#1 Praise him in front of others. When the woman in his life shows her appreciation for him in front of others, he’ll be grateful and glad to have someone who supports him and stands by him.
#2 Make him feel secure. While men may have epic egos, they're also extremely fragile when it comes to the matters of the heart. They feel threat
ened easily, and go into an insecure shell. Avoid making him feel insecure in the right way and he'll love you more.
#3 Take the lead in bed. Experiment. Be willing to try new things with your partner. One of the biggest reasons why couples start getting bored in bed is because of the monotony and boredom of repetition. Keep things sexy and he’ll always be awed by you.
#4 Motivate him in his endeavors. You can pick flaws in your man and his ideas, but don't oppose it without rational judgment. Bring out the best in your man and help him *achieve his destiny* by motivating him and complimenting his achievements.
#5 Surprise him by buying something he really likes. Did you find something your man will really appreciate when you were out shopping alone? Pick it up for him. Surprise him now and then with little, thoughtful gifts and he'll think he’s the luckiest guy in the world.
#6 Be a great cook. Food truly is the best way to a man’s heart. He may say he doesn't care if you don’t know to cook, but try cooking him a fabulous dish and he’ll experience a gastronomical orgasm!
#7 Make him feel lucky to have you. Be a charmer and a graceful woman who’s the cynosure of everyone’s attention. Awe others wherever you are, and he'll truly thank the one above to be with a woman who can take the air out of any room she walks into!
#8 Special gestures out of the blue. If you want to know how to make a man happy, the secret lies in not making special gestures a routine, but by being extra nice now and then. Men have a tendency of taking things for granted, so don’t turn your gestures into routine.
#9 Don't forget your inner child. As you grow older, don't forget the inner, happy fun child within you. Most women take on the role of a mother and forget to behave like a child now and then. Instead of feeling jealous or annoyed when your man acts like a child, join him and have fun!
#10 Make him think you need him. Men are the instinctive protectors. Make him feel like a man by making him believe you're dependent on him. When he truly believes you need him, he'll cling to you because it makes him feel good inside.
#11 Give him his space. Men are different from women when it comes to space. Most women are fine with having people around all the time. Men on the other hand, get annoyed when they don’t get some alone time by themselves. Give each other space, and you'll see that love will blossom better.
#12 Support him when he’s down without criticizing him.
An “I told you so” is ego shattering. When your man is down on the ground, don't kick him in the groin. It may seem like the perfect time to criticize him and his bad decisions, but hold that thought. You'll only make him hate himself and you.
#13 Ask his help now and then. All men think they're intellectuals with exceptional problem solving abilities. As long as you're listening to his opinion with your eyes wide, he’ll swell with pride and love.
#14 Get helpless in his arms when you're hurt. Feeling down and helpless? Walk up to your man without saying a word and just hold him tight. Your man will be overwhelmed with love and affection, and not to mention, delirious happiness because he’s the one that makes you feel better.
#15 Look like a million bucks around him. Look sexy when you're with him. Getting naked should still be a treat, not a regular occurrence around the house. Dress well and make sure eyes turn when you’re in his arms.
#16 Compliment him. Men love compliments, they just pretend like they don’t. Compliment your man for his physique and his intellect. He'll be happy to know you notice.
#17 Don't escalate your man. Don't shrivel your man’s ball bag by making him feel less like a man when he’s done something wrong. Don't yell at him in public or put him down when he takes a few decisions. If you keep cutting him down from under, he'll just end up looking for an affair to feel more like a man.
#18 Don't hit him below the belt unless you really have to. Don't bring up his exes, his mother or his lousy job when you're trying to pick a fight with him or trying to hurt him for hurting you.
#19 Stand up for your man. If your man is cornered or helpless, step into the warzone and fight his fight for him. Don't be surprised if you see your man’s eyes well up with happy tears for finding a woman as awesome as you.
#20 Respect him. All of us need respect. When you're in love, it’s easy to talk stupid or put down your man in jest, but be careful where to draw the line. Never ridicule him or put him down in public. Let him know you respect him, even if you pull his leg now and then.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Engineers Produce Amazing ‘Petrol From Air’ Technology
A small company in the north of England has developed the “air capture” technology to create synthetic petrol using only air and electricity.
Experts tonight hailed the astonishing breakthrough as a potential “game-changer” in the battle against climate change and a saviour for the world’s energy crisis.
The technology, presented to a London engineering conference this week, removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
The “petrol from air” technology involves taking sodium hydroxide and mixing it with carbon dioxide before “electrolysing” the sodium carbonate that it produces to form pure carbon dioxide.
Hydrogen is then produced by electrolysing water vapour captured with a dehumidifier.
The company, Air Fuel Synthesis, then uses the carbon dioxide and hydrogen to produce methanol which in turn is passed through a gasoline fuel reactor, creating petrol.
