Monday, December 31, 2012
Ten Ways To Become Smarter in 2013
The challenges of our world today require a mentally sound and alert mind to survive. We are everyday faced with the need to use wits to win, and only the smart seem to be capable of achieving real success.
You can demand more from your brain. Here are ten of the many ways through which you can increase your brain’s efficiency as you prepare for greater future challenges.
Friday, December 28, 2012
5 sure ways to make women want you
Women want the ideal man who is confident, self-sufficient and respectable.
Getting women to fall for you is not as hard as it may seem. Making women feel a deep attraction to you doesn’t require expensive gifts, extravagant gestures or rock hard abs. In fact, all it really requires is a little charm and a few good manners. Mastering the following 5 qualities will set you on your way to becoming the man women will be fighting for.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
TALK FUSION: A new way to earn a living
It has been predicted that by the year 2015, all social networking and on-line communication would be done via video. Take sending an email for instance, rather than type out the ordinary black and white text with a few boring emoticons, one can actually record a video and hit send (which is a real time saver by the way).
Great news is that the technology that would provide such service is already here courtesy Talk Fusion.
Talk Fusion, a young company founded by Bob Reina is leading in the Multi Level Marketing direct marketing. This company provides the best of video communications services such as Video Email, Video Newsletters, Video Conferencing, Live Broadcasting, the Fusion On The Go Mobile App, E-Subscription Forms, Video Auto Responders, Fusion Wall, Video Blog, Video Share and so much more!
Talk Fusion asides offering such wonderful services also provides an opportunity for you to make money bringing people to the family by registering them. Yes, you get paid for bringing people into Talk Fusion and better still when those people bring more people!
They reach out on a regular basis through web casts to intimate associates and intending associates on the products and help, etc.
First you'd need to register under any 3 of these packages;
- Starter
- Executive and
- Elite.
Upon registration, you bring 2 people at least to register (you could choose to bring a lot more other people). Detailed information on all these packages, benefits and earning capacity can be read here.
And to the issue about actually collecting your money in cash, Talk Fusion offers 2 great options. Either have it wired to your account or apply for a branded Talk Fusion Visa Card that can be used anywhere in the world just like any other Visa card. No hassle at all!
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Click here |
Quite simple to go about actually but still requires you working ever so conveniently.
This is a quick introduction and I'd be here to answer any questions you might have. Feel free to contact me via email:
Skype: blaquepearl2
Ready to become a part of a high flying team? Click here to become a Talk Fusion Associate.
Disclaimer: This is not a "get-rich-quick" scheme. It is an honest and transparent way of making money. You might be interested and you might not but this is definitely one opportunity that you mustn't allow pass by.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Talk Fusion – Your Business From Home
If you are searching just for a sincere report on talk fusion by a third-party, since you’re simply looking for approval to find out if you made a good choice. My personal goal in this article is to supply you with enough answers that may help you make a choice to sign up or do not.
Talk fusion founder
Talk fusion is certainly lead by founder and even CEO, bob reina, who actually thought to email a short video to good friends, to realize that it really was initially hard to finish but with the assistance of a good IT genius friend, together, these individuals made the idea a reality simply by adding video recordings directly into e-mail. read more here after the cut
Sunday, December 23, 2012
CEO Spotlight: – Micha Kaufman
This was an interview by Troy Janisch of Social Meteor
Five dollars goes a long way. We recently had the opportunity to interview Micha Kaufman, co-founder and CEO of, a site that enables people sell things to one another for $5.
The Death Trap Scourge: A Traveler's Nightmare Part 2.
Some days back, reports indicating the inferno that raged the Muritala Mohammed International Airport were featured mainstream on both the electronic and print media all over the country and beyond. A section of the number one Nigerian airport situated in Lagos, was engulfed in flames after an electric spark flickered and burst into flame. The accident was said to have been triggered as a result of welders who were working in the vicinity that was also being renovated at the time of the fire.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
45 Life Lessons, written by a 90 year old
1. Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good.
2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.
3. Life is too short not to enjoy it.
4. Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and family will.
5. Don’t buy stuff you don’t need.
6. You don’t have to win every argument. Stay true to yourself.
7. Cry with someone. It’s more healing than crying alone.
8. It’s OK to get angry with God. He can take it.
9. Save for things that matter.
10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.
