If news springing out from various media organisations for the past few days or so is anything to go by, then we might be having a serious conflict/confrontation/altercation/war in our hands in the next few months. Reason is the "king of the diminutives"- Kim jong-un, who I love to call crazy little Kim j has threatened to attack the US mainland, South Korea, Guam and every other American interests his rockets can reach. Pundits have been talking endlessly about the what ifs and stuffs and some even think Kim is just bluffing. After-all some guy on TV recently said Kim is just trying to unite his compatriots more than ever before in the face of the growing influence of their "adversaries".
But what if Kim isn't bluffing? What if Kim makes good his threats to attack Austin, USA and South Korea? What are the aftermaths? I'm no conspiracy theorist, neither am I an alarmist but this trend is definitely worrying. Even though I haven't witnessed any war in my lifetime, I am aware of the consequences of a revolution needless say a full blown war. The ethnic cleansing and genocide of the Tutsi and Hutsi in Rwanda is still a grim reminder of what guns and violence can do. Iraq, The DR of Congo and Afghanistan are examples of countries which will always have to live with the nightmares and horrors of conflicts. Even Japan learnt a lesson after the leveling of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the 2nd world war.
Another reason why a North Korea/US altercation should have us all worried is that an altercation between these two countries will not be limited to them. China the only ally of Kim will only be willing to play the part of a mediator. There's also Russia! The USA has new toys it's willing to test and it looks like Kim has signed the contract of North Korea being the guinea pig of these new toys. This bring me to another question. Are we really nearing the apocalypse? Will a war between the US and North Korea blow up into another world war. Why is Kim threatening to attack the US? What will China and Russia do in the event of a full scale confrontation between the US and Kim? I'm no political scientist or war expert but from the look of it, Kim had better be bluffing.
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Signs she wants you to ask her out!

So just work up the courage to do it and do it. Godspeed!
1. She starts liking something random you like after you mentioned you liked it. Oh, what’s that? She likes Neko Case all of the sudden? Wowza, what a huge coincidence. She knows all about the Manchester United game even though two days ago she knew sh*t about soccer? Holy smokes. She knows all about the new Kid Cudi album that just dropped after you were just saying how excited you were about it? Yeah, these aren’t coincidences, so don’t overlook them. Don’t make her feel dumb by saying, “Oh please you said you hate soccer!”
Follow her lead. Let her brag about her new knowledge. Teach her something new. Plan a date around it. Because you’re definitely going to want to ask her out.
2. She touches your arm a lot. Sorry, it’s all we’ve got, guys. We want to touch you but many places seem off limits. Touching your face would make us feel like we are in a Hallmark commercial, touching your chest would make us feel like we were in a Lifetime movie, and touching your junk would make us feel like we were in a bado. Basically, that leaves the arm. So we touch it a lot if we are interested. If you can think of something better let us know.
3. She laughs at everything you say. Yeah, even when you aren’t really saying anything that funny. Sorry. It’s something we can’t help and we probably aren’t proud of. It’s not that we are faking it, we are just really giddy to be around you if we have a crush on you. So everything seems a little lighter, a little more fun, and a little more likely to make us bust our gut or snort or… I’m just not going to say it.
4. She keeps asking you to do the most odd, unrelationships things. If she keeps asking you to do non-date things, like going to weird comedy shows that are sort of far away or going to her brother’s baseball game or feeding the neighbor’s cat, she is doing the dance of doing absolutely everything except for asking you out on a real date. So why don’t you do everyone a favor and ask her out? You both will have a better time doing something other than working her hectic charity event or helping her move.
5. She sends you mail. Real mail. She had to get paper and a writing device — which are increasingly becoming hard to come by. She had to write with her handwriting, which she hardly does anymore. She put way more thought into her words since she wasn’t just shooting them out on her keyboard. And she licked and sealed the envelope. That is love. Or at least mega-like. Ask her out, for goodness sake.
6. She always wants to be in pictures with you. Are there a disproportionate amount of pictures of you with her than with other people? Especially guys? She wants be be part of your life. She wants to show you off. She wants you to remember her. She is inserting herself into your life in the only way she can without asking you out.