Company officials say they had produced five litres of petrol in less than three months from a small refinery in Stockton-on-Tees, Teesside.
The fuel that is produced can be used in any regular petrol tank and, if renewable energy is used to provide the electricity it could become “completely carbon neutral”.
The £1.1m project, in development for the past two years, is being funded by a group of unnamed philanthropists who believe the technology could prove to be a lucrative way of creating renewable energy.
While the technology has the backing of Britain’s Institution of Mechanical Engineers, it has yet to capture the interest of major oil companies.
But company executives hope to build a large plant, which could produce more than a tonne of petrol every day, within two years and a refinery size operation within the next 15 years.
Tonight Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) officials admitted that while the described the technology as being “too good to be true but it is true”, it could prove to be a “game-changer” in the battle against climate change.
Stephen Tetlow, the IMechE chief executive, hailed the breakthrough as “truly groundbreaking”.
“It has the potential to become a great British success story, which opens up a crucial opportunity to reduce carbon emissions,” he said.
“It also has the potential to reduce our exposure to an increasingly volatile global energy market.
“The potential to provide a variety of sustainable fuels for today’s vehicles and infrastructure is especially exciting.”
Dr Tim Fox, the organisation’s head of energy and environment, added: “Air capture technology ultimately has the potential to become a game-changer in our quest to avoid dangerous climate change.”
Peter Harrison, the company’s 58 year-old chief executive, told The Daily Telegraph that he was “excited” about the technology’s potential, which “uses renewable energy in a slightly different way”.
“People do find it unusual when I tell them what we are working on and realise what it means,” said Mr Harrison, a civil engineer from Darlington, Co Durham.
“It is an opportunity for a technology to make an impact on climate change and make an impact on the energy crisis facing this country and the world.
“It looks and smells like petrol but it is much cleaner and we don’t have any nasty bits.”
Experts tonight hailed the astonishing breakthrough as a potential “game-changer” in the battle against climate change and a saviour for the world’s energy crisis.
The technology, presented to a London engineering conference this week, removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
The “petrol from air” technology involves taking sodium hydroxide and mixing it with carbon dioxide before “electrolysing” the sodium carbonate that it produces to form pure carbon dioxide.
Hydrogen is then produced by electrolysing water vapour captured with a dehumidifier.
The company, Air Fuel Synthesis, then uses the carbon dioxide and hydrogen to produce methanol which in turn is passed through a gasoline fuel reactor, creating petrol.
Company officials say they had produced five litres of petrol in less than three months from a small refinery in Stockton-on-Tees, Teesside.
The fuel that is produced can be used in any regular petrol tank and, if renewable energy is used to provide the electricity it could become “completely carbon neutral”.
The £1.1m project, in development for the past two years, is being funded by a group of unnamed philanthropists who believe the technology could prove to be a lucrative way of creating renewable energy.
While the technology has the backing of Britain’s Institution of Mechanical Engineers, it has yet to capture the interest of major oil companies.
But company executives hope to build a large plant, which could produce more than a tonne of petrol every day, within two years and a refinery size operation within the next 15 years.
Tonight Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) officials admitted that while the described the technology as being “too good to be true but it is true”, it could prove to be a “game-changer” in the battle against climate change.
Stephen Tetlow, the IMechE chief executive, hailed the breakthrough as “truly groundbreaking”.
“It has the potential to become a great British success story, which opens up a crucial opportunity to reduce carbon emissions,” he said.
“It also has the potential to reduce our exposure to an increasingly volatile global energy market.
“The potential to provide a variety of sustainable fuels for today’s vehicles and infrastructure is especially exciting.”
Dr Tim Fox, the organisation’s head of energy and environment, added: “Air capture technology ultimately has the potential to become a game-changer in our quest to avoid dangerous climate change.”
Peter Harrison, the company’s 58 year-old chief executive, told The Daily Telegraph that he was “excited” about the technology’s potential, which “uses renewable energy in a slightly different way”.
“People do find it unusual when I tell them what we are working on and realise what it means,” said Mr Harrison, a civil engineer from Darlington, Co Durham.
“It is an opportunity for a technology to make an impact on climate change and make an impact on the energy crisis facing this country and the world.
“It looks and smells like petrol but it is much cleaner and we don’t have any nasty bits.”
Friday, October 19, 2012
Scientists: Losing Virginity Later In Life Helps Enjoy More Satisfying Relationships
People who lose their virginity later than their teenage years are more likely to enjoy satisfying relationships later in life, according to a new study.
Researchers found that people who didn’t have sex until they turned 20 or even later are more likely to end up in a happy relationship. However, these people are less likely to be married and are also more likely to have had a university education and work in a well-paid job.
While parents worry about their children getting involved in all kinds of risky behaviour, their children's’ forays into sexual relationships is their prime concern.
Previous research suggests that there may be cause for concern, as timing of sexual development can have significant immediate consequences for adolescents’ physical and mental health. However, until now little had been done to study long-term outcomes, and how early sexual initiation might affect romantic relationships in adulthood.