11. Make peace with your past so it won’t screw up the present.
12. It’s OK to let your children see you cry.
13. Don’t compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn’t be in it.
15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye… But don’t worry; God never blinks.
16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
17. Get rid of anything that isn’t useful. Clutter weighs you down in many ways.
18. Whatever doesn’t kill you really does make you stronger.
19. It’s never too late to be happy. But it’s all up to you and no one else.
20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don’t take no for an answer.
21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don’t save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
22. Overprepare, then go with the flow.
23. Be eccentric now. Don’t wait for old age to wear purple.
24. The most important sex organ is the brain.
25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.
26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words, ‘In five years, will this matter?’
27. Always choose Life.
28. Forgive but don’t forget.
29. What other people think of you is none of your business.
30. Time heals almost everything. Give Time time.
31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
32. Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
33. Believe in miracles.
34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn’t do.
35. Don’t audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.
36. Growing old beats the alternative — dying young.
37. Your children get only one childhood.
38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else’s, we’d
grab ours back.
41. Envy is a waste of time. Accept what you already have, not what you think you need.
42. The best is yet to come…
43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
44. Yield.
45. Life isn’t tied with a bow, but it’s still a gift.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Yaya Toure wins African Footballer of the Year 2012
The Death Trap Scourge: A Traveler's Worst Nightmare Part 1.
It's been a really sad past few days for Nigeria and Nigerians in general. We received with great shock the passing of the late Governor Patrick Yakowa of Kaduna State. He was in Bayelsa State to attend the burial of the father of President Goodluck Jonathan’s aide, Oronto Douglas, in Okoroba. Upon his departure, the Naval helicopter he traveled in crashed. He was accompanied by the ex-National Security Adviser, Gen. Oweye Andrew Azazi rtd and four others. (Yakowa’s Special Adviser, Dauda Tsoho; Azazi’s bodyguard, Warrant Officer Mohammed Kamal and two Naval pilots, Commander Murtala Mohammed Daba and Lt. Adeyemi Sowole.)
Thursday, December 20, 2012
A Must Read! How A Woman Saved Her Husband
To marry a good wife is one of the best thing that can happen to a man. The story goes thus:
I, Sarah Adams take Lawson Kuti as my lawful wedded husband, to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, till death do us part” she smiled at him through her veil.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
VIDEO: Golden Eagle Snatches Kid
Somewhere in Montreal yesterday a Golden Eagle tried to snatch a kid from the ground.
Pretty scary What would have happened if it snatched the baby??
The little kid’s father was preoccupied with unpacking his picnic box when the Eagle swooped and picked up the child.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
December 21: Just in Case the World Doesn’t End By Rudolf Ogoo Okonkwo
Just in case the world doesn’t end on Friday, there are still some exciting things to look forward to.
Do you plan to live up to the year 2045? That is 33 years from now. If yes, then you better listen to what a man called Ray Karzweil says. He has pushed Singularity theory back to 2045.
You have to suspend belief if you want to understand Karzweil’s projections. He believes that the human brain can be engineered in the reverse. In effect, by 2045, machine and man will become one.
A Nigerian Halloween Story. written by Temitope Benjamin
A Nigerian Halloween?
Honestly, Nigerians don't celebrate Halloween. Not officially at least. It is not in our culture to do so and it is widely perceived to be alien and "Western-in-origin” which of course, it is. Even at that, this particular mindset is for Nigerians that are even aware of the so called celebrations of the All Hallows’ Eve.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Nurse reveals the top 5 regrets people make on their deathbed
For many years I worked in palliative care. My patients were those who had gone home to die. Some incredibly special times were shared. I was with them for the last three to twelve weeks of their lives. People grow a lot when they are faced with their own mortality.
I learnt never to underestimate someone’s capacity for growth. Some changes were phenomenal. Each experienced a variety of emotions, as expected, denial, fear, anger, remorse, more denial and eventually acceptance. Every single patient found their peace before they departed though, every one of them.
When questioned about any regrets they had or anything they would do differently, common themes surfaced again and again. Here are the most common five:
1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
I learnt never to underestimate someone’s capacity for growth. Some changes were phenomenal. Each experienced a variety of emotions, as expected, denial, fear, anger, remorse, more denial and eventually acceptance. Every single patient found their peace before they departed though, every one of them.