She has agreed to do anything you have suggested so far. If you’re asking her to do anything with a group of friends or anything non-datey, and you hardly have to finish the question “Do you want to go rock climb…” or “Do you want to grab a bee…” before she says yes, she’d rather be doing these things as your girlfriend.
Especially if she says it like it’s not even a question. Of course she will! With gusto, she’ll be there with bells on! She’s psyched about anything because you will be there.
8. She hasn’t mentioned any other guys in your presence. That’s because she’s not thinking of any other guys. And she won’t even bring up friend boys, because she doesn’t want you to assume they are boyfriends.
9. She brings you something when you're sick or similarly cooks you anything ever. Yeah, she’s showing you her nurturing side. It’s not because she’s filling some gender role, she’s just seizing the opportunity to be sweet. It’s an easy in to make you a casserole or drop by with some ginger ale.
10. You have met her friends and they seem surprisingly psyched to meet you. They are already excited to see you and already know what you do because they have heard about you. In fact, they might be sick of you. They might be thinking, “Will you just ask her out already?” So go ahead and do it.
Men's world: silence as a way of communication
Have you ever wondered why men go silent?
I know every woman at sometime in her life has wondered the real answer to his “lack of communication.”
If you’ve ever wondered, asked, or talked about anything below then I’m urging you to read on because I’m going to give you the real truth behind his silence…and all of your questions…
“Why won’t he talk to me?” “
“Why do guys hide their feelings?”
“Why won’t he tell me he loves me?”
“Why are men seem afraid to talk about their feelings?”
“Every time I want to talk about where our relationship is going he gets angry and cold.”
“All he does is nod and say ‘uh hu’ and then goes right back to his game or whatever he is doing. What does he always ignore me when I just want him to listen?”
“I ask him an important question which only requires a simple answer and it’s like he doesn’t even care.”
It’s my bet you can not wait to hear the absolute truth. I bet you’re just itching for an answer. I bet I can keep teasing you until you smack me up side the head.
And I bet if I keep this up you’re going to assume I’m like every other guy you’ve known refusing to answer what seems to be a simple question about how I feel. :)
Ahhh I got you there. Okay…I”ll get on with it.
But first you’re going to need a reminder or an education on the evolution of the male side.
Men are instinctively natural-born hunters and we’ve evolved from that. So talking was not exactly the smartest thing to do when we were hunting our next meal.
Hunting often requires almost complete silence.
If we’re in a group we could use hand gestures (or actions) to formulate the attack. And the last thing we wanted to do was scare away our prey. Now this is just a theory but the guy who did scare away dinner probably didn’t make it home…
Silence equals safety especially when dealing with an animal who could rip us to shreds.
This and a few others reasons is why man’s primary form of communication evolved differently than women. Therefore men have learned to communicate with actions, hand gestures, and directly focused eye contact.
So what does this have to do with men not sharing their feelings or talking intimately with their wives, girlfriends, or even the quiet girl at the end of the bar just looking to meet a nice guy?
As I mentioned above we are action orientated. It’s not often what is coming out of our mouths but what we do. And we’ve learned to be very good at it. (At least in our minds because sometimes it’s hard for men to clearly see how you might be missing our point or how you’re looking for vocal reassurance on how we feel about you or anything.)
Consider this because it explains how our actions will ALWAYS show how we feel.
When a guy is acting sweet…
When he is sharing intimate moments with you…
When he is there for you…
When he wants to be in your life…
That is our action orientated way of telling you we care. And yes in our minds we may be guilty of assuming you are understanding us when you don’t.
Now that I’ve shown you a little about how a man’s mind works and how it’s more important you understand our actions means more than our words….
Why will a guy choose silence over talking to a woman?
There are several reasons for this and I’ll give you a small glimpse into what a man might be thinking in certain situations:
“I didn’t want to lie about how you looked or how I felt that day.”
“You didn’t look good and I didn’t want to hurt your feelings and cause a huge fight over something I feel is trivial.”
