Thursday, November 1, 2012

10 Séx Tips Every Guy Should Take

Wanna blow her mind and keep her coming back? Perhaps even bring a friend? Check out the top ten must-know secrets for guys to keep the gals satisfied.

1. It’s safer at the shallow end. What I mean by this is that, evidence suggests, the outer third of the vágina is the most sensitive, so deep thrusting isn’t essential – at least not for her! Instead, try ‘dipping’ the tip of your member in and out of her vágina.

2. There are more than two erogenous zones. Yes the breásts and pubíc area are obvious hot-spots but they get a lot hotter when stimulated in conjunction with other areas. Try kíssing and gently stroking her neck, back, stomach and inner thighs.

3. Women are slow burners. For women, good séx takes time. Women are also more emotional lovers. So dedicating 10-15 minutes prior to séx, cuddling, kissing and holding your partner will be infinitely more successful at getting her arouséd than spending a frustrating 5 minutes rubbing an unresponsive clítoris.

4. Tell her how great she looks. And mean it. On the whole, women don’t love to be nakéd. The second her clothes come off she feels vulnerable and sensitive. When she undresses, tell her what you love about her body. And if she tries to turn the lights off, turn them back on to show her she has nothing to be embarrassed about.

5. Assume the right position. Yes, the pieces of the puzzle will always go together but there are certain tricks that will help make sure they are the perfect fit. By simply sliding a pillow under her bottom while you enter her, you bring her clítoris and g-spot into better contact with you.

6. You should both finish the race. As already mentioned, women take time to clímax. Men, however, are much quicker. Orgasmícally speaking, she is the tortoise to your hare. So if you clímax first, no matter how tired you are, you’re responsible for helping her over the finish line. The best tactic? Head south with your mouth.

7. Talk to her. This doesn’t mean you need to launch into a running commentary on your love-making, but break the silence/moaning every now and again with some arousing words. Women love communication from men, including in the bedroom. Occasionally mention why you love doing what you are doing to her, ask her what she wants you to do next, or throw in the guaranteed winner … “I just can’t get enough of you…” Best said in a husky, breathless voice.

8. Be clean. Just as you’re more inspired to indulge her in some orál action when you know she’s just washed, women are also more turned on by a tidy man. Seeing you showered, shaven, smelling good with a clean t-shirt on and with freshly brushed teeth is like foreplay to her.

9. Aim for G -Spot Orgásm. Only 30% of women have ever reached a g -spot climáx, and 100% of women want to experience this unknown ecstasy. So if you’re the guy who helps her to get there, you’ll forever be seen as a séx god in her eyes. The best technique to achieve this is to use a curved finger or g -spot toy.

10. Enjoy Orál Séx. Yes she can tell when you flinch or seem hesitant about going down on her. But even if it isn’t your favourite thing to do, it’s the best way for most women to reach orgásm, so you’ll have to learn to enjoy it. Because when she’s happy, you’re happy, right?

7 ways to get the girlfriend of your dreams

You wouldn’t believe how often a man sees a woman he likes and does nothing because he is busy thinking of thousands of scenarios. He wants to start with the perfect pickup line to make her fall for him. Or he’s holding his phone trying to craft the perfect text.

Let’s cut to the chase. Women are awesome! Dating women, spending time with women, being surrounded by women is awesome.

Unless you’re trapped in the “friend zone”…

Then being around women can be torture. You are in a prison and beautiful women are the guards. They are all around you, but you can’t reach through the bars to touch them.

I have been where you are. But I escaped. And now I can help you arrange your own prison break.

The thing about this escape is that it’s not about what you should do; it’s about what you must not do. If you can avoid these seven deadly dating sins, then you can have a life worth living:

1. Being Too Eager

You want a girl. You want to date her. But if you get too excited and push too hard you will kill her attraction for you. Wood needs two things to burn, fire and oxygen. If you cover her with your fire, she can’t get any oxygen and will pull back just to be able to breathe.

Give her the space to fall for you. Let her know you are interested but don’t go for the full court press.

2. Acting Like a Child

As children we hold our mom’s hand and let her lead us everywhere. She tells us what to do and where to go. We are used to letting a woman lead us around.