When questioned about any regrets they had or anything they would do differently, common themes surfaced again and again. Here are the most common five:
1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Masturbation is viewed by the Holy Scriptures as something “sacred”. My Rufus will tell you that masturbation is a bad omen. Since this evil act brings nothing but intense pleasure, so many people today are glued to it; with little or no knowledge on the adverse effect it’s likely to bring in the future. Masturbation isn’t entirely bad; at least it serves as a relief system for both men and women. Masturbation is same as having sex. Instead of ejaculating into your partner’s body, you use your hand to stimulate the penis or clitoris and achieve orgasm.
Masturbation is viewed by the Holy Scriptures as something “sacred”. My Rufus will tell you that masturbation is a bad omen. Since this evil act brings nothing but intense pleasure, so many people today are glued to it; with little or no knowledge on the adverse effect it’s likely to bring in the future. Masturbation isn’t entirely bad; at least it serves as a relief system for both men and women. Masturbation is same as having sex. Instead of ejaculating into your partner’s body, you use your hand to stimulate the penis or clitoris and achieve orgasm.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Obama got emotional while giving statement on school shooting (Full Transcript & Video)
Read full transcript after below the video:
America's worst school shooting: Gunman kills 20 children and six adults in Connecticut primary school shooting, say police
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
China to plant vegetables on Mars
Four kinds of vegetables were grown in an "ecological life support system", a 300 cubic metre cabin which will allow astronauts to develop their own stocks of air, water and food while on space missions, Xinhua news agency said Monday. The system, which relies on plants and algae, is "expected to be used in extra-terrestrial bases on the moon or Mars", the report said.
Participants in the experiment could "harvest fresh vegetables for meals", Xinhua quoted Deng Yibing, a researcher at Beijing's Chinese Astronaut Research and Training Centre, as saying. "Chinese astronauts may get fresh vegetables and oxygen supplies by gardening in extra-terrestrial bases in the future," the report said, adding that the experiment was the first of its kind in China. China has said it will land an exploratory craft on the moon for the first time next year, as part of an ambitious space programme that includes a long-term plan for a manned moon landing.
The Asian superpower has been ramping up its manned space activities as the United States, long the leader in the field, has scaled back some of its programmes, such as retiring its iconic space shuttle fleet. In its last white paper on space, China said it was working towards landing a man on the moon—a feat so far only achieved by the United States, most recently in 1972—although it did not give a time frame. China's first astronaut Yang Liwei said last month that Chinese astronauts may start a branch of China's ruling Communist Party in space, state media reported. "If we establish a party branch in space, it would also be the 'highest' of its kind in the world," Xinhua quoted Yang as saying. The astronaut was launched into space and orbited the earth aboard the Shenzhou 5 spacecraft in 2003
Source: AFP
Participants in the experiment could "harvest fresh vegetables for meals", Xinhua quoted Deng Yibing, a researcher at Beijing's Chinese Astronaut Research and Training Centre, as saying. "Chinese astronauts may get fresh vegetables and oxygen supplies by gardening in extra-terrestrial bases in the future," the report said, adding that the experiment was the first of its kind in China. China has said it will land an exploratory craft on the moon for the first time next year, as part of an ambitious space programme that includes a long-term plan for a manned moon landing.
The Asian superpower has been ramping up its manned space activities as the United States, long the leader in the field, has scaled back some of its programmes, such as retiring its iconic space shuttle fleet. In its last white paper on space, China said it was working towards landing a man on the moon—a feat so far only achieved by the United States, most recently in 1972—although it did not give a time frame. China's first astronaut Yang Liwei said last month that Chinese astronauts may start a branch of China's ruling Communist Party in space, state media reported. "If we establish a party branch in space, it would also be the 'highest' of its kind in the world," Xinhua quoted Yang as saying. The astronaut was launched into space and orbited the earth aboard the Shenzhou 5 spacecraft in 2003
Source: AFP
Monday, December 3, 2012
Britain and France to Recall Envoys from Israel
Britain and France are considering recalling their ambassadors to Israel over its plans to build new settler homes in a highly controversial area of the West Bank, Hareetz newspaper reported on Monday.
