Wednesday, September 5, 2012

"True" blacks, slavery and the U.S. elections

Rush Limbaugh went on a racist tirade on his show today, claiming that President Obama is not "authentically black" because he has no "slave blood."

The statement came from Limbaugh while he was discussing First lady Michelle Obama's speech at the Democratic National Convention:

Don't give me this "down with the strugg-hle" business. He wasn't "down with the strugg-hle." That's the whole point. You go back to 2008 and the Democrats were wringing their hands because he wasn't authentically black. That's the reason the Reverend Sharpton had a problem with him, and they wrote that column in the LA Times about "the magic negro." He wasn't "down with the strugg-hle." He doesn't have "slave blood."

You really can't fix stupid. Since when did being a slave or having ''slave blood'' running through your veins signify blackness. It's almost like saying Rush isn't white because he never owned slaves. It's amazing that people can still be this stupid in this age!

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