“I don’t want to ruin my day. Let’s say I’m having a great day and then you ask me a question which I know will lead to a huge discussion about how we feel about each other and if I don’t answer correctly it will end up in a fight.”
“I don’t think about our relationship as much as you do. I believe if things are going good we should just go with it. Why bother rocking the boat.”
And how about this.
Our vulnerability must be kept in check. If we open up too much we’re considered a wuss.
If we open up too little we’re considered a jerk.
It’s a fine line to walk and most men will opt for the jerk side because, well, we’re men and not wusses. Just like in court anything we say can and WILL be used against us at later time.
Think of a man who has been in a few failed relationships. It only stands to reason he is expecting another breakup. He could actually have a fear under a bad breakup you might reveal his intimate private secrets.
Sure it’s probably not going to happen but I believe men do fear that a woman will tell everyone his secrets which will make him appear less than a man.
Next up…
There are groups of men who do not have a clear understanding of what love is. And the last thing men want to do is tell a woman he loves her only to find out his definition of love is different from hers.
Our mom’s love us growing up.
Our father’s act like we do, men.
Add puberty and sex to the equation of “love” it can be very difficult for any guy to conceptualize what love really is.
I know that may be confusing so think of it this way.
We’re taught to love our Mothers and respect our Fathers. And now we’re supposed to love our girlfriends and respect her too. When you add our raging hormones demanding we procreate and release our sexual frustration you get one confused man who probably functions much better by just keeping his mouth shut.
Like I clearly stated above…. sometimes it’s just best to keep quiet because… Being quiet means being safe.
Lastly I want you to consider how confused men can get and why it could easily cause him to go silent.
We all know men who have been at least fairly successful with women despite their inability to communicate with her. He might even believe…
“Why should I start saying anything when what I am doing is working?”
To him he’s only doing what has works and if he tries something different this can cause more problems than he’s willing or able to solve.
And what about…
When a man shares too much of how he feels he appears needy.
When a man doesn’t share enough of his feelings he could miss out on something or find the only women who are attracted to him are interested in changing him. By constantly trying to open him up.
If we share too much of our feelings too quickly women assume we’re us only interested in her body. When in reality the guy only uses what he was either taught or refuse to learn how to attract her. These are typically the guys who over-compliment or tend to objectify women constantly.
Let’s wrap up all this because I’m getting the feeling you’re a little confused. I may not be getting my point across because well – these are just words and I’m a guy…I need action.
Man’s primitive design gives us the blueprint -> Silence is safe.
Man’s primitive design teaches actions and not words.
Men are brought up often leaving them more confused about what love really is. And it’s best for him to not communicate his deepest feelings because they may be different from yours.
His fear of being seen as less than a man is a major cause of men who refrain from expressing their feelings. You might call this an instinctive urge to protect his “male ego.”
A fear of being vulnerable also means, as above, not feeling safe.
Lastly – men everywhere have still managed to raise families or have long-term relationships despite clear verbal communication with the opposite sex. For lots of men this often means saying less is better because it has worked and will continue to work.
Take a minute to consider all what I’ve shown you today so the next time your man goes silent or fails to communicate how he feels you’ll have a deeper understanding of all the reasons why.
Now I’m not asking you to just deal with it, and I’m not suggesting an answer to getting him to open up, merely just a verbal explanation so you can begin to understand him better.
I know every woman at sometime in her life has wondered the real answer to his “lack of communication.”
If you’ve ever wondered, asked, or talked about anything below then I’m urging you to read on because I’m going to give you the real truth behind his silence…and all of your questions…
“Why won’t he talk to me?” “
“Why do guys hide their feelings?”
“Why won’t he tell me he loves me?”
“Why are men seem afraid to talk about their feelings?”
“Every time I want to talk about where our relationship is going he gets angry and cold.”
“All he does is nod and say ‘uh hu’ and then goes right back to his game or whatever he is doing. What does he always ignore me when I just want him to listen?”
“I ask him an important question which only requires a simple answer and it’s like he doesn’t even care.”
It’s my bet you can not wait to hear the absolute truth. I bet you’re just itching for an answer. I bet I can keep teasing you until you smack me up side the head.