Psychological scientist Paige Harden, of the University of Texas in the United States, set about changing this.
She wanted to investigate whether the timing of sexual initiation in adolescence might predict romantic outcomes - such as whether people get married or live with their partners, how many romantic partners they’ve had, and whether they’re satisfied with their relationship - later in adulthood.
Doctor Harden used data from the National Longitudinal Study on Adolescent Health to look at 1,659 same-sex sibling pairs who were followed from around the age of 16 to about the age of 29. Each sibling was classified as having an ‘early’ (younger than 15), ‘on-time’ (age 15 to 19), or ‘late’ (older than 19) first experience with sexual intercourse.
Later timing of first sexual experience was associated with higher educational attainment and higher household income in adulthood when compared with the early and on-time groups. People who had a later first sexual experience were also less likely to be married and they had fewer romantic partners in adulthood. Among the participants who were married or living with a partner, later sexual initiation was linked with significantly lower levels of relationship dissatisfaction in adulthood.
Dr Harden said: 'It’s possible that people who have their first sexual encounter later also have certain characteristics that have downstream effects on both sexual delay and on relationship quality. They could be pickier in choosing romantic and sexual partners, resulting in a reluctance to enter into intimate relationships unless they are very satisfying.
'It’s also possible, however, that people who have their first sexual encounter later have different experiences, avoiding early encounters with relational aggression or victimization that would otherwise have detrimental effects on later romantic outcomes.'
Dr Harden added: 'Individuals who first navigate intimate relationships in young adulthood, after they have accrued cognitive and emotional maturity, may learn more effective relationship skills than individuals who first learn scripts for intimate relationships while they are still teenagers.'
In previous studies, Dr Harden and her colleagues have found that earlier sexual intercourse isn’t always associated with negative outcomes.
For example, she found that teenagers who experienced their first sexual intercourse earlier, particularly those who had sex in a romantic dating relationship, had lower levels of delinquent behaviour problems.
She added: 'We are just beginning to understand how adolescents’ sexual experiences influence their future development and relationships.'
When, to your mind, is the best time to lose one's virginity?
What are pros and cons of teenagers' sex? Is engaging in sexual activities at a rather young age gaining experience and a normal phase of adolescence, or a potentionally dangerous deed?
Researchers found that people who didn’t have sex until they turned 20 or even later are more likely to end up in a happy relationship. However, these people are less likely to be married and are also more likely to have had a university education and work in a well-paid job.
While parents worry about their children getting involved in all kinds of risky behaviour, their children's’ forays into sexual relationships is their prime concern.
Previous research suggests that there may be cause for concern, as timing of sexual development can have significant immediate consequences for adolescents’ physical and mental health. However, until now little had been done to study long-term outcomes, and how early sexual initiation might affect romantic relationships in adulthood.
Psychological scientist Paige Harden, of the University of Texas in the United States, set about changing this.
She wanted to investigate whether the timing of sexual initiation in adolescence might predict romantic outcomes - such as whether people get married or live with their partners, how many romantic partners they’ve had, and whether they’re satisfied with their relationship - later in adulthood.
Doctor Harden used data from the National Longitudinal Study on Adolescent Health to look at 1,659 same-sex sibling pairs who were followed from around the age of 16 to about the age of 29. Each sibling was classified as having an ‘early’ (younger than 15), ‘on-time’ (age 15 to 19), or ‘late’ (older than 19) first experience with sexual intercourse.
Later timing of first sexual experience was associated with higher educational attainment and higher household income in adulthood when compared with the early and on-time groups. People who had a later first sexual experience were also less likely to be married and they had fewer romantic partners in adulthood. Among the participants who were married or living with a partner, later sexual initiation was linked with significantly lower levels of relationship dissatisfaction in adulthood.
Dr Harden said: 'It’s possible that people who have their first sexual encounter later also have certain characteristics that have downstream effects on both sexual delay and on relationship quality. They could be pickier in choosing romantic and sexual partners, resulting in a reluctance to enter into intimate relationships unless they are very satisfying.
'It’s also possible, however, that people who have their first sexual encounter later have different experiences, avoiding early encounters with relational aggression or victimization that would otherwise have detrimental effects on later romantic outcomes.'
Dr Harden added: 'Individuals who first navigate intimate relationships in young adulthood, after they have accrued cognitive and emotional maturity, may learn more effective relationship skills than individuals who first learn scripts for intimate relationships while they are still teenagers.'
In previous studies, Dr Harden and her colleagues have found that earlier sexual intercourse isn’t always associated with negative outcomes.
For example, she found that teenagers who experienced their first sexual intercourse earlier, particularly those who had sex in a romantic dating relationship, had lower levels of delinquent behaviour problems.
She added: 'We are just beginning to understand how adolescents’ sexual experiences influence their future development and relationships.'