Reports of a decision by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to build 3,000 homes in east Jerusalem and the West Bank emerged on Friday when an official source confirmed that it was in retaliation for the Palestinians winning the rank of a UN non-member state a day earlier
.The decision to build in a key area east of Jerusalem, called E1, sparked a storm of diplomatic protest from Washngton and Brussels as well as from UN chief Ban Ki-moon, who on Sunday warned it would deal an "almost fatal blow" to the prospects of resolving the conflict
.And on Monday, Haaretz reported that Britain and France were considering recalling their ambassadors for consultations over the plans to build in E1, which the newspaper said they considered a "red line."
"This time it won’t just be a condemnation, there will be real action taken against Israel," a senior European diplomat told the paper, which also quoted another diplomat as saying: "London is furious about the E1 decision."
Quoting diplomatic sources, the paper said Britain and France were coordinating their moves and had "discussed the extraordinary step of recalling their ambassadors from Tel Aviv for consultations" and had informed Washington accordingly.
A final decision would be taken by the countries' foreign ministers on Monday, it said.There was no immediate confirmation of the report from either embassy.
E1 is a highly contentious area of the West Bank that runs between the easternmost edge of annexed east Jerusalem and the Maaleh Adumim settlement.
Palestinians bitterly oppose the E1 project, as it would effectively cut the occupied West Bank in two, north to south, and sever it from Jerusalem, and make the creation of a viable Palestinian state even more problematic.
Source..Daily Star
Tel Aviv,
NASA says doomsday is a hoax
NASA has assured the public that the world will not end on 21 December 2012.
NASA addresses the “Mayans predicted the end of the world” theory on a new section of their website entitled “Beyond 2012: Why the World Won’t End.”
NASA says that the rumour of the imminent doomsday centres around a planet called Nibiru, which doesn’t actually exist.
Rumours suggest that Nibiru will align with Earth, resulting in solar flares. All of this is tied to the supposed end of the Mayan calendar.
“The world will not end in 2012. Our planet has been getting along just fine for more than 4 billion years, and credible scientists worldwide know of no threat associated with 2012,” said NASA.
NASA space scientist David Morrison was interviewed about the rumoured impending 2012 doomsday. “I’m disturbed by letters from kids who are afraid. I think that is the worst part of this hoax, and it is a hoax.”
NASA also urged people to be more concerned about climate change and the current threats our planet faces.
Source: NASA
Pope Joins Twitter
He already has a billion followers.
Now, Pope Benedict XVI will join the Twitter-sphere, tweeting from a personal account along with the world's celebrities, leaders and ordinary folk.
Vatican spokesperson the Reverend Federico Lombardi made the announcement on Thursday, saying details about Benedict's handle and other information will come when the Vatican officially launches the account, perhaps before the end of the year.
The 85-year-old Benedict sent his first tweet from a Vatican account in 2011 when he launched the Vatican's news information portal, aimed at the world's 1.1 billion Catholics.
The new Twitter account will be his own, though it's doubtful Benedict himself will wrestle down his encyclicals, apostolic exhortations and other papal pronouncements into 140-character bites.
Benedict, who writes longhand and doesn't normally use a computer, will more likely sign off on tweets written in his name.
Now, Pope Benedict XVI will join the Twitter-sphere, tweeting from a personal account along with the world's celebrities, leaders and ordinary folk.
Vatican spokesperson the Reverend Federico Lombardi made the announcement on Thursday, saying details about Benedict's handle and other information will come when the Vatican officially launches the account, perhaps before the end of the year.
The 85-year-old Benedict sent his first tweet from a Vatican account in 2011 when he launched the Vatican's news information portal, aimed at the world's 1.1 billion Catholics.
The new Twitter account will be his own, though it's doubtful Benedict himself will wrestle down his encyclicals, apostolic exhortations and other papal pronouncements into 140-character bites.