Do not do this with a woman you’re attracted to. Every time she leads you through a club or picks the restaurant or movie, a little part of her attraction for you dies. She will stop feeling like your girlfriend and start feeling like your mommy.

Women like men of action; decision-makers, trigger-pullers. If you can’t pick a restaurant, how are you going to protect her when there is a noise downstairs in the middle of the night?

Stop acting like a child. Start acting like a man.

3. Over-Thinking

You like a girl. You spend months planning out the perfect way to ask her out. But the day before you do, some random dude just walks up and asks her out. Now they’ve been dating for months and are talking about getting married. And you get to cry yourself to sleep at night.

Ninety-percent of dating is actually about taking action.

You wouldn’t believe how often a man sees a woman he likes and does nothing because he is busy thinking of thousands of scenarios. He wants to start with the perfect pickup line to make her fall for him. Or he’s holding his phone trying to craft the perfect text.

Not taking action is a form of action; the wrong form.

4. Letting Fear Hold You Back

Just like over-thinking, fear can freeze you. At every phase of a relationship, fear can murder you. What if you walk up to a woman in a bar and say hello and then she stabs you? I’ve imagined that. You’re talking to her and want to hold her hand but then she might freak out and run screaming into the dark of night.

You are afraid to tell her you like her. You chicken out on asking her to prom.

There is nothing more unattractive than a man who is afraid.

If you just start taking action, if you put fear in your pocket and ignore it, your life will change dramatically.

5. Putting Her On a Pedestal

Nobody wants to be worshipped. I once had a friend who said a girl could never be too needy. So I set him up with the neediest girl I knew. He loved it for a few weeks but then he dumped her because she kept saying how she didn’t deserve him.

Women don’t want a groveler. They want a partner and a leader.

If you keep telling her she’s out of your league, eventually she will start to believe you!

And then she will dump you.

6. Having a Gross Apartment

I shouldn’t have to say this but your bathroom is probably disgusting. Almost every time a girl comes over, she will ask to use the bathroom before she gets kinky. And when she sees a black ring in that toilet, she is going to head for the hills.

Girls are more aware of cleanliness than men and a dirty apartment can freak them out. I know guys who won’t take a girl home when they realize their apartment isn’t clean. Don’t shoot yourself in the foot. Clean your place. It’s the easiest thing in the world. Turn your home base into your ally.

7. Making Your Life Revolve Around Women

What do you think happens when you go out hunting for women seven nights a week and you finally get a girlfriend? Suddenly, all your plans are cancelled. Yourlife becomes empty. Now all your plans revolve around hanging out with her.

Think of a new hobby. Fast!

Girls want to be with a man who has an amazing life. You need to start building that now. If you don’t have other things in your life besides your charm, all your relationships will die after a few weeks.

Be a Man Who Acts On His Intentions

You know who you are and you know what you want. And now you know what mistakes to avoid on the path to your destination. If you stay the course you can have long and amazing relationships.

Avoid these deadly pitfalls and you can have the girlfriend of your dreams.


Jonathan Green: Get-A-Girlfriend expert Jonathan Green holds a master’s degree in applied linguistics. A member of Mensa, he has taught at Vanderbilt University and overseas. He worked a decade as a DJ in clubs in the United States, Japan and UK. He has three sisters and loves to paint, draw with pastels and play the guitar. Jonathan qualified twice in the Junior Olympics in Taekwondo and once saved a girl from drowning.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Sex education for teenagers