And I bet if I keep this up you’re going to assume I’m like every other guy you’ve known refusing to answer what seems to be a simple question about how I feel. :)
Ahhh I got you there. Okay…I”ll get on with it.
But first you’re going to need a reminder or an education on the evolution of the male side.
Men are instinctively natural-born hunters and we’ve evolved from that. So talking was not exactly the smartest thing to do when we were hunting our next meal.
Hunting often requires almost complete silence.
If we’re in a group we could use hand gestures (or actions) to formulate the attack. And the last thing we wanted to do was scare away our prey. Now this is just a theory but the guy who did scare away dinner probably didn’t make it home…
Silence equals safety especially when dealing with an animal who could rip us to shreds.
This and a few others reasons is why man’s primary form of communication evolved differently than women. Therefore men have learned to communicate with actions, hand gestures, and directly focused eye contact.
So what does this have to do with men not sharing their feelings or talking intimately with their wives, girlfriends, or even the quiet girl at the end of the bar just looking to meet a nice guy?
As I mentioned above we are action orientated. It’s not often what is coming out of our mouths but what we do. And we’ve learned to be very good at it. (At least in our minds because sometimes it’s hard for men to clearly see how you might be missing our point or how you’re looking for vocal reassurance on how we feel about you or anything.)
Consider this because it explains how our actions will ALWAYS show how we feel.
When a guy is acting sweet…
When he is sharing intimate moments with you…
When he is there for you…
When he wants to be in your life…
That is our action orientated way of telling you we care. And yes in our minds we may be guilty of assuming you are understanding us when you don’t.
Now that I’ve shown you a little about how a man’s mind works and how it’s more important you understand our actions means more than our words….
Why will a guy choose silence over talking to a woman?
There are several reasons for this and I’ll give you a small glimpse into what a man might be thinking in certain situations:
“I didn’t want to lie about how you looked or how I felt that day.”
“You didn’t look good and I didn’t want to hurt your feelings and cause a huge fight over something I feel is trivial.”
“I don’t want to ruin my day. Let’s say I’m having a great day and then you ask me a question which I know will lead to a huge discussion about how we feel about each other and if I don’t answer correctly it will end up in a fight.”
“I don’t think about our relationship as much as you do. I believe if things are going good we should just go with it. Why bother rocking the boat.”
And how about this.
Our vulnerability must be kept in check. If we open up too much we’re considered a wuss.
If we open up too little we’re considered a jerk.
It’s a fine line to walk and most men will opt for the jerk side because, well, we’re men and not wusses. Just like in court anything we say can and WILL be used against us at later time.
Think of a man who has been in a few failed relationships. It only stands to reason he is expecting another breakup. He could actually have a fear under a bad breakup you might reveal his intimate private secrets.
Sure it’s probably not going to happen but I believe men do fear that a woman will tell everyone his secrets which will make him appear less than a man.
Next up…
There are groups of men who do not have a clear understanding of what love is. And the last thing men want to do is tell a woman he loves her only to find out his definition of love is different from hers.
Our mom’s love us growing up.
Our father’s act like we do, men.
Add puberty and sex to the equation of “love” it can be very difficult for any guy to conceptualize what love really is.
I know that may be confusing so think of it this way.
We’re taught to love our Mothers and respect our Fathers. And now we’re supposed to love our girlfriends and respect her too. When you add our raging hormones demanding we procreate and release our sexual frustration you get one confused man who probably functions much better by just keeping his mouth shut.
Like I clearly stated above…. sometimes it’s just best to keep quiet because… Being quiet means being safe.
Lastly I want you to consider how confused men can get and why it could easily cause him to go silent.
We all know men who have been at least fairly successful with women despite their inability to communicate with her. He might even believe…
“Why should I start saying anything when what I am doing is working?”
To him he’s only doing what has works and if he tries something different this can cause more problems than he’s willing or able to solve.
And what about…
When a man shares too much of how he feels he appears needy.
When a man doesn’t share enough of his feelings he could miss out on something or find the only women who are attracted to him are interested in changing him. By constantly trying to open him up.