Benedict, who writes longhand and doesn't normally use a computer, will more likely sign off on tweets written in his name.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Why you shouldn't cheat on your partner
After ten years of what she’d thought was a very good marriage, a woman’s husband surprised her by saying he wanted a divorce… He told her although it was not her fault, he was moving on… He left that night… Several weeks later, she received notice that she had to leave the house in a week… She’d been expecting this, and had secured a small apartment not far away… On her last night in the house, she ordered the large steamed shrimp special he’d loved so much, from his favorite take out place a few blocks down the street… She ate about half of each one, then had a bit more wine… Eventually she rose, and proceeded to clean the kitchen one last time… Since he and his new love would be arriving the next day, she wanted everything in order… The next morning, she went to each of the curtain rods in the two living room windows… She had saved the remnants of the half eaten shrimp from the night before… With them in hand, she removed the end caps of each rod, inserted several of the half eaten shrimp inside, then replaced the caps… She repeated this in all but two rooms in the house… Then she waited… When her ex and his new love arrived, she noted how youthful she appeared, but said nothing save a few well wishes, then quietly slipped from the house for the last time…
All was well for the new couple, for about two weeks… But then the most telling aroma begin to deepen throughout the building… They tried everything to eliminate it… They changed the carpets, they bought new furniture… They repainted every room, and even had the entire place professionally fumigated… Nothing worked… It eventually became clear, they could no longer stay there… He was going to be forced to buy a new house, at nearly twice the price of the existing one… For weeks the old one continued to languish on the market… He was for paying for a home he couldn’t live in, and spending another small fortune in hotel charges… More than one potential buyer had been ready to sign, that is of course, right up until they’d toured the house… One nearly sued him, he’d gagged so badly from the now smoldering stench… So distressed was he by the whole episode, he’d called her and offered to sell her back the house, at less than half its value just to be rid of it… She took a month to think it over, before she finally agreed… And so it was, that she was there when the movers finished packing and started to leave… As the van rounded the corner out of sight, she poured her self a glass of wine… Only then, did the hint of an extremely pleased smile begin to form, as she considered how thoughtful she’d been in pointing out to them they’d almost forgotten to……. TAKE THE CURTAIN RODS AS WELL… !!!
Before you cheat on your woman, think twice and remember hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!
Friday, November 30, 2012
First gay mosque to open in France
Mohammed Ludovic Lütfi Zahed (right), an Algerian Muslim living in France who is married to his gay partner Qiyam al-Din (left), hopes to open a mosque for homosexuals
Mohammed Ludovic Lütfi Zahed, an Algerian Muslim living in Paris is planning to open a ‘mosque for gays’ in France and hopes to eventually conduct same-sex Muslim marriages.
According to reports, Zahed, a homosexual man is married to his gay partner and hopes to open the doors by the end of the month. He also plans to break another Islamic taboo by refusing to segregate women and men.
Zahed says the mosque, in a Buddhist chapel in Paris, will be very different from the conventional mosque. “In normal mosques, women have to sit in the back seats and wear a headscarf and gay men are afraid of both verbal and physical aggression. After performing the Hajj, I realized that a mosque for gays was a must for gay Muslims who want to perform their prayers.”
Zahed is married to Qiyam al-Din, a South African man. Zahed diagnosed with AIDS at 19, became very spiritual but reveals he regularly receives hate mail from Muslims globally, but added he is ‘comfortable’ in his own skin The pair married in South Africa where same-sex marriage is legal, and their marriage was approved by an imam in France, but was not recognised by the previous government as the French are bitterly divided on gay marriages.
Reports that the French President Francois Hollande plans to enact his ‘marriage for everyone plan’ within a year of coming to power in May is circulation but vocal opposition from religious leaders, some politicians and parts of rural France has sparked protests with an estimated 70,000 marchers.
Riot police used tear gas to break up violence between those who support and oppose the change in law.
As well as opposition from those against gay marriage, the couple will likely face persecution from the French Muslim community. Homosexuality is a religious, political and cultural flashpoint among much of the Arab and Islamic world.
Zahed told Al Arabiya News: ‘Being married in front of my family, was like a new start of life for me.
‘I could have never imagined such a day would come, seeing the joy in my parents’ eyes after they had battled with my sexuality and tried with all their might to change the course of my sexual orientation.’
He added that if his marriage is not recognised in France he will return to South Africa.
Mohammed Ludovic Lütfi Zahed, an Algerian Muslim living in Paris is planning to open a ‘mosque for gays’ in France and hopes to eventually conduct same-sex Muslim marriages.
According to reports, Zahed, a homosexual man is married to his gay partner and hopes to open the doors by the end of the month. He also plans to break another Islamic taboo by refusing to segregate women and men.
