Saturday, December 1, 2012

Why you shouldn't cheat on your partner

After ten years of what she’d thought was a very good marriage, a woman’s husband surprised her by saying he wanted a divorce… He told her although it was not her fault, he was moving on… He left that night… Several weeks later, she received notice that she had to leave the house in a week… She’d been expecting this, and had secured a small apartment not far away… On her last night in the house, she ordered the large steamed shrimp special he’d loved so much, from his favorite take out place a few blocks down the street… She ate about half of each one, then had a bit more wine… Eventually she rose, and proceeded to clean the kitchen one last time… Since he and his new love would be arriving the next day, she wanted everything in order… The next morning, she went to each of the curtain rods in the two living room windows… She had saved the remnants of the half eaten shrimp from the night before… With them in hand, she removed the end caps of each rod, inserted several of the half eaten shrimp inside, then replaced the caps… She repeated this in all but two rooms in the house… Then she waited… When her ex and his new love arrived, she noted how youthful she appeared, but said nothing save a few well wishes, then quietly slipped from the house for the last time…

All was well for the new couple, for about two weeks… But then the most telling aroma begin to deepen throughout the building… They tried everything to eliminate it… They changed the carpets, they bought new furniture… They repainted every room, and even had the entire place professionally fumigated… Nothing worked… It eventually became clear, they could no longer stay there… He was going to be forced to buy a new house, at nearly twice the price of the existing one… For weeks the old one continued to languish on the market… He was for paying for a home he couldn’t live in, and spending another small fortune in hotel charges… More than one potential buyer had been ready to sign, that is of course, right up until they’d toured the house… One nearly sued him, he’d gagged so badly from the now smoldering stench… So distressed was he by the whole episode, he’d called her and offered to sell her back the house, at less than half its value just to be rid of it… She took a month to think it over, before she finally agreed… And so it was, that she was there when the movers finished packing and started to leave… As the van rounded the corner out of sight, she poured her self a glass of wine… Only then, did the hint of an extremely pleased smile begin to form, as she considered how thoughtful she’d been in pointing out to them they’d almost forgotten to……. TAKE THE CURTAIN RODS AS WELL… !!!

 Before you cheat on your woman, think twice and remember hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!

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