When, to your mind, is the best time to lose one's virginity?
What are pros and cons of teenagers' sex? Is engaging in sexual activities at a rather young age gaining experience and a normal phase of adolescence, or a potentionally dangerous deed?
Thursday, October 18, 2012
How to get over a heartbreak
Few things in life are more painful than the end of a relationship, whether it's a marriage of 20 years or a romance of just a few months. There are no hard and fast rules for getting over it: your psyche needs time to mourn what you've lost and heal.
That takes more time for some people than for others. In some ways, a broken heart never truly heals. But with time and a liberal amount of self-evaluation, you will recover.
Be There For Yourself
It's easy to beat yourself up after your heart has been broken---to berate yourself for your naiveté, chide yourself for perceived mistakes or worry that you'll never be happy again. Don't allow yourself to fall into that trap. It's natural to feel sad: you've lost something that meant a great deal to you, and you need to allow those emotions to come out. But neither should you succumb to negative thoughts or beliefs about your future. Work on identifying unrealistic negative thoughts or times when you're beating yourself up for no go reason. When you spot these thoughts or moments, try shifting to a more positive mode of thinking: find something to feel optimistic about and look to the future, not the past.
No Contact
If you've been hurt, you need to stop the pain before you can properly heal. Every relationship leaves artifacts, from pictures to knickknacks to little items that symbolized your love. Get rid of them. Box them up and hide them somewhere where you won't be tempted to look at them: the garage, the basement or a self-storage facility. Hide your ex's contact info, or get rid of it if you feel you can. Don't respond to phone calls or email, and don't give into the temptation to contact him or her. Doing so only keeps the wound from closing.
Look for Opportunities
While you shouldn't think about another relationship until you are fully healed, you can look upon this time as a chance to explore new sides of yourself. Take up a new hobby: something you've always wanted to try but haven't. Learn to paint, keep a journal or engage in something you love like gardening or video games. Many experts recommend a regular exercise program. Not only does it keep you healthy and maintain high energy levels, but it helps take your mind off the stress of a lost relationship. Go home for awhile: spend a few nights in your old room at your parents' house and get in touch with the child you once were. The more at peace you are with yourself as yourself, the more readily your broken heart will heal.
That takes more time for some people than for others. In some ways, a broken heart never truly heals. But with time and a liberal amount of self-evaluation, you will recover.
Be There For Yourself
It's easy to beat yourself up after your heart has been broken---to berate yourself for your naiveté, chide yourself for perceived mistakes or worry that you'll never be happy again. Don't allow yourself to fall into that trap. It's natural to feel sad: you've lost something that meant a great deal to you, and you need to allow those emotions to come out. But neither should you succumb to negative thoughts or beliefs about your future. Work on identifying unrealistic negative thoughts or times when you're beating yourself up for no go reason. When you spot these thoughts or moments, try shifting to a more positive mode of thinking: find something to feel optimistic about and look to the future, not the past.
No Contact
If you've been hurt, you need to stop the pain before you can properly heal. Every relationship leaves artifacts, from pictures to knickknacks to little items that symbolized your love. Get rid of them. Box them up and hide them somewhere where you won't be tempted to look at them: the garage, the basement or a self-storage facility. Hide your ex's contact info, or get rid of it if you feel you can. Don't respond to phone calls or email, and don't give into the temptation to contact him or her. Doing so only keeps the wound from closing.
Look for Opportunities
While you shouldn't think about another relationship until you are fully healed, you can look upon this time as a chance to explore new sides of yourself. Take up a new hobby: something you've always wanted to try but haven't. Learn to paint, keep a journal or engage in something you love like gardening or video games. Many experts recommend a regular exercise program. Not only does it keep you healthy and maintain high energy levels, but it helps take your mind off the stress of a lost relationship. Go home for awhile: spend a few nights in your old room at your parents' house and get in touch with the child you once were. The more at peace you are with yourself as yourself, the more readily your broken heart will heal.
Skipping breakfast will make you gain weight!
If you think skipping your morning tea and bread will help you shed a few kilos, you could be mistaken.
Researchers claim people who miss breakfast not only eat more for lunch but also crave fatty and sugary foods, putting them at risk of gaining rather than losing weight.
It is thought that when we skip meals, our gut releases hormones that act on the orbital frontal cortex, priming it to steer our thoughts towards sugary and fatty treats.
While this might make sense in times of famine, when it is essential to get as many calories as possible, when food is plentiful, it could lead to us eating more than is good for us.
Dr Goldstone said: ‘Through the participants’ MRI results and observations of how much they ate at lunch, we found ample evidence that fasting made people hungrier and increased the appeal of high-calorie foods and the amount people ate.
‘Beware of going for long periods without eating because you are going to crave high-calorie foods much more because of changes in how your orbital frontal cortex works.’