Zahed says the mosque, in a Buddhist chapel in Paris, will be very different from the conventional mosque. “In normal mosques, women have to sit in the back seats and wear a headscarf and gay men are afraid of both verbal and physical aggression. After performing the Hajj, I realized that a mosque for gays was a must for gay Muslims who want to perform their prayers.”
Zahed is married to Qiyam al-Din, a South African man. Zahed diagnosed with AIDS at 19, became very spiritual but reveals he regularly receives hate mail from Muslims globally, but added he is ‘comfortable’ in his own skin The pair married in South Africa where same-sex marriage is legal, and their marriage was approved by an imam in France, but was not recognised by the previous government as the French are bitterly divided on gay marriages.
Reports that the French President Francois Hollande plans to enact his ‘marriage for everyone plan’ within a year of coming to power in May is circulation but vocal opposition from religious leaders, some politicians and parts of rural France has sparked protests with an estimated 70,000 marchers.
Riot police used tear gas to break up violence between those who support and oppose the change in law.
As well as opposition from those against gay marriage, the couple will likely face persecution from the French Muslim community. Homosexuality is a religious, political and cultural flashpoint among much of the Arab and Islamic world.
Zahed told Al Arabiya News: ‘Being married in front of my family, was like a new start of life for me.
‘I could have never imagined such a day would come, seeing the joy in my parents’ eyes after they had battled with my sexuality and tried with all their might to change the course of my sexual orientation.’
He added that if his marriage is not recognised in France he will return to South Africa.
South Africa
Thursday, November 29, 2012
How to get pranked...But be Careful when you prank
Have ever been Pranked before? Well I have years back and it wasnt funny at all. Below are Videos of people that got pranked in one way and the other. I put it them up to Crack your rips. Enjoy...
Wacth after the cut....
5 Reasons Why Women Have Affairs
There can be little other news that is more devastating to man, than to discover that his wife has cheated on him and has been having an affair with another man. The very thought of another man séxually penetrating his wife, or his wife enthusiastically giving oral séx to her new lover can make the jilted husband feel sick to the stomach for days, even weeks on end.
Photo: Car Made Out Of Basket In Ibadan
Just when one thinks creativity has ended, something comes up. Check out this mind blowing creativity of a man as he made this basket car. Big question really is "Is this car going to work like this?"
See more Pictures after the cut
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
VIDEO: Seun Kuti Walks Off Stage as Security Stopped Fans From Dancing
Nigerian super star performer Seun Kuti and youngest son of Afrobeat legend late Fela Kuti was scheduled to perform on the last night of music showcase during the New world Nigeria event held in Stratford London.
Due to late scheduling and no fault of his own, the renowned saxophonist who was the headline act got on stage an hour later than expected but was determined to fulfil his hour long set to his fans.
From the minute his performances started, the adoring fans couldn’t help but get on their feet dancing to the songs.
The security guards at the Theatre were quick to move in asking the fans to sit down and remain sited.
Noticing what was going on, Seun Kuti spoke up reiterating his reasons for being on stage was to please his fans asking the audience to get up on their feet and rock on.
This led to a rapturous applause from the entire auditorium, leaping to their feet with joy.
Once this happened, the security guards moved in and Seun Kuti stopped the music saying “I am here to make my fans dance, if they are not going to be allowed to do this then I will not perform”. Instantly one security guard jumped on stage to ask that Seun Kuti stopped performing and the show was cut short.
“Footballers Who Are Homosexuals Need To Come Out” – Man Utd’s Keeper, Lindegaard
Anders Lindergaard, has slammed football fans for being ‘stuck in a time of intolerane’ and also said it was about time a ‘gay hero’, showed up in the game.
New invention allows parents to hold their babies... BEFORE birth (PHOTOS) | baby
Expectant parents who cannot wait to hold their new child can now buy a three-dimensional model of the foetus to cradle and show friends.
Japanese inventors have devised a way to transform the commonplace ultrasound scan into an anatomically correct resin replica for parents to handle and keep as a memento.
The nine-centimetre (3.6-inch) resin model of the white foetus, encased in a transparent block in the shape of the mother’s body, is fashioned by a 3D printer after an MRI scan.
Japanese inventors have devised a way to transform the commonplace ultrasound scan into an anatomically correct resin replica for parents to handle and keep as a memento.
The nine-centimetre (3.6-inch) resin model of the white foetus, encased in a transparent block in the shape of the mother’s body, is fashioned by a 3D printer after an MRI scan.
