Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Innocent gestures that could get you killed abroad

Usually we travel from one country to another and don't even know how close we get to being offensive with these innocent gestures. Before you take that next trip, we advise you read this piece so you don't become another ''idiot abroad''. You might want to watch how you tap your fingers or roll your eyes when next you travel to these countries.

In Greece, merely holding your hand out will attract a few hostile stares, and if you're not very lucky, a complete beat up. This seemingly harmless gesture is known as the ''moutza'' and it dates back to the time of the Byzantine Empire when they paraded criminals on horseback through the streets. They often had their faces blackened with either charcoal or a worse substance. If you're looking to piss a Greek person off, you can do the double moutza which features both hands splayed above your head. You should also be ready to either sprint like one of the Olympic athletes or bear the consequences. It's actually your call.

We all throw the thumbs up gesture around carelessly, but it's hideously offensive in some countries to put your thumbs up and it could land you in serious trouble. In a large part of Latin America, West Africa, Greece, Russia and the South of Italy, the thumbs up gesture is synonymous with the middle finger...''sit on it and pivot''...hahahah.

Also, you might want to be mindful of how fast you use the thumbs up gesture in the Middle East. You're literally asking for truck loads of trouble as this is the biggest insult out there.

Yes, Bollywood is pretty and we love all these dance steps and stuffs, but when you travel to India or Pakistan, the ''cutis'' is a No Bueno. In Western cultures, it interprets to the thumbs up sign but in these two countries, holding your thumb up and pushing the nail on your thumb against your front teeth, basically means ''screw you''. We haven't heard of so many Indian boxers but you never can say if you try the ''cutis'' gesture in India.

Should you ever find yourself in Belgium, France, Northern Italy or Tunisia, you might want to think twice before you flick your chin with your hand. In France, this gesture is known as la barbe or the beard. It could fetch you some amount of la whooping as it's literally short of flashing your own privates. In these countries, it means get lost and in Italy it stands for "no".

A good way to get deported from Russia (or Ukraine) is by giving an even number of flowers. You might have the same even number of flowers given at your own funeral because even number of flowers are only given at funerals in these countries. Such gift is seen as inviting death. You should also never give a clock present to a Chinese person as the word ''clock'' is almost identical to death. And for the love of your loved ones, don't ever give anyone a white flower in Bangladesh or they will presumably be obliged to buy a spade and bury themselves while muttering at you reproachfully.

Finally, a very efficient way to land in jail in most Arab countries especially Saudi Arabia is to do the five fathers gesture which gently translates: your mother is a whore. It is known to be the rudest hand gesture in the Arab world. This sign accuses the subject's mother of having so many suitors that paternity is impossible to determine. To execute, point your left index finger at your right hand, while pursing all fingers of the right hand together. The insult is extreme and almost certain to provoke violence.

We love you and want you to enjoy your travels but also hope you won't be daring to try out these gestures as they are very likely to land you in lots of trouble in places where they are regarded to be offensive.

 The blogger does not accept any responsibility for violence, rioting or deportation that may result from attempts to mimic these gestures

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