If we share too much of our feelings too quickly women assume we’re us only interested in her body. When in reality the guy only uses what he was either taught or refuse to learn how to attract her. These are typically the guys who over-compliment or tend to objectify women constantly.
Let’s wrap up all this because I’m getting the feeling you’re a little confused. I may not be getting my point across because well – these are just words and I’m a guy…I need action.
Man’s primitive design gives us the blueprint -> Silence is safe.
Man’s primitive design teaches actions and not words.
Men are brought up often leaving them more confused about what love really is. And it’s best for him to not communicate his deepest feelings because they may be different from yours.
His fear of being seen as less than a man is a major cause of men who refrain from expressing their feelings. You might call this an instinctive urge to protect his “male ego.”
A fear of being vulnerable also means, as above, not feeling safe.
Lastly – men everywhere have still managed to raise families or have long-term relationships despite clear verbal communication with the opposite sex. For lots of men this often means saying less is better because it has worked and will continue to work.
Take a minute to consider all what I’ve shown you today so the next time your man goes silent or fails to communicate how he feels you’ll have a deeper understanding of all the reasons why.
Now I’m not asking you to just deal with it, and I’m not suggesting an answer to getting him to open up, merely just a verbal explanation so you can begin to understand him better.
Ways to be romantic all the time!
10 ways to be romantic all the time
When you’re new in love, even the cheesiest of gestures can feel so romantic.
But as the relationship ages, awkwardness starts to set in and the cheesy ‘you-complete-me’ lines start to diminish.
Now that doesn’t mean you love your partner less.
It only means your infatuation has passed over and you’re now back in your senses.
So how can you be romantic and express your feelings without being cheesy to the point where you have to curl your toes inside your shoes as you say something?
Well, there are ways.
If you feel awkward to walk down a street holding a bouquet of flowers or wearing a tee shirt that says “I’m with Stupid!” fret not, because love doesn’t always have to be cheesy or corny.
How to be romantic without being cheesy
To be romantic, you need to understand the essence of romance.
What is romance, and what is being romantic?
To put it simply, being romantic is a way of letting your partner know that you still love them, and letting them know that you depend on them and need them. And finally, being romantic is all about creating memories.
If you can do any of these things in your own way, you’re definitely being romantic no matter what you do.
To get you started off on the right foot, here are 10 ideas on how to be romantic. Use your own ideas and modify them to fit your needs.
And once you truly understand these 10 romance tips, you’d definitely be a romantic, in your heart and on your sleeve.
#1 The little things you do. Love is in the details, we’ve all heard that but hardly a few of us ever do anything about it. If you want to be romantic, learn to be selfless. Go out of your way to d pleasant smile on their face. Do something unexpected at times.
If your man’s late for a big meeting, pick out his clothes and place them neatly for him to wear it. If your woman wants to pick up a new book or has to head out late in the evening, start your car and wait for her on the driveway to give her a lift.
#2 Give your attention. When you’re out with your partner, don’t ignore them, especially when you’re with others. Just because you’re having an interesting conversation with someone else doesn’t mean you should neglect your partner. Instead, involve your partner and make them feel like they’re the center of your world.
#3 Talk about feelings. Yes, this seems rather obvious at first. But how often do you ever come home at the end of a long day, sit close to your partner and talk about your day?
And how often do you ever just spend a lazy Sunday afternoon cozying up and talking about the good old days when you first met, about each other’s likes and dislikes and about how special and important your partner is to you? Signs of affection may mean a lot in love, but staying connected plays an important role too.
#4 Compete with each other. Competition works in two ways. If you let ego get in the way, you’ll hate each other after a friendly fight. But if you respect each other, a bit of fun and games can bring both of you closer together and bring in a lot of laughs too.
Play games, be it a pillow fight, a board game or a game on the console. Compete with each other, and congratulate each other. There are no losers here. When you’re done playing, both of you will feel happier, more relaxed and cuddly, more in love and a lot more affectionate towards each other.