Expectant parents in Japan who can’t wait to show the world what their baby will look like can now buy a 3D model of the foetus to pass around their friends
FASOTEC, the company offering the ‘Shape of an Angel’ model, even offers parents a miniature version which could be a ‘nice adornment to a mobile phone strap or key chain.’
Tomohiro Kinoshita, of FASOTEC, said: ‘As it is only once in a lifetime that you are pregnant with that child, we received requests for these kind of models from pregnant women who… do not want to forget the feelings and experience of that time.’
The ‘Shape of an Angel’ costs 100,000 yen (or around £760), and the company said the ideal time for a scan is around eight or nine months into the pregnancy.
The company also offers the acrylic resin scan as a small charm ‘perfect for hanging from a mobile phone or key chain’
16-year-old girl jumps off a bridge, after she was caught drinking vodka in school
A teenager downed shots of vodka at school then jumped to her death from a motorway bridge because she was ‘worried about getting into trouble’, an inquest heard today.
Wendy Maguire, 16, left the school grounds after being sent to the head teacher’s office when staff reported smelling alcohol on her breath.
Two hours after her parents were called into the school in Ilford, Wendy, who had consumed twice the legal drink drive limit, jumped off a bridge and died.
Recording a verdict of suicide, coroner Chinyere Inyama said: ‘Wendy was not the type of person who would do things on impulse. She was the kind of person who thought things through.
‘My view is that Wendy, thinking she was going to be in trouble, in a short space of time thought things through and decided she was going to jump off the bridge.’
‘Bright and bubbly’ Wendy downed shots before classes started on January 13 this year, it was heard today.
Wendy Maguire, 16, left the school grounds after being sent to the head teacher’s office when staff reported smelling alcohol on her breath.
Two hours after her parents were called into the school in Ilford, Wendy, who had consumed twice the legal drink drive limit, jumped off a bridge and died.
Recording a verdict of suicide, coroner Chinyere Inyama said: ‘Wendy was not the type of person who would do things on impulse. She was the kind of person who thought things through.
‘My view is that Wendy, thinking she was going to be in trouble, in a short space of time thought things through and decided she was going to jump off the bridge.’
‘Bright and bubbly’ Wendy downed shots before classes started on January 13 this year, it was heard today.
Racquel Gonzalez, 24, has been arrested for allegedly assaulting her boyfriend, 30-year-old Esric Davis, when he had an orgásm and she did not, according to a police report obtained by the Smoking Gun.
The Manatee County, Fla. couple were having séx on Monday afternoon, Davis told deputies, and after he climaxed, Gonzalez got angry and started scratching and hitting him.
The police report states that Davis had scratches near his eye and nose. Davis also told investigators that Gonzalez has issues from her past and "goes off" on him frequently.
Gonzalez, who the report states was uncooperative and belligerent during her arrest, was charged with felony domestic battery.
This isn't the first time séx has led to violence in the great state of Florida. In September, a woman was arrested near Port Charlotte after pulling a gun on a man while they were having séx in a moving car.
Huffington Post
Giant anaconda regurgitates a whole undigested cow (WATCH)
Almost 66,000 people have watched the gruesome footage of a giant anaconda regurgitating an entire animal in the Brazilian jungle.
Despite its content, the video has become a surprise online hit on YouTube in just two days.
Behold meet The Most Handsome Man In The World?
Francisco Javier Escobar Parra from Colombia is the newly crowned Mr World 2012. The male pageant took place on Saturday 24th of November in Kent , United Kingdom..
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Meet Africa's Richest Woman - Mrs Folorunsho Alakija
Mrs Folorunsho Alakija used to be a designer back in the day, don't know if she still is.
Anyway, she went into the oil business many years back; she has an oil bloc that pulls in N157 million a day. Yes, you read right! She is the Vice Chairman of Famfa Oil and Gas limited and has emerged the richest woman in Africa according to Forbes November 2012 edition, with a net worth of $600million, which is about N94 billion.
The 61 year old former FADAN president is married and has four boys.
Anyway, she went into the oil business many years back; she has an oil bloc that pulls in N157 million a day. Yes, you read right! She is the Vice Chairman of Famfa Oil and Gas limited and has emerged the richest woman in Africa according to Forbes November 2012 edition, with a net worth of $600million, which is about N94 billion.
