1. Americans: Research shows Americans won the top of the spot from the French who were deemed the most arrogant especially in the Napoleon days. Traits include: Jingoism: we're the best country in the world, God bless America and no place else, acting like the world police and killing innocent civilians at war, completely oblivious to everything happening around them even though they have a major effect and Imperialism.
2. France: Views and opinions show the French are known to exude superiority. Trying to force the French language on everyone, forgetting that the Napoleon era is gone and the universal English language has fast taken over the world. A survey by Expedia reveals they come across as penny-pinching, impolite, inattentive to local customs and least ready to try a new language.

4. Israel: Yes, Israel. Ask them in the middle east and they'll tell you Israel is the most arrogant nation in the world. Other people don't see it that way but they still think Israelis are arrogant anyways. Traits include defying UN resolutions (who's UN really?), checkpoint mania, having more amnesty international warnings than any other country.
5. China: They could be diminutive but don't judge them by their size. Chinese people are deemed arrogant even if they strike you as being small in size. Traits are they love to bully small nations in Asia, torturing anyone who disagrees with the communist government and I heard they just gave Australia an ultimatum: be our friend or America's...lol
6. Russia: As if cursing and swearing isn't enough, Russians have managed to get on the list of arrogant nationalities. Traits are : flying bombers along other countries' borders, taunting the US, sending people to gulags and refusing to dress well as tourists...hahaha.
7. Germany: As someone puts it, Germans are outstandingly friendly and outstandingly arrogant. Although Germans have given the world BMW and they still play the big brother role in Europe, it doesn't call for arrogance. Traits include clinical detachment, ruthlessness and Aryan superiority.

9. Japan: It's hard to tell on the Japs because they appear so calm and welcoming on the surface but buried deep within is a total resentment for strangers. Traits include secretly hating on all foreigners and being OPENLY, incredibly racist.
10. Vatican: It's the smallest sovereign country in the world. Views on the Vatican show the arrogance traits are telling people they are going to hell, turning religion into a business (sounds much like Nigeria) and hiding pedophile priests with impunity.
There are other views on other countries like Greeks considering racism against Albanians and Turks a norm, Norway: everything for Norway, Swedes thinking they are superior to everyone while they never accomplish anything and mocking other countries. There'll be a continuation of the most arrogant nationalities sometime soon.
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