Monday, September 3, 2012

What Guys Hate!

It is self-defeating. Stay close to a man by giving him his freedom. If he's trustworthy, give him a break. If he's a cheating rat, move on.

I don't know why some girls are always crying for attention, it's like no matter how much you try to give them, it never seems to be sufficient. I don’t mind spending time with my girl but sometimes I think they get too needy with this attention business. Guys want to have time for themselves too, you know to play video games, watch sports and stuff or even hang out with the boys. I think if women would just chill out and let their men chill then they wouldn’t be getting the artificial attention they sometimes get. So ladies, all I’m saying is stop begging for attention and just let it flow naturally.

One thing I learnt about women is that, whenever they are mad, you have to be extra sensitive towards them not to hurt their feelings; but when a guy is mad he’s always overreacting. What’s wrong with a guy getting mad if he sees you giggling with another man, huh? Not that I do that, but you know what I mean. If your boyfriend/husband is mad about something try to understand and don’t say he’s overreacting.

 Women who cling to a guy for dear life, call a dozen times a day and drive a man crazy show their insecurity.

Get off his back, as men are offended by repeated criticism, constant requests and pointing out errors in their judgment or actions.

 Is it him or his wallet? How much money a man spends or makes isn’t your business, and men feel used when asked by new dates to buy them gifts or pay the rent.

 This shows that a woman is not over the relationship. Bitter, hateful comments make men nervous. Who needs more drama or more anger from a date?

other women or men shows that a woman is petty and makes a man uncomfortable. He’s smart enough to know you would bad-mouth him, too.

Girl-talk is something men do not appreciate, and chattering about your hairdresser’s comments, office gossip and clothes is a turnoff. Find something interesting or funny to tell him.

Hey, you weren’t in Haiti. Complaining about your petty problems, or even major ones, is deadly for a relationship. Men value a smiling face and happy disposition. They have their own problems and don’t bother you.

Men are comfortable with women who are comfortable with themselves.

Ladies, we hate when we are trying to talk and you keep interrupting the conversation. Sometimes you interrupt the conversation to say something that is not even related to the subject. Something like, "Oh babe, I saw this nice handbag can I get it?" STOP DOING THAT.

Men hate it when they go to the trouble of planning a date, picking a woman up and taking her out, and never getting a thank you. Men want to be appreciated. And they prefer women who are considerate and grateful, at least verbally.

Remember the man who insisted in his pre-nup, that his future wife never took more than two bags on any trip? Men hate to carry all that luggage and many fights have erupted over heavy, bulky luggage.

This one right here is a killer. I know she’s mad and I asked and she’s telling me nothing is wrong.
After asking for a while she returns and lets me know well, you are my problem and she just starts pouring everything down on me, all the anger, frustrations and blames. You know you are mad and I know you are mad, why the silent treatment or saying nothing is wrong when I ask?

Be ready on time. Men appreciate promptness, which is just good manners. Making him wait while you primp is stupid and he’ll be in a bad mood for the evening.

Have you been guilty of behaving in any of these ways in the past? And do you agree with the guys on this one?

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