We start with Szilveszter Matuska. Everything about this dude screams weirdo! His specialty was derailing trains, jerking off to that and blaming the whole act on God. Weird, isn't it? He was quoted as saying he loved watching people die and nothing gave him as big an orgasm as that. He landed in jail after committing some heinous train derailing crime but he wouldn't stay there as he escaped. One of his infamous quotes, ''I like to see people die, I like to hear them scream''. Although this guy is dead and rotten, we couldn't help but shudder at how nutty he must have been. He must have had ice water flowing in his veins for all we care.

Our next guy will completely blow your mind. His name is Hai Ngoc and dude hasn't slept for over three decades. We honestly don't know how possible that is but here we are. He suffered a fever in 1973 and since then, sleep took flight from his body. He says ''I don't know whether the insomnia has impacted my health or not. But I'm still healthy and can farm normally like others''. He used three months of sleepless nights to dig two large ponds to raise fish (he should have asked us about some great ideas for an all-nighter!).

Well, we are tempted to believe this guy invented homelessness. He's no other than Mehran Karimi Nasseri, also known as Sir, Alfred Mehran (yes with a comma after the Sir). We actually believe he's earned the title or how else can you describe someone who's been living at the airport since 1988. After seeking for asylum in many European countries and getting turned down, Sir, made his home at the departure lounge of Terminal One in Charles de Gaulle Airport and he's been there since August 8, 1988. He does not seem to speak with anyone normally. With his cart and bags, he almost looks like a traveler, so people either do not notice him or ignore him as if he were a homeless person.

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