Researchers claim people who miss breakfast not only eat more for lunch but also crave fatty and sugary foods, putting them at risk of gaining rather than losing weight.
It is thought that when we skip meals, our gut releases hormones that act on the orbital frontal cortex, priming it to steer our thoughts towards sugary and fatty treats.
While this might make sense in times of famine, when it is essential to get as many calories as possible, when food is plentiful, it could lead to us eating more than is good for us.
Dr Goldstone said: ‘Through the participants’ MRI results and observations of how much they ate at lunch, we found ample evidence that fasting made people hungrier and increased the appeal of high-calorie foods and the amount people ate.
‘Beware of going for long periods without eating because you are going to crave high-calorie foods much more because of changes in how your orbital frontal cortex works.’
What Your Sleeping Position with Your Partner Reveals About Your Relationship

In real life, sleeping together every night can become a lot less romantic as a relationship goes on, but the way you're doing it might reveal something important about your relationship. According to psychologists, since people can't fake body language when they sleep, nights are the time when people are the most honest and vulnerable, and couples fall into sleeping habits that reflect their personalities and preferences.
Wanna know about the sleeping positions? Of course you do! Here you go:
Spoons (Male): Especially common in the first few years of a relationship or marriage, some couples sleep in this traditional position, where the guy is the big spoon, or the spoon on the outside. Here, the guy is taking the lead and protecting his lover, and the position reveals a strong sexuality and feeling of security.
Pillow Talk: If you like to sleep face to face, you're a couple that needs one-to-one contact and to talk in bed.
Lovers Knot: In this position, couples lay face to face with their legs intertwined for a brief period, then separate to sleep.The couples show a loving independence by showing a sign intimacy and then separating to sleep apart.
Spoons (Female): This time, the woman is the outside or big spoon, taking charge and protecting her guy.
The Lovers: See "Lovers Knot" above, only the couple stays in the entwined face to face position all night. This is for new couples who can't bear to be separated or who are born romantics.
The Romantic: Speaking of romantic, this is the stuff of movie love scenes, where the woman sleeps with her head and arm on the man's chest. It's common in new or rekindled relationships.
Superwoman: Are you a bed hog, Superwoman? Here, the woman sleeps in a stretched out star fish position and the man hangs off the bed. The guy in this couple doesn't mind taking a secondary position and letting the woman take her space.
Superman: Reverse the above. here, the guy likes to have his way and the woman is OK with that.
Planet with four suns discovered by scientists
An international team of astronomers have announced the discovery of a planet whose skies are illuminated by four suns – the first known of its type.
The planet, located about 5,000 light years from Earth, has been dubbed PH1 in honor of Planet Hunters, a programme led by Yale University in the United States which enlists volunteers to look for signs of new planets.
PH1 is orbiting two suns, and in turn is orbited by a second distant pair of stars. Only six planets are known to orbit two stars, researchers say, and none of those are orbited by other distant stars.
“Circumbinary planets are the extremes of planet formation,” said Yale’s Meg Schwamb, lead author of a paper presented Monday at the annual meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society in Nevada.
“The discovery of these systems is forcing us to go back to the drawing board to understand how such planets can assemble and evolve in these dynamically challenging environments.”
US citizen scientists and Planet Hunters participants Kian Jek and Robert Gagliano were the first to identify PH1. Their observations were then confirmed by a team of US and British researchers working in Hawaii.
PH1 is a gas giant with a radius about 6.2 times that of Earth, making it a bit bigger than Neptune. It orbits a pair of eclipsing stars that are 1.5 and 0.41 times the mass of the Sun roughly every 138 days.
The two other stars are orbiting the planetary system at a distance that is roughly 1,000 times the distance between Earth and the Sun.
The Planethunters.org website was created in 2010 to encourage amateur astronomers to identify planets outside our solar system, using data from the US space agency NASA’s Kepler space telescope.
Kepler, launched in March 2009, is NASA’s first mission in search of Earth-like planets orbiting stars similar to our Sun.
The discovery of PH1 was made available online Monday at the site arxiv.org and has been submitted to the Astrophysical Journal for publication.
“It still continues to astonish me how we can detect, let alone glean so much information, about another planet thousands of light-years away just by studying the light from its parent star,” Jek said.
The planet, located about 5,000 light years from Earth, has been dubbed PH1 in honor of Planet Hunters, a programme led by Yale University in the United States which enlists volunteers to look for signs of new planets.
PH1 is orbiting two suns, and in turn is orbited by a second distant pair of stars. Only six planets are known to orbit two stars, researchers say, and none of those are orbited by other distant stars.
“Circumbinary planets are the extremes of planet formation,” said Yale’s Meg Schwamb, lead author of a paper presented Monday at the annual meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society in Nevada.
“The discovery of these systems is forcing us to go back to the drawing board to understand how such planets can assemble and evolve in these dynamically challenging environments.”
