These are some weirdest facts you'll hardly believe.

Pubic wigs: In Victorian times, whores wore pubic wigs. Like seriously!! The pubic wig (merkin) has been around since the 1400s when it was originally worn by women who had shaved off their pubic hair to ward off lice. In these times, it was frequently worn by prostitutes who wanted to conceal the fact that they had diseases like syphilis. Please trust we aren't ''merkin'' this up.
Cheap sex, pricey condoms: In modern day India, it's cheaper to have sex with a prostitute than it is to buy a condom. We exactly don't know why it's like that but we think the condom factories over there would do all they can do arrest this trend. We are advocates of safer, condomized sex and frown at teenage pregnancy and STDs.
Animal rain: We have seen so many things rain on our dear planet. We even at one time had a purple rain (sic..Prince) but was it strange knowing animals do rain from the sky. Amazing Science facts point to raining animals as a relatively common meteorological phenomenon, with occurrences reported from many countries throughout history. Not to worry though, the animals likely to drop from the sky in this special rainfall are fish, frogs and birds. Good thing there are no snakes, spiders or scorpions. Recent occurrences include the rain of frogs and toads in Serbia (2005) and London (1998), and rains of fish in India (2006) and Wales (2004). Our question is when will the money rain come?
A death erection: What happens when we die? We can't know until it happens, but have you ever heard of a death erection? A death erection sometimes referred to as ''angel lust'' is a post-mortem erection which occurs when a male individual dies vertically or face-down with the cadaver remaining in this position.If an individual dies vertically such as in a hanging, the blood will settle in the legs and pool at the feet. The pressure will be greatest as the weight of the blood pushes down. This causes the blood vessels and tissues in the feet to engorge to their greatest elastic capacity and hold the greatest volume of blood possible. This effect occurs right up the legs although to a lesser extent than the feet and is also notable at the waist. The blood which remains in the torso attempts to move to a lower position due to gravity, and as the blood in the waist (which cannot move down due to the legs being full) causes the penis, consisting of erectile tissue, to fill with blood and expand. This is the death erection. As long as the body remains in this position the effect will continue. All we can say is God bless the dead.
And the very last one: the pig's orgasm. As much as we tried, we just couldn't afford not sharing this with you. In case you didn't know, a pig's orgasm lasts for about 30 minutes. Now let's all give it to the pigs. We know the poor things need to have something to make up for all that ''pigstying'' and terrible grief of continual lose of their kith and kin to the human stomach. We're secretly thinking, ''if only humans too''..hahahaha.
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