The 61 year old former FADAN president is married and has four boys.
This woman is 70 years old but looks younger than 30.
They say ‘black don’t crack’ but 70-year-old Annette Larkins might have found the secret to eternal youth, only hers doesn’t imply using growth hormones and testosterone.
10 things you should never say to a man in bed
If the séx is great, you shouldn’t even realize the phone is ringing, never mind want to answer it.
Here’s the scenario: You and your lover are in the middle of some seriously séxy time between the sheets and the vibe is absolutely magical. (We’re talking best night ever status!) Then, just when you think the moment couldn’t get any séxier, someone says something they shouldn’t have, and suddenly things start to go downhill fast. If this sounds familiar, you already know how easily your mouth can get you into trouble in the sack.
Here’s the scenario: You and your lover are in the middle of some seriously séxy time between the sheets and the vibe is absolutely magical. (We’re talking best night ever status!) Then, just when you think the moment couldn’t get any séxier, someone says something they shouldn’t have, and suddenly things start to go downhill fast. If this sounds familiar, you already know how easily your mouth can get you into trouble in the sack.
Photo Of Iceberg That Sank The Titanic Ship Up For Sale
An auction house is selling a black and white photo of the iceberg that experts say the Titanic struck shortly before it sank on its maiden voyage.
Nigerian Baby Dies After Home Circumcision in the UK
A four-week-old Nigerian baby boy, Goodluck Caubergs, bled to death after a poorly-handled home circumcision by a Nigerian nurse, a court heard On Monday.
9 things a boss should never say to an employee
Threats and power plays are not the way to inspire loyalty or great performance from the individual workers. Great executives lead by inspiring, teaching, encouraging, and even serving their employees. Good leaders do not need to threaten.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Sir Alex Ferguson statue unveiled at Old Trafford.
Sir Alex Ferguson statue was unveiled yesterday at Old Trafford.and was unveiled his wife, Lady Cathy Ferguson,present players and past player paid tribute to the great manager such including Eric Cantona, Andy Cole, Denis Irwin, Gary and Phil Neville, Bryan Robson, Peter Schmeichel, Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, Ruud van Nistelrooy, Edwin van der Sar and Dwight Yorke were present while Cristiano Ronaldo and David Beckham pre-recorded tributes apologising for their absence.the state was designed by sculptor Philip Jackson.
10 bad habits that can seriously damage your brain
Well, according to a report on Medicalopedia, there are ten habits, that can potentially cause serious damage to the brain. And they are:
Women uses ‘white stone’ to restored virginity in Cameroon
In Cameroon, alum stone is reputed for ‘restoring’ a woman’s virginity, since it tightens the vagina. But not only is it a short-lived sensation, the practice can also lead to serious health risks.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Successful entrepreneurs are not perfect but brilliant – Omene
Godwin Omene is a former Managing Director/Chief Executive, Niger Delta Development Commission and Chairman/CEO, Gladson Petrogas Limited. In this presentation made available to Okechukwu Nnodim, he says the single function that constitutes entrepreneurship is innovation
Who is an entrepreneur?
An entrepreneur is anyone who owns a business enterprise for the purpose of making profit. Entrepreneurs include contractors, producers, investors, traders, industrialists, manufacturers, etc. An entrepreneur could also be defined as someone who runs a business at his own financial risk. An entrepreneur can also be defined as someone that sees an opportunity, puts together a team, and builds a business that profit from the opportunity.
Benitez booed by fans as Chelsea fail to sparkle
Rafael Benitez’s reign at Chelsea got off to a negative start, with the new manager being booed by the crowd at Stamford Bridge during his first game in charge as the Blues drew 0-0 with Manchester City on Sunday.
How a Lady Almost Snatched My Husband With Séx; But I Got Him Back –Married Woman
I have been married for the past 9 yrs, I'm blessed with 3 kids (2boys and a girl) and I have the most amazing hubby... I'm trying to correct the notion that all marriages are wacky and all because that's not true. It wouldn't be nice if some single girls out there don't get to know that marriages can work if u make it happen.
Four New Cases Of SARS-like Virus Found
A new virus from the same family as SARS which sparked a global alert in September has now killed two people in Saudi Arabia, and total cases there and in Qatar have reached six, the World Health Organisation said.
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