US citizen scientists and Planet Hunters participants Kian Jek and Robert Gagliano were the first to identify PH1. Their observations were then confirmed by a team of US and British researchers working in Hawaii.
PH1 is a gas giant with a radius about 6.2 times that of Earth, making it a bit bigger than Neptune. It orbits a pair of eclipsing stars that are 1.5 and 0.41 times the mass of the Sun roughly every 138 days.
The two other stars are orbiting the planetary system at a distance that is roughly 1,000 times the distance between Earth and the Sun.
The Planethunters.org website was created in 2010 to encourage amateur astronomers to identify planets outside our solar system, using data from the US space agency NASA’s Kepler space telescope.
Kepler, launched in March 2009, is NASA’s first mission in search of Earth-like planets orbiting stars similar to our Sun.
The discovery of PH1 was made available online Monday at the site arxiv.org and has been submitted to the Astrophysical Journal for publication.
“It still continues to astonish me how we can detect, let alone glean so much information, about another planet thousands of light-years away just by studying the light from its parent star,” Jek said.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Rules for a better life
- Have a firm handshake.
Look people in the eye.
- Sing in the shower.
- Own a great stereo system.
- If in a fight, hit first and hit hard.
- Keep secrets.
- Never give up on anybody. Miracles happen everyday.
- Always accept an outstretched hand.
- Be brave. Even if you're not, pretend to be. No one can tell the difference.
- Whistle.
- Avoid sarcastic remarks.
- Choose your life's mate carefully. From this one decision will come 90 per cent of all your happiness or misery.
- Make it a habit to do nice things for people who will never find out.
- Lend only those books you never care to see again.
- Never deprive someone of hope; it might be all that they have.
- When playing games with ! children, let them win.
- Give people a second chance, but not a third.
- Be romantic.
- Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.
- Loosen up. Relax. Except for rare life-and-death matters, nothing is as important as it first seems.
- Don't allow the phone to interrupt important moments. It's there for our convenience, not the caller's.
- Be a good loser.
- Be a good winner.
- Think twice before burdening a friend with a secret.
- When someone hugs you, let them be the first to let go.
- Be modest. A lot was accomplished before you were born.
- Keep it simple.
- Beware of the person who has nothing to lose.
- Don't burn bridges. You'll be surprised how many times you have to cross the same river.
- Live your life so that your epitaph could read, No Regrets
- Be bold and courageous. When you look back on life, you'll regret the
- things you didn't do more than the one's you did.
- Never waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them.
- Remember no one makes it alone. Have a grateful heart and be quick to acknowledge those who helped you.
- Take charge of your attitude. Don't let someone else choose it for you.
- Visit friends and relatives when they are in hospital; you need only stay a few minutes.
- Begin each day with some of your favorite music.
- Once in a while, take the scenic route.
- Send a lot of Valentine cards. Sign them, 'Someone who thinks you're terrific.'
- Answer the phone with enthusiasm and energy in your voice.
- Keep a note pad and pencil on your bed-side table. Million-dollar ideas sometimes strike at 3 a.m.
- Show respect for everyone who works for a living, regardless of how trivial their job.
- Send your loved ones flowers. Think of a reason later.
- Make someone's day by paying the toll for the person in the car behind you.
- Become someone's hero.
- Marry only for love.
- Count your blessings.
- Compliment the meal when you're a guest in someone's home.
- Wave at the children on a school bus.
- Remember that 80 per cent of the success in any job is based on your ability to deal with people.
Don't expect life to be fair.
Nicki Minaj before and after
You have been advised not to run, and now that you are here all you need to do is give us your opinion on this American idol that seem to always look like a goddess on plasma screen, and a video vixen on old school TVs.
We have seen so many celebrities that look totally awful when their faces are devoid of make ups, but tis one seem a little strange-almost like we are even seeing two different girls here. What do you think?
Watch Daredevil Felix Baumgartner free fall from the edge of space. (VIDEO)
DAREDEVIL Felix Baumgartner reached a top speed of 1342km/h, or 1.24 times the speed of sound, in a record-breaking freefall from the edge of space.
The speed, revealed at a press conference after the unprecedented leap from 39km up, was significantly higher than that given earlier by a spokeswoman, who had put his maximum speed as 1136km/h.
No one has ever reached that speed wearing only a high-tech suit.
The 43-year-old floated down to Earth on a red and white parachute canopy.
At the press conference, Baumgartner also spoke of some of the problems he encountered during the record-breaking jump, including fogging on his helmet visor, which coud have aborted the mission and a flat spin as he fell.
“When I was standing there on top of the world, you become so humble, you do not think about breaking records anymore, you do not think about gaining scientific data. The only thing you want is to come back alive,” he said after the jump.
Baumgartner says that traveling faster than sound is “hard to describe because you don’t feel it.”
With no reference points, “you don’t know how fast you travel,” he told reporters.
“Sometimes we have to get really high to see how small we are,” he said.