Experts say it is easier to pass information on sex education to boys than to girls. Therefore, if your daughter has attained puberty, you should not hesitate to discuss sex with her.
During puberty, many adolescents turn to their friends and the media for the answers to their questions. And most of the time, they get the wrong answers. You may be surprised to learn that they always wish they could ask their own parents the same questions rather than to turn to their peers.
Besides, failure on the part of parents to talk about puberty and sex does not make the potential problems go away. By the time they clock 10 years, about 49 per cent of adolescents admit that they have had sex. The margin increases to 79 per cent by the time they grow older.
Talking about sex with your teenage child will not necessarily make him or her to explore his or her sexuality. In fact, studies have shown that an open discussion on sex can help to prevent unwanted teenage pregnancy. Do not think it is one big, difficult conversation. Instead, you should see it as a continuous conversation that should last throughout the period of adolescence.
Do not shove more content into the discussion than they can absorb and process. Tell them what they need to learn in snippets and give them enough time to think about it before inviting them to ask questions. Encourage them to share details about their life with you, no matter how embarrassing they are.
Although starting the conversation with the girls may require some tact on your part, you can let her know that you are not sure if she has started puberty and sex education in school or seen her monthly period. The truth is that many teenagers hide this fact from their parents. And many parents are unaware of how much sexual exposure their children have gained.
As you talk to them, note the changes in the bodies of the girls. The first sign of puberty is evident in the development of the breasts. As this continues, growth can be uneven. On the other hand, for most boys, development is reflected by changes in their voices and tufts of hair in their armpits.
As their breasts develop, the girls grow bigger and their hips become wider. Your daughter may be visibly worried that she is gaining weight, but explain that she is just gearing up for a growth spurt. Girls need healthy weight gain during this stage in their lives. Take care not to make them feel the pressure to diet. Remember that how you feel about yourself will be reflected in how your daughter views herself. So be mindful about what you are communicating about her body and image. For the boys, there may not be obvious changes in weight. But they may just grow taller with long bones.
Today, most Nigerian girls begin to observe their monthly periods before their 13th birthday. About 90 per cent of them get to this stage by the time they are 14 years old and 98 per cent by the age of 15. While some can’t wait to start their periods, others may be frightened or anxious. To add to their anxiety, many girls don’t have a complete understanding of their reproductive system or what actually happens during the menstrual cycle.
Tell your teenage daughter how long a period normally lasts and how often they occur. Tell her that her menstrual flow will likely last for seven days or less. Her period may be irregular for the first few years. Once their menstrual cycle becomes regular, most girls see their period every 25 to 30 days. Some get them as frequently as every 21 days or as infrequently as every 45 days. Let her know what to expect.
With boys, the testosterone gushes out fast with much pressure, thereby making them to be aware of their sexuality. This testosterone sometimes causes them to experience night emissions. This is the natural way in which the body regulates the level of semen and sperm cells in their scrotum. Please note that night emission is not the same thing as wet dreams. While night emission is done without any human effort or assistance, wet dreams are the results of sexual fantasy.
You can tell your daughter that during her menstrual period, hormones can cause nausea, cramping, and diarrhea. Talk to her about sanitary products. Explain the different options and discuss the pros and cons of each one. Show her how to use them.
Talk to the girl about the odors and discharges between periods. Explain to her that it is normal for fluid to be discharged through her sex organ as a way of cleansing itself naturally. Teach her to wipe from front to back after using the bathroom to avoid vaginal or bladder infections. Caution your daughter against using feminine sprays.
To be continued.

Get massive traffic to your website

One of the most important things for a website is traffic. It is something that makes your site come alive and keeps it going. Without traffic, the site is just another site among the others, unnoticed and forgotten. This is quite sad actually because there are so many good websites out there that have been lost because they have no traffic. Why is that you ask? It is quite simple actually, most people do not know about Search Engine Optimization and for this reason they left behind in the IM race.

There are 2 main ways to approach this problem. The first is to do the SEO work and try to compete with the top websites for the first place in Google. This is hard work that can take ages and will cost you a lot.

The other way is to buy targeted traffic to your website. This allows you to get your website seen without having to go neck to neck with the hardcore SEO people. You can actually buy targeted visitors to your site who will be interested in your products or the website. Many of the visitors will remember your site and will come back, this will help you to climb on the Google ladder and will improve your rankings. The traffic providers have come a long way and the quality has reached a high level of quality.

I have used bought traffic to boost my sales and website rankings in the past for almost every project. It helps to jump start the projects and it allows you to start earning from your site from the beginning. I have tried many taffic providers in the past but from all others stands out. I am very pleased with the service they provide. They can provide nearly half a million visitors to you in a single day! Now that is a lot! And the prices are around 1$ per 1000 targeted visitors.

If you want quality traffic, go and check out

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