Saturday, August 11, 2012


So, it's my debut. Like we all crave to channel our thoughts and frustrations in some kind of way, I decided to start a blog. I'm a writer, so why can't I have a blog. It's 2012 anyway. Just like my good, old, little book started, I've been planning to start a blog of my own for gajillion years. Time, which is known not be man's friend prevented me and kept pushing stuffs my way. Stuffs, I had no choice but to deal with. Hence, my dream of starting a blog stayed in the pipe until I stood up and told time to cut me some slack. Not that it did anyways, but at least I started the blog.
Now, this should be a little different from the everyday, run-in-the-mill blogs, because I think myself to be different in very weird ways. I don't mean to scare you. Hahahaha! I've always had the privilege to witness some really uncanny encounters, which if reported, will make some newspaper houses go green with envy. Also, while we ride together, expect to read a lot about ordinary things that might seem extra terrestrial to you. Believe me, they aren't. They happen right here in this planet where you and I dwell.

I have also decided to closely follow the forthcoming Presidential election of Uncle Sam. It might appear to be the most closely watched and most interesting Presidential election in the history of the United States. For me, I can't wait to see who the next occupant of the white house is going to be. Romney or Obama? Let's keep our fingers crossed, folks. I won't bore you with too much blabbering, hahaha. It's my first post and I'm actually writing this, just back from a 16hr train ride, tired, sleepy and hungry. You can't blame me, I had to write something on this blog today.

I'll go get some deserved rest and get back here so we can get things rolling. You can just watch this space. We'll have loads of fun together. Promise!!