Mission control erupted in cheers as Baumgartner made a near-perfect jump from a capsule hoisted aloft by a giant helium-filled balloon to an altitude of around 128,000 feet (39km).
“Sometimes you have (go) up really high to (realise) how small you are,” Baumgartner said shortly before he jumped, watched in live footage beamed around the world.
“I think 20 tons have fallen from my shoulders. I prepared for this for seven years,” he told German-language ServusTV in Austria in his first interview after the leap.
Source: heraldsun.com.au
The speed, revealed at a press conference after the unprecedented leap from 39km up, was significantly higher than that given earlier by a spokeswoman, who had put his maximum speed as 1136km/h.
No one has ever reached that speed wearing only a high-tech suit.
The 43-year-old floated down to Earth on a red and white parachute canopy.
“When I was standing there on top of the world, you become so humble, you do not think about breaking records anymore, you do not think about gaining scientific data. The only thing you want is to come back alive,” he said after the jump.
Baumgartner says that traveling faster than sound is “hard to describe because you don’t feel it.”
With no reference points, “you don’t know how fast you travel,” he told reporters.
“Sometimes we have to get really high to see how small we are,” he said.
Mission control erupted in cheers as Baumgartner made a near-perfect jump from a capsule hoisted aloft by a giant helium-filled balloon to an altitude of around 128,000 feet (39km).
“Sometimes you have (go) up really high to (realise) how small you are,” Baumgartner said shortly before he jumped, watched in live footage beamed around the world.
“I think 20 tons have fallen from my shoulders. I prepared for this for seven years,” he told German-language ServusTV in Austria in his first interview after the leap.
Source: heraldsun.com.au
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Mother who beat her daughter, two, into a coma and glued her hands to the wall is jailed for 99 years
Elizabeth Escalona, 23, beat her daughter, dragged her across the floor and glued her hands to the wall until they bled

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2216894/Elizabeth-Escalona-I-monster-Mother-beat-daughter-coma-GLUED-hands-wall-jailed-99-years.html#ixzz29GFDJjbv
- Sentenced to 99-years in prison today in Dallas, Texas
- Court shown pictures of toddler's body with bruises, cuts and bite marks
A mother who glued her two-year-old daughter's hands to a wall and beat the toddler so badly that she fell into a coma was sentenced to 99 years in prison in Dallas today.
Elizabeth Escalona, 23, showed no emotion when the verdict was announced which was in stark contrast to yesterday when she openly wailed after a prosecutor asked her to count the bruises she inflicted on her daughter in a photograph taken after the September 2011 attack.
Having already pleaded guilty to her crimes in July, Escalona testified extensively in her own defence and had asked the judge to spare her prison and to give her a second chance to redeem herself.
Regrets: Elizabeth Escalona 23, breaks down as she responds to questions during her sentencing. She has been sentenced to 99 years in prison for beating her toddler and gluing the child's hands to a wall
'I hit her, I kicked her constantly, and she didn’t deserve that,' said Escalona yesterday. 'Only a monster does that.'
While accepting that Escalona may have had a history of sexual abuse in her past, District Judge Larry Mitchell said the simple fact remained of her vicious assault on her child.
'You savagely beat your child to the edge of death,' he said.
- Mother admits gluing two-year-old daughter's hands to wall and beating her into a coma - but tells court only God can judge her
- Doctor cries as she describes extent of toddler's injuries after mother beat her and glued her hands to the wall
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Dallas County prosecutor Eren Price said the 23-year-old mother of five had not taken responsibility for her actions.
'Elizabeth lies to hide the evil,' said Price.
Escalona's other children told authorities that their mother attacked Jocelyn Cedillo in September 2011 due to potty training problems.
'Monster': Escalona cries as she looks at photos showing the injuries she inflicted on her daughter Jocelyn
Bruises: She hit the girl with enormous objects, including a jug, before dragging her across the floor
Painful: Other photos shown to the court reveal the bruises along Jocelyn's back after the attack
Police say she kicked her daughter in the stomach, beat her with a milk jug, then stuck her hands to an apartment wall with an adhesive commonly known as Super Glue.
Jocelyn suffered bleeding in her brain, a fractured rib, multiple bruises and bite marks, and was in a coma for a couple of days, a doctor testified at the sentencing hearing.
Some skin had been torn off her hands, where doctors also found glue residue and white paint chips from the apartment wall.
'On Sept. 7, 2011, you savagely beat your child to the edge of death," State District Judge Larry Mitchell said. 'For this you must be punished.'
Jocelyn has since recovered and her grandmother now cares for her along with Elizabeth Escalona's four other children, including a baby born this year.
Prosecutors portrayed Escalona as an unfit mother with a history of violence. They played recordings in which Escalona as a teenager threatened to kill her mother. They said she had been a gang member and that she started smoking marijuana at age 11.
