1. You feel good- about him, about yourself, about life. Being with him has given you a more positive outlook on life and love. There is no doubt, no pessimism, no feeling of insecurity.
2.You look forward to seeing him. You want to spend time together, and don’t find yourself looking for excuses to be alone or spend time with other people instead. You are happy just sitting together reading a paper.
3. You respect each other. You are offended if someone badmouths your guy, you don’t allow people to insult him, and you don’t join in on spouse-bashing when others complain about their significant other. On the contrary, you speak well of him and think well of him, and have confidence he does likewise.
4.You care about each others feelings, thoughts, and interests. You ask each other for advice and consider each other when making decisions. You don’t think as an individual anymore, you think about how things affect you both.
5. You accept each other. You don’t have a list of things to fix about him, but appreciate what is wonderful about your love and focus on the wonderful ways he adds to your life.
6. You fight fair. There is no name calling or belitting. You both state your side, and compromise. You’d rather lose the battle than the relationship, and there are no issues so serious that are worth breaking up over because you don’t let that happen. You do not push your partner to the wall by being so disrespectful that it forces them to either break up with you or lose their dignity by staying.
7. You can see a future together. You can see traveling together, see him holding your babies, see dancing together at 90. You can see a full and happy life.

9. You don’t measure each other to past relationships, keep score of who does more, or compare each other to people you could be with instead. You are complete with each other, your relationship is full, you don’t even care about other men or women.
10. You feel safe. You’re not afraid of losing your partner, or being hurt by your partner. You don’t worry about what he’s doing when you aren’t together, and when you have something to say you aren’t worried they will hurt or attack you. You feel secure and loved.
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