#5 Take breaks often. If both of you are leading busy lives away from each other, go away on a vacation or a little getaway a few times a year to rekindle the together times and the romance. Even an overnight getaway will do just fine. Take time to isolate yourselves from the world, because it’s the only way to realize how special both of you are to each other.
#6 Create memories. Memories last a lifetime. There’s nothing in the world that can feel more romantic and romance inducing as perfect memories. As time flies, we forget those stolen glances and those special moments that are so full of love. Create memories often, either by snapping away your cherished moments or by videotaping it.
Can you imagine how wonderful it would be to watch a happy anniversary surprise or a funny prank a decade later? Romance doesn’t always have to be about love, at times, happiness can be just as romantic.
#7 Be nice to each other, especially when both of you are out together. If you’re the guy, be chivalrous. If you’re the girl, compliment your man and make him feel like a protector. When you treat each other with love and respect, you subconsciously feel better about yourself and the relationship. And when someone’s nice to you, you can’t help but be nice back in return. This is the reason why perfect first dates are so romantic.
Go out of your ways to make the other person feel special no matter how long you you’ve been in a relationship with each other. It’ll make every moment feel so much more romantic and beautiful.
#8 Publicize your love. Love is experienced between two people, but is best experienced when the world knows all about it. As much as love may be a private moment, we’re still humans with the need to feel better about ourselves. Your partner may not care about public shows of affection, but don’t stop indulging in it.
Make proclamations of love in public or surprise your partner by having flowers or gifts delivered to their workplace. It may be embarrassing, but it always feels good to be the lucky one who’s getting showered with attention.
If you don’t like displaying your love in the open, buy little inexpensive gifts for your partner when you go shopping by yourself. It shows that you think about your lover all the time, and it really is a very special and romantic gesture.
#9 Hug your partner. Or kiss them when they least expect it. Have you ever felt an overwhelming rush of affection towards your partner? Don’t stop yourself when you feel love well up inside you. If your lover’s working or cooking, walk up from behind and give them a warm hug and a kiss for no reason at all.
When you hug your lover and rest all your weight on them helplessly, it’ll make your partner either laugh out or feel protective about you. And let’s not forget, it is a really romantic way to say ‘I love you’.
#10 Humor. Tease each other all the time. Have fun, play little games, and pull each other’s legs and cuddle at the end of it all. The more you laugh and have a good time with each other, the more love and romance you’ll bring into the relationship.
Sometimes, it’s alright to be a child and indulge in silly games with each other. Ever watched a cute couple pillow fight on the telly? You can’t help smiling, can you? Indulge in the same silly things, and you’ll truly know how to be romantic.
If you’re looking for ways on how to be romantic and loving without being cheesy, just use these 10 ideas and create your own magical moments in romance. It’ll definitely bring more love and romance into your lives.
When you’re new in love, even the cheesiest of gestures can feel so romantic.
But as the relationship ages, awkwardness starts to set in and the cheesy ‘you-complete-me’ lines start to diminish.
Now that doesn’t mean you love your partner less.
It only means your infatuation has passed over and you’re now back in your senses.
So how can you be romantic and express your feelings without being cheesy to the point where you have to curl your toes inside your shoes as you say something?
Well, there are ways.
If you feel awkward to walk down a street holding a bouquet of flowers or wearing a tee shirt that says “I’m with Stupid!” fret not, because love doesn’t always have to be cheesy or corny.
How to be romantic without being cheesy
To be romantic, you need to understand the essence of romance.
What is romance, and what is being romantic?
To put it simply, being romantic is a way of letting your partner know that you still love them, and letting them know that you depend on them and need them. And finally, being romantic is all about creating memories.
If you can do any of these things in your own way, you’re definitely being romantic no matter what you do.
To get you started off on the right foot, here are 10 ideas on how to be romantic. Use your own ideas and modify them to fit your needs.
And once you truly understand these 10 romance tips, you’d definitely be a romantic, in your heart and on your sleeve.
#1 The little things you do. Love is in the details, we’ve all heard that but hardly a few of us ever do anything about it. If you want to be romantic, learn to be selfless. Go out of your way to d pleasant smile on their face. Do something unexpected at times.
