instant way to feel sexy and excited? We’ve got you covered! Ignore your fears and make yourself an appointment for a Brazilian wax. There’s something sexy about smoothing things out down south — just ask him.
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