Torture: Photographs shown in the court depict Jocelyn's bleeding hands after they were glued to the wall
Horror: Dallas police officer Abel Lopez sits by a display showing a photo of Jocelyn's little hand prints on a wall
'Only a monster glues her daughter's hands to the wall,' Price said during the hearing.
Escalona had faced from probation to life in prison. Prosecutors initially sought a 45-year sentence, but during closing arguments Price said she wanted Escalona to be sentenced to life in prison.
Defense attorney Angie N'Duka repeated that Escalona was not a monster and that she was deserving of probation or a short sentence.
'She is no monster. She can be redeemed. She can be helped,' N'Duka said during closing arguments.
N'Duka said Escalona asked, 'What about my children?' after the sentence was announced.
Price said Escalona will be eligible for parole in 30 years. N'Duka said she plans to appeal.
Yesterday in court Elizabeth Escalona told a Judge Mitchell: 'I will never forgive myself for what I did to my own daughter. I want everybody to know I'm not a monster. I love my kids.'
The words shown on an overhead display were written by prosecutor Eren Price, (left) and were shown in court as an emotional Elizabeth Escalona, 23, responds to a line of questioning in court yesterday
Elizabeth Escalona, 23, breaks down as she looks at a monitor in front of her displaying photos of her injured daughter Jocelyn Cedilo yesterday
Police say Escalona lost her temper last year with Jocelyn Cedillo over potty training problems. Escalona beat and kicked Jocelyn before sticking her hands to an apartment wall using an adhesive commonly known as Super Glue. The child was hospitalized for days.
A counselor earlier claimed that a woman who glued her two-year-old daughter's hands to a wall and beat the toddler so badly that she suffered significant brain trauma loves her children.
Melanie Davis testified on Wednesday in the case of Elizabeth Escalona, a 23-year-old mother of five from Dallas who admitted to the attack in July. Prosecutors are now seeking a 45-year jail sentence.
But Davis said she has been counseling the mother, who beat her daughter Jocelyn after losing her temper over potty training, since June and believes that she loves all of her children.
She said that Escalona is determined to find a job and eventually get her children, who are living with their grandmother, back to her own home.
The testimony came as Escalona's sister also pleaded with the judge to be lenient in his sentencing, even though she acknowledged her own outrage following the grisly attack.
Attacker: On the day of the attack Escalona, pictured left in her mug shot, changed her Facebook profile photo to one of her and Jocelyn (right) and wrote: 'Why does God put obstacles in my life?'
Sentence: Prosecutors are seeking a 45-year jail sentence against the mother of five from Dallas
Margaret Escalona said she wanted to beat up her sister after the attack, and described seeing Jocelyn struggling for her life. But she says her sister 'needs help' rather than a lengthy sentence.
It also follows testimony on Monday from Escalona's mother who said her daughter was 'not a monster' and that she deserves probation, insisting her daughter could be 'fixed'.
On Monday, a doctor, Dr Amy Barton, also revealed the extent of the horrifying injuries to the young girl, who has since recovered.
The girl was rushed to hospital after Escalona called her mother and said there was something wrong with her daughter. When the child's grandmother got to the house, the girl was unresponsive.
Dr Barton showed photos of the beaten child in court showing her bruises, cuts and bite marks all over her body shortly after she was brought to Children’s Medical Center in Dallas.
Some of her hair had been pulled out and there was glue in her eyelashes and on her hands. Glue and paint were stuck to her palms, with skin torn away in places, the police report noted.
The toddler was in a coma for two days after the September 7, 2011, incident.
Police records show the toddler's siblings told investigators their mother repeatedly kicked the girl in the stomach, hit her with a milk jug and then beat her with a shoe and belt.
Shock: On Monday, a doctor showed photos of the beaten child in which she had bruises, cuts and bite marks all over her body shortly after she was brought to Children's Medical Center in Dallas, pictured
Escalona then dragged her daughter by her feet before gluing her hands to the wall until they bled.
Dr Barton, a child abuse pediatrician who worked at the hospital at the time, cried when she testified about the injuries, according to the Dallas Morning News.
'The entire picture was very shocking,' she said. 'I see a lot of children and this was one of the most shocking things that I've seen.'
The section of the wall the toddler's hands were glued to was cut out and presented to the court.
Escalona, who stayed silent in court, previously said of the case: 'I have no comment, and only God can judge me. That’s all I gotta say.'
Police said that numerous people had seen the suspect inflict pain on her daughter in the past.
On the day of the attack Escalona changed her Facebook profile photo to one of her and Jocelyn and wrote: 'Why does God put obstacles in my life?'
The girl has recovered from her injuries. She and her siblings were taken into state custody after their mother’s arrest and now live with their grandmother.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2216894/Elizabeth-Escalona-I-monster-Mother-beat-daughter-coma-GLUED-hands-wall-jailed-99-years.html#ixzz29GFDJjbv
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