This is why we have decided to share, with blessings from several experts, those foods that may be killing your sex life. Here they are:
Fried foods and chips.
Love those tantalizing bacon cheeseburgers? Well, go easy on them because the saturated fats contained in most cheeses and fatty meats will possibly, over time, clogs your arteries. But you already knew that, didn’t you? I am not sure if you knew that first arteries usually affected are the penal and vaginal arteries? They are small, which means they quickly collect plaque — so even if you’re still looking svelte despite your close personal relationship with the pastries, your sex life might be suffering.
Cookies and muffins.
Whether you prefer pastries or macaroons, scones or muffins, baked food that combine flour and sugar spike glucose levels, which can reduce sexual desire and causes hormonal imbalances. A lot of chips and other fried foods do contain trace amounts of libido lowering fats as a byproduct of processing, even though the label on your fries and chips says trans-fat. Initially though, the initial ingredients may be trans-fat free, but the processing often creates unhealthy fats which clog the ventricles, not to mention, trans-fats have been linked to reduce testosterone levels (which means lower sex drive).

You may have been medically advised to ingest more soy products for a healthier life, I am here to tell you that too much of it for a man can, most possibly, affect his sex drive because of their high estrogen levels. A high estrogen level in male is not libido friendly.
Dairy products.
As women, you have been told that you need a healthy dose of dairy products in your diets. As much as that is true, high-fat dairy does have a way of affecting your menstrual cycle by exacerbating cramps and bloating and further depleting energy levels.
You have heard how much danger excessive red meat deposits into your body system, right? Now, I can go a little further to tell you that most meats, including dear poultry and fish, have added hormones, antibiotics and chemicals which create a hormonal imbalance. It gets worse, those tasty, fatty meats do contain high levels of saturated fats and cholesterol known to clog your arteries and blood vessels, making it difficult to achieve orgasm and maintain arousal. Can you now see why you need to sacrifice your taste for a healthier sex life?

Think happy hour makes you happy? Try frequent happy hours and see if it doesn’t impede your getting laid! Frequent use of alcohol suppresses your libido, decreasing your sex drive and your sexual satisfaction.
Don’t say I never told you because I just did.
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