Saturday, May 25, 2013

Names of Towns with Funny Names

These are a bunch of misjudged names of some places in the world. How funny would it look if someone walked up to you and said "Hello, my name's Chuck and I'm from Horneytown, NC".

1. Anus, France

2. Assinippi, Massassachusetts

3. Assloss, Scotland

4. Bald Knob, Arkansas

5. Ballplay, Tennessee

6. Beaver Lick, Kentucky

7. Big Beaver, Pennsylvania

8. Big Bone Lick State Park, Kentucky

9. Big Knockerstown, England

10. Blackdykes, England

11. Blowhard, Australia

12. Blue Ball, Ohio . . . Blue Ball, Delaware . . . Blue Ball, Pennsylvania

13. Bobbin Head, Australia

14. Boysack, Scotland

15. Brest, France

16. Bumpass, Virginia

17. Busti, New York

18. Buttzville, New Jersey

19. Caulkerbush, Scotland

20. Climax, Georgia

21. Cockintake, England

22. Cockplay, Scotland

23. Cocksgag, Ohio

24. Deep Gap, Tennessee

25. Dickeyville, Wisconsin

26. Dickshooter, Idaho

27. Dicktown, New Jersey

28. Dildo, Canada

29. Dikshit, India

30. Erect, North Carolina

31. Fanny, West Virginia

32. French Lick, Indiana

33. Fucking, Austria

Where's the person on the bike? Oh, no... not in public.

34. Gayville, South Dakota

35. Hookersville, West Virgina

36. Horneytown, North Carolina

37. Intercourse, Pennsylvania

38. Knock Lick, Kentucky

39. Little Dix Village, West Indies

40. Long Dong, China

41. Loveladies, New Jersey

42. Mary’s Inlet, Canada

43. Mount Gay, West Virginia

44. Mount Mee, Australia

45. Muff, Ireland

There really is a diving club in Muff, Ireland.

46. Nipple, Utah

47. Onacock, Virginia

48. Pennis Wood, England

49. Pussy Creek, Ohio

50. Puseyville, Pennsylvania

51. Ramsbottom, England

52. Sexmoan, Phillippines

53. Shag Island, Indian Ocean

54. Smackass Gap, North Carolina

55. Spread Eagle, Wisconsin

56. Sweet Lips, Tennessee

57. Ta Ta Creek, Canada

58. Three Cocks, Wales

59. Threeway, Virginia

60. Pussy, France

61. Condom, France

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