If your man’s late for a big meeting, pick out his clothes and place them neatly for him to wear it. If your woman wants to pick up a new book or has to head out late in the evening, start your car and wait for her on the driveway to give her a lift.
#2 Give your attention. When you’re out with your partner, don’t ignore them, especially when you’re with others. Just because you’re having an interesting conversation with someone else doesn’t mean you should neglect your partner. Instead, involve your partner and make them feel like they’re the center of your world.
#3 Talk about feelings. Yes, this seems rather obvious at first. But how often do you ever come home at the end of a long day, sit close to your partner and talk about your day?
And how often do you ever just spend a lazy Sunday afternoon cozying up and talking about the good old days when you first met, about each other’s likes and dislikes and about how special and important your partner is to you? Signs of affection may mean a lot in love, but staying connected plays an important role too.
#4 Compete with each other. Competition works in two ways. If you let ego get in the way, you’ll hate each other after a friendly fight. But if you respect each other, a bit of fun and games can bring both of you closer together and bring in a lot of laughs too.
Play games, be it a pillow fight, a board game or a game on the console. Compete with each other, and congratulate each other. There are no losers here. When you’re done playing, both of you will feel happier, more relaxed and cuddly, more in love and a lot more affectionate towards each other.
#5 Take breaks often. If both of you are leading busy lives away from each other, go away on a vacation or a little getaway a few times a year to rekindle the together times and the romance. Even an overnight getaway will do just fine. Take time to isolate yourselves from the world, because it’s the only way to realize how special both of you are to each other.
#6 Create memories. Memories last a lifetime. There’s nothing in the world that can feel more romantic and romance inducing as perfect memories. As time flies, we forget those stolen glances and those special moments that are so full of love. Create memories often, either by snapping away your cherished moments or by videotaping it.
Can you imagine how wonderful it would be to watch a happy anniversary surprise or a funny prank a decade later? Romance doesn’t always have to be about love, at times, happiness can be just as romantic.
#7 Be nice to each other, especially when both of you are out together. If you’re the guy, be chivalrous. If you’re the girl, compliment your man and make him feel like a protector. When you treat each other with love and respect, you subconsciously feel better about yourself and the relationship. And when someone’s nice to you, you can’t help but be nice back in return. This is the reason why perfect first dates are so romantic.
Go out of your ways to make the other person feel special no matter how long you you’ve been in a relationship with each other. It’ll make every moment feel so much more romantic and beautiful.
#8 Publicize your love. Love is experienced between two people, but is best experienced when the world knows all about it. As much as love may be a private moment, we’re still humans with the need to feel better about ourselves. Your partner may not care about public shows of affection, but don’t stop indulging in it.
Make proclamations of love in public or surprise your partner by having flowers or gifts delivered to their workplace. It may be embarrassing, but it always feels good to be the lucky one who’s getting showered with attention.
If you don’t like displaying your love in the open, buy little inexpensive gifts for your partner when you go shopping by yourself. It shows that you think about your lover all the time, and it really is a very special and romantic gesture.
#9 Hug your partner. Or kiss them when they least expect it. Have you ever felt an overwhelming rush of affection towards your partner? Don’t stop yourself when you feel love well up inside you. If your lover’s working or cooking, walk up from behind and give them a warm hug and a kiss for no reason at all.
When you hug your lover and rest all your weight on them helplessly, it’ll make your partner either laugh out or feel protective about you. And let’s not forget, it is a really romantic way to say ‘I love you’.
#10 Humor. Tease each other all the time. Have fun, play little games, and pull each other’s legs and cuddle at the end of it all. The more you laugh and have a good time with each other, the more love and romance you’ll bring into the relationship.
Sometimes, it’s alright to be a child and indulge in silly games with each other. Ever watched a cute couple pillow fight on the telly? You can’t help smiling, can you? Indulge in the same silly things, and you’ll truly know how to be romantic.
If you’re looking for ways on how to be romantic and loving without being cheesy, just use these 10 ideas and create your own magical moments in romance. It’ll definitely bring more love and romance into your lives.
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